Chapter 24

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I rolled over reaching my hand to the other side of the bed and feeling nothing. Where was Caroline? I shot up looking around the room, on my desk sat a piece of paper that read.


Went with Bekah and Matt to finish setting up for the Ball! Thank you for last night you really are a proper gentlemen.



I was on the stairs preparing to make my way to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. On the other side stood Damon the moment I seen his face my blood starts to boil, since I heard that he compelled Caroline into doing things with him I wanted to kill him. Honestly I don't know why I hadn't yet, in the past I would have ripped out his heart without thinking twice, has this girl made me soft? "Earth to Klaus" He said waving his hand in front of my face breaking my train of thought. "What" I said grabbing his wrist and snapping it. He winced but didn't let out any noise; he was trying to prove the he was tough. "I came here to ask you to be respectful of my brother's feelings tonight. I know you are talking Barbie to the dance, he still has feeling for her so try not to throw your relationship in his face." I hated hearing him call her Barbie I felt it was an insult to her intelligence. "Caroline and I are not in a relationship, despite what you might have heard" I informed him. Something was happening between us but now isn't the time to figure it out; apparently we are they only one worried about Tyler and his little which and bitch. "So he has a chance?" Damon stated with an evil grin. "I wouldn't go that far. From my understanding she has made it very aware to him that she only cares for him as a friend."

"So she says but magical things could happen at a Ball."

"I seem it is time for you to leave." I said slamming the door in his face.


Rebekah and I came home to what seemed like an empty house. Where was everyone? As I walked toward my room and I could hear the shower running in Klaus's room. For a moment I had the urge to join him, but I know he wanted to take things slow and this bond we have couldn't have been making that easy. I'm actually really enjoying his courting of me, I've never known what it was like to have someone care enough to get to know me or respect me enough to wait. With Matt it wasn't really we kissed a few times to keep up the charade, with Damon it was me being used for my blood, body and because he couldn't have what his brother had, with Tyler it was just two lonely people pretending to be in love and have a lot of sex so they could avoid their really feelings about themselves.

I finished getting ready I grabbed my small clutch that matched my dress and put the vial of Elena's blood in it. I then put two Reese peanut butter cups in there to mask the smell of blood form the other vampires that would be in attendance. Gosh I'm so nervous but not because of the plan I was confident in my idea, I'm nervous to spend a romantic evening with Klaus. I took a breath and left my room and headed for the stairs. As I stood at the top of the stairs I saw Rebekah is her amazing royal blue gown fixing Matts tie. I also took notice to Marcel rolling his eyes at the couple. At the bottom of the stair case I saw Klaus looking up at me smiling with those irritable dimples screaming kiss me. Again I took a deep breath and made my way to them in the parlor.


I was standing at the bottom of the stair in the parlor waiting for Caroline so we could get going. I must admit I am rather excited a ball is more my taste though I was a bit annoyed at the change of Stefan trying to make a move on her. What I told Damon is true we aren't a couple but make no mistake Caroline will be mine, I gave him his chance and now the time of me sitting back and wait was over. I looked up and seen probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Caroline look breathtaking in this light green gown that hung off her body perfectly the bodice had beautiful beat work on it. It was simple but stunning. (Picture of the dress above) she joined me at the bottom of the stares I took her hand and kissed it "Love, you are the vision of perfection." Her checks turned a rose color and she smiled lightly "You clean up quiet nice yourself Mr.Mikaelson" She flirted. "Oh, I am forever too young to be called Mr.Mikaelson" I joked with her. "Guys we should be going" Matt said interrupting our flirting.

We arrived at the Ball which was decorating beautifully I'm not surprise having had both Rebekah and Caroline planning this event. We sat at our table, also seated at our table was Matt and Rebekah, Elena and Damon, and Stefan and Bonnie. "Caroline you look beautiful" Stefan complemented her as we sat down. I was getting angry and of course she felt in and grabbed my hand under the table to calm me. "Thank you" she said looking down obviously feeling awkward. "So how doesn't this work" Rebekah asked sensing the weird vibe. "Well after dinner we will all start dancing and for every hour you dance your sponsor will donate the agreed amount to the charity" Caroline explained thankful for the change of subject.

The rest of dinner went ok, though I did catch Stefan glancing over at Caroline a few times. We had been on the dance floor for about thirty minutes and a slow song started Caroline wrapped her hands around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist. Noticing I hadn't seen Tyler yet I whispered in her ear "what if he doesn't show?"

"Then we will spend a great night together" she said moving her thumb back and forth massaging my neck. "When you do things like that you make it really difficult to be chivalrous" I confessed to her. She leaned her head back so that our eyes we connected "who said chivalry was dead? Well actually I guess it kind of is" she said making a vampire joke.

We dance a little more and then "Caroline? Can we talk?" he looked at me "Alone?"

"No" I answered lightly holding her arm. She looked up at me and back at Tyler "Yes, it fine he doesn't answer for me, it's not like he's my boyfriend." I know that she was only being cold to fool the boy but I would be lying if I said the worlds didn't hurt.


So far the plan was working just as I had planned, granted it had just started. Tyler and I stood in a hall way "What did you want to talk about? I can't be gone for too long."

"Are you really with him?" Tyler asked.

"Is that really what you want to talk about?" I questioned not knowing how to answer his question.

"Care if you apologize now, I can protect you. I won't have to do this." Just than Klaus bit his own wrist and shoved it into Tyler's mouth making sure he swallowed the blood then snap and Tyler fell. When he woke he looked at me "No, Caroline what did you do?" I looked at Klaus and he when over to Tyler and held his head back. I poured the vial down this throat. "Now if you kill Klaus you'll die to you know being part of his sire line" I finally answered him. Klaus and I started to walk away when he turned and looked at him "Don't look so sad little wolf now that you're a hybrid you only turn when you want to."

Hours later we are now back at the house, everyone had turned in for the night after saying goodbye to Marcel who had to get back to New Orleans can't say I'm heartbroken about that I didn't like the guy that much. Klaus was in the bathroom connected to his bedroom changing. I took off my gown and put on one of his many grey Henley shirts. I turned around and he was leaning on the door frame. "Why yes Caroline you can barrow one of my shirts" He said. I grab the bottom and pretending to take it off "well if you want it back." He whooshed over to me and pulled my hands down "Love, if you take off this shirt I won't be able to control myself." I sat on his bed "I guess now that Tyler is taking care of I'll pack my things and go home tomorrow." Sitting next to me "You don't have to go."

"I know but if you want to do this right I should stop sleeping in your bed" I said lightly kissing him on the lips. I laid down closed my eyes "starting tomorrow."

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