Chapter 39

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Klaus pov:

By the suns placement in the sky I could tell it was around 2 in the afternoon. I glanced down at my chest where this beautiful blonde was resting her head. I leaned down and kissed her forehead I'm still perplexed that this amazing creature had chosen me. "Is Niklaus Mikaelson smiling?" She asked without opening her eyes then whooshing up from the bed and into the closet. "I can't help it, you have that effect on me" I yelled. From the closet she came in one of my Henley shirts, glowing from the night before, the sun shining on her face gave the image of her wearing a halo like the angel she is. "Your prefect" I whispered, it wasn't my intention on her hearing me. In a flash she was straddling me on the bed. My hands rested on her bare thighs. She was looking down into my eyes "I'm not the only one."

"As kind as your statement is it's not true. I am flawed, damaged, broken, and evil. I cannot for the life of me fathom why you love me."

She smiled at me lightly and took my face in her hands so I couldn't look away "Nik all of those things are true but you are also loyal, loving, protective, devoted, and caring. All things I've been looking for. You ARE perfect for me." A tear fell from her face and landed on mine "I too am broken" she added. "So we will just have to fix each other than love." She slammed her lips into mine, our kisses turned from full of love to filled with lust really fast. Caroline was still straddling me, my hands moved from her thighs to her back up her shirt, well actually my shirt. She started kissing down my neck. I let out a small growl when she started to slowly grind her hips on mine. Just then my door flung open and Kol stood in my door way. "Caroline! Who knew you were such a cowgirl."

"What?" I questioned. With a grin on this face

"well she Obviously knows how to ride it." I lunged toward Kol but before I got very far at all Caroline had pushed me back down on the bed, informing me that once he left she intended to continue where we left off. "Caroline there is a visitor here to see you" Kol informed her. She got up and started walking toward the door in just her underwear and my shirt, which stopped right above her thighs. I know she thinks I enjoy her in those lace numbers which are nice but her like this is much more attractive. I got out of bed and fallowed her to the top of the stairs.

Caroline pov:

At the door of the mansion stood Damon "Looking good blondie!"

"Well what can I say Nik's cloths looks good on me." Klaus leaned over my shoulder and whispered in my ear "looks better on my floor" I blushed.

"I totally heard that" Damon yelled reminding Klaus and I that we weren't alone. He looked to Damon and asked "what's so important" wanting Damon to leave so we could continue our activity. Now standing in front of him waiting to hear what happened to Elena this time. "Stefan returned and his emotions are back on." I stood there in shock not sure what I should do. I looked at him and said "ok."

"Ok? That's it" Damon questioned as he, Kol and Klaus fallowed me into the kitchen. I got us blood,  "he wouldn't be stupid enough to come near me" I informed them. "For his sake I hope so" Damon said looking toward Nik. "Klaus won't touch Stefan unless he gives him reason too."

"Oh is that so?" Nik questioned me with an angry look. I just looked at him with my serious eyes. "You're lucky I love you" he told me. "I know."

We all stood in the kitchen finishing our blood when a knock came at the door hoping it was Bonnie I said "I'll get it." I open the door and low and behold there stood Stefan. His body was pulled into itself like a dog that knows he did wrong. "ARE YOU STUPID?" I questioned

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