Chapter 34

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Klaus pov:

After Aurora rushed out the door tears in her eyes I went to my office. I was sitting at the desk drinking a glass of my best bourbon. "Brother, I just heard the Aurora has returned."

"Yes, Elijah she has. She informed me of your pass misdeeds to drive a wedge between us" I informed him. "Well, she is a bit too late for that task isn't she? We purged our since to each other ages ago" Kol added enter the room and sitting on the end of the desk.

Kol: So did crazy pants meet Caroline?

Nik: For a moment.

E: And how did that turn out?

Nik: She called Caroline a child and declared to take her away from me forever.

Kol: She really thinks she can take on Caroline? Even before she became the enchanted one she was one tough cookie.

Nik: True that Caroline can handle herself but I don't want her to fighting my battle.

E: You know she isn't going to let you deal with any of this by yourself so for your sake don't do something stupid that will upset her, she is the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Nik: I know that brother.

Kol: So what are we going to do about your crazy ex?

Nik: First I'm going to tell Caroline about the threat Aurora made on her. Then I will let her decided on how we will handle that mess of a woman.

My brothers left me alone in my study to think after agreeing that we would let Caroline decide how to handle the situation with Aurora. I couldn't help but think back to the day she broke my heart.


Aurora was standing in the court yard looking out over into the kingdom. I rushed over to her and turned her toward me. "We have just received word that our father has located us, we must run, will you accompany me? We could start our life together way from here, not needing to hide our love from your father or brother" I asked her. "What kind of life is that Nik, I am a princess destine to be queen and you expect me to be appeased with a life on the run? Honestly Nikluas this was fun but you didn't really think this would last did you? I didn't hide us because I was afraid of what my father and brother would do it's because you're an unlovable monster. So why don't you take your family and get out of here and never come back you sick sad little disgrace."

End of flashback

Though I know it was my brothers doing I still blamed her. Love should conquer all; Caroline searcher every day for two years to find a way to wake me, Aurora had known it was Elijah's compulsion that made her leave me for five hundred years, she just finding me now, that's not love.

It's now about five o'clock at night and Caroline and Rebekah still haven't returned so I decided it was time to go find them. I drive down Main Street and see Bekah's pink bug car, I park behind it. I'm about to enter the store front when I over hear an man's voice ask "So Caroline I was wondering if you would like to get dinner with me with weekend?" Before she could answer I enter the establishment and ask "Caroline are you ready?" She looks to me with a smile know that I overheard this man asking her out. I'm now next to her, the man says "Ray Vassar nice to me you?" extending his hand out to mine to shake it and questioning my name. "Niklaus Mikaelson" I answered squeezing his hand a little to show him my strength. "So how do you know Care?" Ray asked me. "She and I are together."

"Oh. I was unaware that she had anyone. How long have you two been together?"

"Almost three years now" Caroline answered. "He's been away on business for the last two years but the important thing is that he is home now" She added taking my hand in her and leaning her head on my forearm.

"What business is that?"

"My family and I own an investment firm where we loan money to upstarting business" I answered him proving I was the better man. "Ok well Ray, Rebekah and I will see you at your office on Thursday" Caroline stated taking my hand and walking toward the door.

We walked to my car and I opened the passenger door for her. The moment I sat in my seat she looked at me and said "maybe next time you can just pee all over me."

"Excuse me?"

"The pissing contest you and Ray just had."

"Sorry, you know I just can't stand people hitting on my lady" I reminded her taking her hand and kissing it.

"Klaus do you think I enjoy it when other women hitting on you? Considering your you with your devilish good looks and your ridiculously adorable dimples..... Why are you smirking at me?"

"I just like to hear you talk about how charming you find me" I said caressing her check and staring into her eyes. "How any women can resist your charm with those amazing blue eyes of yours is beyond me."

"The only women that matter is you Caroline."

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