Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Elena i'm surprised to see you here!"

"Well Caroline college is in between Semesters and I live here"

"But you and Damon are broken up, its a bit insensitive to live in his house, you could always come stay with us."

"Thats not going to happen."

"Elena what is going on? Why do you hate me so much?"

"Because you have everything, you've taken everything from me."

"Since when?"

"You play this little poor me no body likes me by you've dated everyone and if you didn't that still didn't stop them from falling for you. You had Damon first, you took Matt,Stefan is head over heels for you. Even that Enzo guy wants to fuck you."

"Elena do not act like what happened with Damon and I was my choice. Matt and I didn't start anything until you were in love with both of the Salvatore brothers.Lets not forget that I had a crush on Matt first and the moment I told you, you went and hit on him."

"I wasn't done with Matt yet he still should have been obsessing over me. Thing about what I was doing not being in love with you. The way this worked Care is that I am always the one. When I am done with them Iet you have them. But this time you got him and poisoned him against me."



"You and Klaus never."

"No but we should have. Him with all that power and me being the IT girl around here. The first night I saw him at the Grill I could feel the power oozing off him. I made it a point to get our drink the entire night so I could talk to him. At first I thought he was just shy by my third time I went over there and was flirting hard he spoke "What is the name of the blonde vampire your with." I fallowed his gaze to you. When I told him your name he repeated it like a def man who was hearing for the first time. He was suppose to be mine and now your having his baby its unfair." Elena yelled and shoved her.

The surprise attack sent Carolines body down the stairs and she landed her neck snapped. Damon flew out of his room and down to Caroline. He looked up at Elena with discuss "What did you do?"

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