Chapter 14

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I sit still for a few moments, I really thought we were going to kiss, I know it's a good thing we didn't but I wanted to. I know if I told anyone they would tell me that it was this bond, but I don't think that was just it. Sure it might be stronger but I'm attracted to him. Before I could think about it more a knock came at my door. I shook the thought out of my head. "Come in."

Rebekah opened the door poked her head in. "Are you alone?"

"Yes" I said with a smile. She came in and sat in the chair across from the bed.

"So what was all that?" She asked curiously?

"Honestly I don't know. before I became a vampire Elena and I were friends but also I made everything a competition, I guess I felt I need to be the best at everything so people would like me. After turning, I became more myself but it seems now that she is a vampire she is pick up with the competing."

"So why throw all your pass relationships in your face?"

"Well we competed in everything even boys, both of us had some type or relationship with both Matt and Damon"

 Bekah interrupted with "Please don't take offense but you a Matt seem like brother and sister." "" trying to explain. "You and Matt never actually dated did you?"

"Nope, but that not my story to tell."

"Damon? Not the Salvatore I seen you going for but ok."

"That's a longer story than Matt" I said.

 "Oh Bekah Sorry I didn't mention this earlier but with everything it slipped my mind, when I found out about Haley and Tyler she said she bit me because she thought I was you" I added changing the subject.

"Yes, Haley. When I seen her at your birthday party I knew who she was. I ran into her in Portland. She was lonely and sad and I took pity on her. She ended up seducing my boyfriend and killing him because she didn't know how to control her wolf rage. So I gave her a good beating. Caroline I'm very sorry that this happen because of me." She said with her head down.

"Bekah don't be, I'm not upset with you. Hey why don't we get out of here?"

 "Sure" she said with a smile "Let us get ready and meet downstairs in ten" She suggested.

We walked into the grill and at the bar sat Klaus. I took a deep breath glad to see him. Weird I couldn't feel him, the bond had lifted. Rebekah and I walked over to the pool tables and got two sodas. From behind us we heard "Hello ladies" from an unknown voice.



I tried to paint but I couldn't I was so work up from being that close to her. I took out my cell phone and reread her text from earlier.

Thank you for understanding. The day will go faster than you think.

                                                                    See you soon,


I needed to get out of the house before I did something I would regret. I decided to go out for a drink. I arrived at the grill and found a seat at the bar. Matt looks down at me "let me guess bourbon." I nodded confirming his guess. He brought a glass and placed it in front of me filling.

"Why do all you vampires drink bourbon?" He questioned.

  "It helps curb the hunger" I made him aware. He walked away attending to the other customers then returning to refill my glass. "I'm surprised Caroline isn't with you" He stated.

"Haven't gotten over her have you mate?"

"That's not what I meant, you two have seemed to hit it off and I know she's under your protection so I assumed she be with you that's all." he said placing the bottle down and walking away. Matt swiftly turns and said "You know what? I'm not jealous, not at all. I never had any type of romantic feelings for her. I was dating someone let's say too old for me and Care being the friend she is pretend to be my girlfriend, so we wouldn't get caught."

"Since this seems to be a descent secret why tell me?" I questioned the human who was to comfortable yelling at me, if it was in defense of Caroline I would have showed him why that isn't a good idea.

 "Because it seems that people are using are fake relationship to throw in her face and make her see easy. I will not have her name destroyed because of me."

I was finishing my third glass when I heard my sister; I looked over and near the pool table stood her and Caroline. Caroline was changed out of her clothes for her training session and now wore this light blue dress the came to her knees, even from across the room I could see that it made her eye pop.

A set of boys walked over and start chatting them up. I could pop over and step in but I knew both my sister and Caroline could take care of themselves and hated when a man stepped in for them. I decided to listen in because this was going to be good.

"Hello Ladies" they said in unison. "Hi" Caroline said turning back to face Bekah."Don't be cold sweetheart, we are just trying to be friendly" the one boy said grabbing Caroline's shoulder forcing her to turn around. I wanted his hand off of her, I stood up about to walk over when I seen Caroline grab his hand and twist, by the look on the young man's face it hurt. I smiled and sat back down. "First off I'm not your sweetheart. I have enough friends, now leave my friend and I want to enjoy our drinks alone" She informed them then letting go of his hand. The boys fled and the girls laughed. I decided that was my que to leave let them have fun without me hovering.

I returned home to Kol watching tv. "Hello brother how was school" I asked.

"You mean was Caroline's ex there" Kol responded. I looked at him not answering. "No Klaus he was not. Did you know that she never actually dated that bartender kid?" He added.

"Yes, Matt told me. How do you know?" Asking hurt that she would also confined in my brother.

 "I heard her tell Bekah, she didn't spill any of the deals."

"By heard do you mean you larked outside her door listening in?" I asked happy that she had not told Kol her secrets.

"I thought that obvious. Were you also aware that she dated Damon?" Kol questioned.

"No" I said looking a bit confused to which Kol took notice.

 "What is it brother?"

 "Nothing I just find it odd. Those Salvatore's apparently having a thing for falling for each other's girl."

 "Are you saying that Stefan has feeling for Caroline?"

"Told me this afternoon."

"Well are you just the little secret holder" Kol joked.


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