Chapter 49

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Klaus pov:

We had spent the last twodays in bed making amazing mind blowing love to one another. The sunwas raising on the third day since my love had woken up, We remainedin my bed frightened that if we left it reality would slap us in theface. I was running my fingers through a sleeping Caroline hair whenI heard a faint whisper "Niklaus" it was Elijah. I gently removermyself from the bed through on a pair of sweatpants and whooshed downto his office where he was calling from.

"Hello brother, you seemlike you've enjoyed yourself the last few days."

"Well of courseI have the love of my life has awaken, we are finally over this trialbusiness. So why am I stand in your office instead of laying in bedwith Caroline?"

Stefan can from behind the door "We still have aissue with the growing population of wolfs to deal with."

Before Icould speak a half clothed Caroline pranced into the room, shethrough her arm around my brother. "Good to see you consciousCaroline." With a smile she replied "missed you to Lijah. Nowwhat is the wolf business?" She questioned.

"Well there are abouttwelve new wolfs in Mystic falls in the last month."

"New as injust triggered their curse or new to the area?" She questionedStefan with power and demanding respect.

"New to the area."

"Andhave they done anything wrong, killed anyone?"

"Well no."

"Wellnothing they have the right to be here as long as they don't goattacking out locals or killing anyone" She interrupted him. Stefanlooked at me "Your just going to let her make this dissension?"

"Yes, I am mate." I informed him quite entertained with watchingmy Caroline acted like the queen I knew she could always be.

A terrifying sound camefrom Caroline and then there was blood on the floor. I whooshed toher side and laid her on the couch in Elijah's office. "Love, areyou ok" I questioned now joined by my brother at my side. Her eyeswiden and with a grand smile she took my hand and placed it on herstomach. Right away I felt a heart beat. My eyes widen an I smiled ather. She took my face in her hands pulled me close and pecked mylips. "We are going to be parents!" She confirmed merrily.


I know it has been almosta month since I posted. I am so very sorry. Just please have faith inme I will be finishing this book soon. My life has been crazy for thelast few months but now it is finally slowing down so I will havemore time to write and post. Sorry for a short chapter the next onewill be longer I promise! As always I hope you enjoy the chapter andThank you for reading and voting!


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