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     I laid her on the bed pulled the cover up over her. "So we have a new house guest?" My brother Elijah asked. I rushed him out of the room closing the door behind us."Let us discuss this over drinks with Kol and Bekah" I offered. My older brother nodded his head in agreement. We met Kol and Rebekah in the parlor. "I have offered to Caroline's mother to keep Caroline here for a while so that I may protect her from the wolfs, they have attacker her twice this week and I fear for her safety if left to the protection of her inadequate friends. She is to take the guest room between mine and Bekah. If you do not agree then when she wakes tomorrow I can take her somewhere else." I stated opening the conversation for my siblings' options.

 "Since when did we care about protecting the local vampires?" Kol questioned.

 "Since they became our friend" Rebekah answered for me.

 "If she is a friend of my brother and sister then she is a friend of mine" Elijah added.

 "Fine" Kol agreed reluctantly "but if she gets in my way she will need to go." Elijah and I now sat in the sitting room with our bourbon watching the fire. "Where did our sister get off to Klaus?" 

 "She offered to unpack Caroline's things for her, it would be indecent for me to do it" I told him.

 "No offense brother but when have you shown decency toward young ladies?"

"I show it to them when the deserve it, brother."

"Understood, my apologies little brother. So tell me why has she been attacked by wolfs?"

 "She let herself fall for one, one that is not trust worthy and has no regard for her live." Just thinking about the events of the past week had me so angry I wanted to destroy everything I laid my eyes on. "It has been a long day. Excuse me brother" I said going into my room.

    As I laid in bed to sleep. I could hear her breathing; no I could feel her breathing. It was getting to me, I couldn't sit still being this close to her but not being in there with her was driving me crazy. I laid my head back and took long deep breaths until I finally fell asleep.


     I woke in the most comfortable place I'd ever been, I was definitely not at my house. I open my eyes to see that I am in an extravagant room. The walls are this beautiful light teal color all the fabric in the room match with the colors light purple and white. This was a dream room fit for a princess. So why was I in it? I hear a knock on the door. I get up from the bed and open the door. "Rebekah!" I said excited to know where I was.

"May I come in? I thought we could talk I brought snacks" She stated holding up a box of cookies.

"Yes, come in" I answered opening the door further for her to walk in.

We sat on the bed. "So how did I get here?" I asked.

"Nik brought you, after he saved you again. He talked with your mother and they decided that our home would be the safest place for you right now." I looked down sadly.

"Do you not want to be here?" Bekah asked with a slight bit of hurt in her voice.

"That's not it; I just wish I didn't have to be here under these circumstances. My boyfriend." 

"Ex-boyfriend" Rebekah interrupted. "My EX-Boyfriend and his new girlfriend have both attacked me, so badly to the point to where I almost died. One of my favorite things about being a vampire is being able to protect myself, I haven't been able to do that" I confided in her. I know it seemed a little off but she had quickly become a friend and someone I felt I could trust.

"Caroline, that has nothing to do with being a vampire; you gave someone your heart. That is one of the strongest, scariest things you could do. I'm very sorry he returned it to you damaged, but one day someone will come along and give you their damaged heart and then you can help fix each other's hearts." 

"Thank you, that was beautiful a little creepy but beautiful" I immediately scowled.

 "What's wrong?" Bekah asked worried. "I don't know I feel angry all of a sudden."

"Klaus must be awake."

"You can feel it too?"

 "Not exactly. You see drinking blood from a vampires, blood sharing is a very intimate thing. While their blood is in your system it bonds you to them and their feelings. I know vampires who have been married for centuries who will not blood share. It is one of the most respected, sensual things you can do with another vampire."

"So since he is the cure to a wolf bite he has to do this with everyone he saves? That must make him so uncomfortable."

 "Nik has not save many with his blood usually he is the one inflicting the bite but the two other times he has, he put his blood in a vile for them."

 "So why did he let me drink from him twice?"

 "That I do not know, but every time you blood share you bond is more intense, so be careful about getting bitten again" She joked. My phone had buzzed for about the millionth time. Bekah handed to me. "Your friends are persistent."

"Is that the time? We have to get to school." I reminded her.

"I figured we'd take a personal day."

"I can't I have a huge test. I can't miss it." I made here aware getting up from the bed.

"I'm getting a quick shower and I'll meet you at the car."

       As I jump out of the shower and I hear a whisper. I focus my hearing. "Sister how is she feeling?" Klaus asked.

"Considering everything, she is doing well Nik, she has most likely just finished her shower I need to go get ready."

 "For what?" he asked her.

 "School" she said from down the hall near her room. Just than my door flew open. "Klaus knock, I'm just in a towel." once he realized it he looked down at the floor glancing up quickly thinking I didn't notice then back down at the floor.

"Sorry for barging in Caroline but my sister informs me that you plan on attending school this morning." I walk over to the dresser grab an outfit. Walking into the bathroom again yelling so he could hear me."Yes, I'm going I have a test I need to be there for."

     He started walking across the room stop when he realized I was changing. "I will not allow you to go."

 "Klaus" I said walking out of the bathroom dressed now face to face with him. "Thank you for helping me and wanting to protect me but I will be fine. They only were able to bit me cuz my guard was down it will not be now. I need to take this test If I don't it will mess up my GPA and I haven't worked this hard toward valedictorian to give up now." I added.

"Caroline" He started to plead but just then Rebekah and a male a little younger than me stood at the door.

 "We will protect her brother."

 "See" I said patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the room.

     He walked fast behind us. "to school then right back here, Kol" Klaus demanded before we closed the door behind us.

Fortuitous Love (Klaroline Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now