Chapter 33

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So I decided instead of making a second book I am just going to continue this one. I felt that this book was too short to end. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and hope you still read and enjoy. Thank you again for reading!


Klaus pov:

I woke up running my hand up the other side of the bed surprised Caroline wasn't no longer next to me. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly look for my love. Scanning the room I stop when I see her sitting on the window seal writing, the smile on her face was the most delicate thing I'd ever seen. "Klaus stop staring at me" She gleamed closed her journal and whooshing to my bed leaning over me. "Good morning, Love" I greeted her leaning up to kiss her and right before our lips touched she was gone now standing by the bedroom door. "I'm going to get blood be right back" she said and whooshed out the door. I fallowed her we were on top of the stairs when I caught her I enclosed her in my arms and swept her off her feet and spun her around "don't think it will be that easy to get away from me, love." "Wouldn't think of it" she retorted with a flirtatious smile.

From the parlor came a much too familiar voice "Sorry to interrupt actually I'm not sorry at all." Caroline and I both looked toward the voice. "Aurora?" I gasp. "Who are you?" Caroline questioned. "Me dear? I'm Aurora de Martel Niky's first love. Who might you be?" Before Caroline could answer I took her hand "This is Caroline Forbes the love of my live. What are you doing here?"

"Well my brother Tristan had me lock away in the mountains with these monks who were trying to cure my mind. I finally escape after curing them all of their humanity of course and I came right here to find you, my love."

"It looks like the two of you need to catch up. I'm going to go get ready for the day, Rebekah and I have meetings we must attend" Caroline informed me. I held her hand tighter and pulled her in giving her a look that I don't want to do this, she tilted her head and smile letting me know all would be ok. She then leaned up to my face a pressed her lips to mine so lightly It was electrifying as our lips crashed together for the ;last time she took her tongue and ran it on the top of my mouth making me growl. "Ehmmm" Aurora cleared her throat. "See you tonight" Caroline stated and just like that she was in her room. I rolled my eyes looked at Aurora "Let me get dress and I'll be right down."

Caroline pov:

I close the door behind me and lean on the back of the door and take a deep breathe. "So Aurora is back" Rebekah said scaring the crap out of me. "I guess so. Wh.... Who is she?" I asking with such worry in find the answer. "Short version because I'm going to want to hear what she has to say to my brother. She was one of the first sired vampires. They were in love, sometime after she was turned we heard word that our father was looking to kill us so we decided as a family the five of us would run. Nik asked her to come with us but her refused and told him that he was a monster, and that he was unlovable, that since she was a princess one day she was destine to be a queen and he was unfit to be a king. Caroline can I ask why you think it's a good idea for him to speak with her. Do you want him to fall for her again?"

"I Love him with all that I am, but I don't want to force him to stay. All I want is for Niklaus to be happy and if that isn't with me it will break my heart, but I would step aside. That what love is putting your wants and needs aside for the others happiness" I told her with a smile. "Honestly sister I don't think you have anything to worry about. He is different with you, I mean he stopped killing for you that must make you really special" Bekah said getting up from the bed and joining me on the floor near the door. "Yes, well he was asleep for two years of that so let's not get ahead of ourselves. Anyway he needs this talk if for nothing else but closure" informed her leaning my head on her shoulder when her heard Klaus reenter the parlor and address Aurora.

Klaus pov:

I left my room and headed toward the stair case "Aurora let's get this over with so you may leave and I never need to see your face again."

"Your plaything is a bit young. more like a child really isn't she?"

"YOU DO NOT SPEAK OF MY CAROLINE" I informed her with more anger in my voice that I knew was possible. "What does that child have that I do not?"

"She is Kind, loving, loyal, smart, beautiful, humble, brave, strong, and she see the real me know that I am not the monster that I am perceived to be" I said gushing about the love of my life. "I once knew that boy" she said gently grazed my face. I stepped back so she could no longer reach me. "I always wonder why you left without me until one day Elijah was daggered and all this compulsion wore off and I seen that it was he who made me abandon and hurt you."

I stood there and wait for her reacting to my lack of reaction. Her eyes went to the floor for the first time in our entire conversation. I smile and questioned "Surprised are we? I already know my brother confessed his sin to me decades ago."

"Why didn't you come for me then?"

"Because our love wasn't one for the ages like I have now, What we had was nice but it is long over, don't you think it's time you move on?"

"Niklaus you are going to regret this. You took love from me now I will take that child you call a lover away from you forever." I smiled at her and chuckled a little "Good luck with that she is a lot tougher than she seem.

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