Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

The next day they woke early and gathered in the garden in there backyard. Each took turns saying something they were excited to do or share with the baby and how they loved her so much even though they never met her. Caroline cowered into Klaus's arm like she wouldn't be able to stand without him.

"When I become a vampire the hardest thing I had to accept was the fact that I would never be a mother. I finally was at a place where I had some acceptance when I met Klaus and knew this would be a forever kinda thing and that I would never truly be alone. When I felt her move inside of me all the hope of having a family like I did when I was a kid came rushing back. Though she has been taken from us we will never forget the love we have for her or the dreams of a life we wished for her."

For the next three weeks Klaus and Caroline closed themselves up in their room away from everyone else. "Love are we going to join the world soon? Damon is here and he is curious when you are going to handle Elena. Stefan has been trying to free her."

"Let me shower and I will go and take care of her." About twenty minutes later Caroline came talking out of the bathroom looking like perfection.

"You ready?"

"Yes, love."

The couple joined their family member in the living room. "Damon you will stay here while Klaus and I go over and deal with Elena" Caroline informed him before waiting for Klaus in the car. 

"So Klaus what is going to happen?"

"I really do not know, I don't want to keep her waiting."

The car ride over was silent as they pulled into the drive way Caroline looked at Klaus "I would like to to stand out of her line of sight and don't speak until I introduce you."

"Any thing you want love" Klaus agreed with a quick kiss.

Caroline entered the basement and sat outside the cell.

"I must admit I wasn't expecting you to be the executioner."

"You think I'm here to kill you? Of course you do, you weren't really that intelligent now were you? Death would be too easy and too merciful I plan on making you suffer until you beg for death."

"Really Caroline we all know your too much of a bleeding heart to torture me, maybe send Nik into do it. Seems like it'd be kinda hot" Elena flirted trying to get a rise out of Caroline.

"I said nothing about physical torture, and yes Nik's hands can do amazing things but you'll ever get to know such joy. You forget that I am not the same passive girl you once knew."

Caroline called Klaus over to and instructed him to compel Elena.

"Elena you will live in our home as a servant to the Mikaelson family which includes Caroline, Elizabeth and any children we may have in the future. As you live in the house and see the happy family that Caroline has with me, you will be reminded that it is the live you want. You will remember everyday what it felt like to lose the "it girl" title you care so much about to her. You will not speak to anyone but the Mikaelsons again including Caroline and Elizabeth unless I give you permission. You are permitted to go anywhere on the Mikaelson property or accompany Caroline with her permission."

With Elena now compelled she joins them in a silent car ride with Caroline and Klaus on they way back to the mansion. While he explains the punishment to the household Caroline showed Elena to her room. The room was  off the kitchen with a single bed and a old tv with basic cable and a shelf full of books. 

"Wow Care you spared no expense."

"You think its funny now but wait about ten years from now after living in this sad little room watching me live the life you think you deserve but never earned. Everything has been handed to you and the moment someone didn't bend to your will you acted with malicious and took a life. So now I've taken yours you will live to server us until I get bored and allow Nik to kill you. sweet dreams."

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