Chapter 20

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I looked down know that when I turned around I was going to need to explain to Elena what he was talking about. I slowly turn. "Tell me what?" she questioned.

"Not you." I said a little bit disgusted how she always found a way to make everything about her, something I took notice to since I stop loving her.

"Who then?"

"Caroline he wants me to tell Caroline that I'm in love her" I yelled.

 "You're in love with my best friend?"

 "Don't start Elena you fell for my brother while we were still together."

 "Sorry your right, I just didn't see Care as your type." There was a silence in the room until she asked. "So why is he insisting on you telling her?"

"Well he has feelings for her but he doesn't want to make them aware to her until she knows she has options."

 "Ok. So tell her, she will defiantly choose you over him. He a monster, and the other thing you have going for you that he doesn't is you two already have a great friendship to build a relationship on." I was surprised that she was so understanding and supportive. "Ok. I'm going to do it, I'm going to invite her over and tell her tonight." She arrives about an hour later. We sat on the couch in the living room exchanging small talk.


Stefan called and invited me over. I was feeling tired and emotional drain after the woods but I decided to go so Klaus could stop stay "You need to talk to Stefan." I arrived at Stefan's and we sat on the couch chatting for a bit then he looked into my eyes and said "Caroline you are strong, wise, brave, and beautiful." That was exactly what I wanted to hear just not from Stefan.

 "Thank you" I said questioning why he was complimenting me.

He took my hand "Care, I'm in love with you." I must have stared at him for an hour or at least it felt like it. "YOU WHAT?" I asked a little more rudely then I intended. "I..i.."

"I heard you" I interrupted.

 "Stefan, I love you, but I'm not in love with. I love you like a brother." I tried to explain. "And I'm pretty sure you love me like a sister. I think I'm the only constant female in your life since the break up and your transferring. I'm sorry." I said got up to leave not wanting to deal with this right now. "Caroline, please just don't be with him" Stefan asked.

"Stefan that's not fair. Don't do that. I know you're not that guy." I asked him.

 "No no I'm not but maybe if I was you'd love me back, he's that kinda guy isn't he" he asked know what it would do.

"You've hurt me. Do you feel better now?" I asked him with tears in my eyes. I ended up at my mother's house, I know I was supposed to be at the Klaus for protection but now knowing why he wanted me to talk to Stefan I need time, time to process and have a good cry.

It was noon the next day when I arrived back at the Mikaelson estate, the house was empty. I started to walk toward the stair to go to my room when I heard a crash coming from a room down the hall. I went to the door an knocked but heard nothing. I opened the door and there on the floor laid Klaus. I rushed over to him. "Oh my god Klaus what happened?" His skin was dry and gray.

"Blood" he said. I ran to the kitchen grabbing a blood bag. I had to feed it to him for he was too weak to do it himself. After the blood bag was empty he looked a little better but not much.

 "What happened?" I asked again.

"I was painting and I just started to get really weak, like all the blood was drained out of me" he answered is a very weak cracking voice. I was looking around the room noticing all the beautiful art pieces. I notice the one on the easel it was the night he laid with me after my huge fight with Elena. "You're amazingly talented" I said stroking his cheek. He tried to smile and coughed. "And really weak" I added.

 "Thanks, love."

 "You need more blood. Tyler and Haley have been looking for the white oak stake; I bet they have a witch doing a spell weakling your body so they can take to out for good." He looked at me surprised that I knew all this was happening. "Sorry, I kinda have been eavesdropping on you and Elijah" I said with my most charming smile.

"Here drink from me. It will be better than the blood bags" I offered.

"Caroline, It would be the same, but just drinking it from you instead." he said quietly that it was almost a whisper.

 "Actually since my second attack I've been feeding, healing and compelling. I have fresh blood in my system" I made him aware. I lifted his head much like he did mine when he healed me on my birthday. I bit my wrist and put in near his mouth.

 "Caroline, the bond. I can't" he answered. I didn't have time to argue I didn't know if they had the white oak stake or how long he would last without more blood. I knew he was going to give me a piece of his mind the moment he felt better and that a risk I had to take, I bit my wrist again seeing how it had already healed and shoved it into his mouth. He tried to resist but he couldn't for long the blood lust was to strong.

At first I thought it was just nerves of having his lips on my body again but then I felt it. It was like electricity flowing throw my entire body, it felt so amazing I had to close my eyes and just feel it. He started to get stronger, he stood up opened his eyes and stared into mine. My heart was beating fast, my breath was heavy, and my entire body tingles in the most amazing way.

He let go of my wrist and look at me, no look into me. "Caroline? Why did you do that? I told no."

 "I didn't have time to convince you, and I couldn't risk losing you." I admitted.

 "What do you mean" he asked confused.

I turned around to his painting on the easel. "Us" I said quietly running my hand over his on the painting.

"Us?" he said. I tuned to him.

"Nicklaus I don't care who thinks they're in love with me, I want you. From the looks of it you do too." I said glancing back at the painting. "So I'm going to ask you again and this will be the last time. How do you feel about me?" I said nervously know that no matter his answer my life was going to be changed from here on, he now knows I want to be with him that I feel for the monster.

"Caroline, since the day I say you in the Grill I knew I needed to know you. Since getting to know you I can't remember a time when I didn't. You are brave, kind, strong, loyal, driven but yet still mysterious. Every day you surprise me with something different. I'd never fell in love before because you are one of a kind and even though it took me a thousand years to find you it was worth the wait." He confessed.

 "You love me?" I questioned closing the gap between us. He brushed the hair out of my face.

 "I think I have been from the moment I laid eyes on you." I smiles and grabbed his check and pulled him in for a kiss. He picked me up and with vampire speed we put me against the wall. Our lips pulling apart and immediately find their way back together. I tugged the bottom of his shirt lifting it over his head. I paused a minute looking at his beautiful physique, much like everything else in this room it was a piece of art. Our eyes met and he kissed me again more passingly then the last time. He tore my shirt from my body and I giggled, he smile this that evil smirk of his. He started kissing down my neck. I let out a moan which only caused him to move from my neck to my shoulder. A Knock came at the door. Klaus pulled away looking at it inquisitively wondering who it could be.

"WHAT" He demanded. I started lightly kissing his ear lobe, wanting to forget about the person at the door. He looked at me with wide eyes meaning for me to stop.

"Klaus it's Stefan, we need to talk." we both looked at each other. He kissed me on the lips and left the room closing the door behind him.

Karoline finally happened! Sorry it the "romantic scene" isn't that good; I find it a little uncomfortable writing that kind of stuff. Hope you like the story so far. If you have any idea or opinions I would love to hear them. Thanks for reading.


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