Chapter 47

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Caroline pov:

I was sitting on the edge of the bed sobbing. The bed shifted under me and I looked to see Elijah putting his hand around my shoulders hugging me. "Dear Caroline it will be fine. You two will make it through this. If you could get through Niklaus being dead for nearly two year this should be no problem."

"Honestly I think that was easier, I didn't have to see him everyday and all you want to do is look deeply into those beautiful blue eyes and kiss him and I physically cant. He's just always there in front of me teasing me with that god like physique."

"Caroline" Elijah blushed. "I'm sorry but imagine if you had to share a home, a room, a bed with Kathrine but you couldn't touch her. Do you think that you would be able to handle that with your Elijah grace?"

"Caroline love, stop harassing him with unnecessary questions" Klaus said entering our room. "Sorry" I apologized as Elijah stood from the bed nodding his head in acceptance of my apology.

Elijah exited the room and Nik kneeled in front of me "love, is it really that tough for you to be around me?"

"Its not just being around you, in the morning when I roll over on to the small piece of your pillow that the barrier allows me to use I can smell you  and I all want to do it have you, your the only thing that runs through my mind all the time. These last eight months have been horrible. Don t you feel the same?" I asked with a  cowardly desperate tone. "Of course I do. You know the only reason I can keep my hands off of you is because of this trial."

"How do you deal with your urges so well? I'm a walking time-bomb, yesterday I got turned on my an old Valentines day card I found. But you are as cool as a cucumber."

"I take care of myself" he answered with his unbelievably sexy smirk. "What do you mean?" I question. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Oh oh Nik! How many times a day?"

"Caroline I'm not going to answer that question."

"Your no fun."

"Well if you got it all under control maybe you don't need me around" I added jokingly. "Love, don't be ridiculous, the moment I can hold you in my arms I will. Every morning when I wake up I reach out for your hand to test and see if this silly trial has ended yet." As he finished his sentence he reach out and took my hand in his. At first neither of us realized that he was actually holding my hand. I jumped up off the bed looking him in the eyes smiling. "Oh my god Nik!"  he smiled then his eyes when blue "Enchantment trials completed" and then he was back. "Niklaus its over."

"What? what did I do?"

"Oh no not us the trails, they are over." I grabbed his hand and whooshed to the living room where everyone else sat. "Holy you two are holding hands!"Rebekah yelled excitedly. "Guys the trails are completed I'm not going to die!"

"How do you know?" Elijah questioned. "After we completed this one Nik said "Enchanted trails completed " it must mean that we passed!" Just then I got really dizzy and everything when Black.

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