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Kol, Rebekah and I are in the car on the way to school. "So what's going on with you and our brother?" Kol asked.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean" I said confused.

 "Are the two of you shagging?" He asked.

"No! We are friends, and if we were what would make it any of your business?" I asked him.

 "It wouldn't be. I just want to know if I should congratulate my brother on such a beautiful, graceful conquest" He flirted.

"Thanks I guess."

 "We are here" Rebekah called changing the subject. We all go out of the car. I took out my phone and read a quick text.

Caroline, Enjoy your day at school. I hope you do well on your test.

Till I see again,Klaus.

      I quickly sent a message back smiling at my phone Kol took notice. "What are you reading?" 

"Nothing" I said putting my phone back in my purse. I walk into school with Kol and my new friend Rebekah. We were standing near my locker when Elena came up to me."Good morning Elena" I welcomed her.

"Is it? Where were you this morning?"

 "Oh training I totally forgot Elena I'm so sorry."

 "You should be, you promised to help me with this transition."

 "Elena please do remember that she almost died yesterday, I think she can miss one day" Bekah comes to my defense.

"Elena why don't you come over after school and I could train you then?"

  "To Klaus's house?"

 "Yes, but just you no Damon."

 "Why no Damon?" she demanded.

 "Two reasons, It's not my house to be inviting over a group of people, and you focus better when he isn't there distracting you."

 "Fine" she said rolling her eyes and walking away.

 "She doesn't seem like that good of a friend" Kol added.

"She is a great friend she just isn't herself right now." We went through the entire day with no problems. I even aced my test, now it was time to leave. Am I actually excited to get back to Klaus? I know I shouldn't be, I know he had been this monster and could turn into him at any time, but I couldn't help it I'm drawn to him. Not that anything would happen, I was still hurt over my heartbreak and he is one of the most powerful in not thee most powerful vampire, there is no way he's have those kind of feeling toward me.

     When we got back to the Mikaelson estate I went to my room to change into some training clothes. After that I walked down to the study and there sat the eldest brother Elijah. "Not to bother you but I want to check if it was ok if Elena came over. I promise I would help teach her to control her blood lust." He looked up from his book and smiled. "Of course, but may I ask why it is you helping her. Have you not only been a vampire for two years?"

 "Yes that it true, but it only took me two weeks to completely control my urges, Stefan and Damon say that is a good time so asked me since Damon cant and her and Stefan well that's complicated, and I'm babbling. Sorry"

"It's quiet alright. Caroline two week to control yourself is amazing I've never heard of anyone taking such short of a time" Elijah complicated me. I thanked him and returned to the parlor where I waited for Elena to arrive. She arrived at the house I walked her to the parlor and Kol was sitting on the couch eating an apple. "Kol do you mind giving us so privacy" I asked knowing his present would make Elena uncomfortable.

 "Let's get started" I said looking at her. "You'll stand across the room from me I will open this blood bag and you will not come at it until I tell you can." We tried it a few time before, she didn't stay to I put her on her back. "Get up let's try again. This time maybe a little conversation will help distract you" she went on the other side of the room.

 "Ok start talking" I told her.

 "What time are you returning home tonight?"

 "I'm not returning home tonight Elena."

 "WHAT. Why not?"

 "It's not safe yet."

 "So then come stay with me at Damon and Stefan's."

 "I'm fine here, thank you."

"What will Tyler think when he returns?" Klaus, his family, my mother, and I are the only people who know what happened. They all just think one of the lone wolfs that Tyler brought back attacked me, and that he went to find them."Next step" I said pouring some of the blood on my hand. Her eyes started to turn red and she ran for me. I put on her back again she got up angry. "How how can you control it and I can't" She yelled with a self-righteous tone.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well it's crazy that you can show so much restraint for the one thing that drives you, but you have no self-respect. I mean let's be honest you bounced from Matt right to Tyler and yeah you've been with him since but he's out of town for two days and you've already moved on to an older man. Lying on your back for Klaus so he will protect you when you have Tyler out there actually protecting you."

  Klaus whooshed to my side "I think it's time you left my home" he demanded.I grabbed her wrist whipping her around and throwing her on a chair. I leaned on the chair with one hand on each arm rest pin her in the chair so she couldn't move. "You know why I can control it and you can't? Its because I own it, I embrace it. I am not afraid of what I am what I can do and there for it doesn't control me I control it..." I told her showing my fangs and slamming my head to her neck stopping just before I puncture her skin. I turned to her ear and whispered "you speak of what you know nothing of" I said to her leaning back up and letting her go.

"So you didn't jump from Matt right to his best friend?" She questioned thinking she had one up on me. I couldn't tell her that Matt was dating a student teacher from our school and I was just his cover. "Say hello to the Salvatore brothers for me, Kettle." She whooshed at me I grabbed her by her neck and slammed her to the ground."It's time for you to leave." She whooshed out the door. Once she was gone I whooshed to my room.        

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