Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

The sun had set now and Klaus was growing worried Caroline still hand woke up, but he also cherished every moment that he did not have to look into the eye of the love of his life and tell her that there child had been so necessarily taken from them from someone she called a friend. She started to shift in the bed and Klaus whooshed to her side. "Caroline?" He questioned in a low hesitate voice. "Nik the baby" is all she could make out before she busted out to tears holding on to Klaus so tight as if she let go she would float away.

For a few hours Klaus held her while they cried "Love, do you think you could tell me what exactly happened? If your not up to it right now I understand."

"Elena and I bummed into each other on the stairs and I suggested that she come stay with us since she and Damon broke up and it was a bit uncomfortable for her to still be living there. She then started screaming how I ruined everything and that you and her were suppose to be together that I stole her change with you and I need to know my place and then she pushed me down the stairs."

"So this was not a tragic accident?"

"I'd love to say it was but I really feel she pushed on purpose preying something bad would happen. You should have seen her face it was filled with joy while I was falling" Caroline once again busted out crying.

Klaus woke in the middle of the night quickly noticing that Caroline was not in bed. Assuming she had gone down to the kitchen for some blood which she highly needed he stood up from bed going to meet her and make some tea. As he was about to ascend down the stair he seen a light from a room next to their bedroom. He thought it was a bit strange since no one else used this floor but the couple.

As he entered the room he found Caroline sitting in a beautiful nursery fit for a princess.

As he entered the room he found Caroline sitting in a beautiful nursery fit for a princess

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  "A girl?" 

He said in amazement scaring Caroline for a moment. "Yes I found out a few days ago I was going to surprise you with this room when you and my mother returned."

Klaus knelled down laying his head in Caroline's lap and started to cry while she stroked his hair soothingly. "What are we going to do, this can go unpunished, but I don't want anymore death."

"I know love, we have some time to figure it out Damon has her chained up til you decide."

"Ok. Lets get some blood and try to sleep. Tomorrow we have a memorial to plan."

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