Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Caroline and Klaus stared at each other silently before she burst out laughing, as she removed herself from Klaus's lap. "I don't see how this Is funny love."

'Its not , its really not."

"Then stop laughing" he said pulling up his pants. Caroline smiled while fixing his tie she had never since him embarrassed. "Now your mother is gonna think I'm some sex deviant."

"Well arnt you" she joked with him. "Caroline" he said sternly. "We'll talk about this later. Come in mom we're decent." Liz and Damon entered then sitting room and Caroline threw herself int her mothers arms "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too Carebare." While Liz and Care caught up Damon looked at Klaus. "What?" Klaus questioned waiting for the appropriate time to greet Mrs. Forbes. "You dirty dog."

"Shut up Damon."

"Hey man I heard her tell Enzo she was baiting you all day. No need to be embarrassed."

"Maybe if her mother didn't walk in. I imagine this was what it is like for teenagers today."

"You never got caught by your parents?"

"In my time you didn't have sex until you were married."

"Oh so you didn't?"


"Not once before your died?"

"Almost once with Tita but she was also having relations with Elijah so I never did."

Before Damon can respond Liz and Caroline walked over to the boys. "Care, Klaus I'm so happy for the two of you, When Caroline was turned I had a hard time dealing with what happened. Not for the reason she might believe, I was mourning the life I imagined for my daughter. I thought I lost the chance to bond with you over what it was like to carry a baby and how you try to parent the you out of your kid.And now you both are going to get to experience it. Though Bill and I was married a lot of the people in town were rude and judgmental when I become pregnant with Caroline. I know it might be hard with some of her friends being so rude about this but Klaus I've seen how you've been with my daughter how you love her and how she loves you. You are going to be this beautiful family and I am so happy that my Care found a man who treats her they way she deserves.Though I know you are the most powerful being in the world but if you need anything Nanna Liz is here for you. You are my son now and though I am just a little human I will defend and protect you just like I will Care and this baby."

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