Chapter 13

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     I had given Caroline enough time alone I need to check on her, I was also sick of fighting this bond all day. I just need to be near her.

Right before I reach her door I hear her on the phone, I wanted to make sure she didn't call Tyler in a moment of weakness so I listened in.

"I'm not in the mood Stefan." She said answering the phone.

"Care I just want to know what happened. She said you almost bit her?" he question.

 "I knew what I was doing; I was in control the entire time something I need to demonstrate to her."

"Caroline." he started to say before she interrupted.

"Do not Caroline me, at school she show no care that I almost died yesterday AGAIN. She just wanted my help so I offered it to her, she then came to my friend's home insulted them and repeatedly insisted that I am cheating on Tyler with Klaus. When.." she paused taking a deep breath calming herself. "Tyler and I are over so anything I do with Klaus or anyone else is my own business." She told him.

"Care be careful around him, you've blood shared I don't think you understand how important that it." he tried to warn her.

"You know the last time we talked I asked you to trust my judgement with him, this is not doing that. I have to go, someone is at the door." I shut my eyes tight. Of course she knows I'm here we are bonded, I'm such an imbecile.

"Klaus you can come in" She called from the other side of the door. I open the door with my head down embarrassed.

 "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to eavesdrop I just wanted to make sure you didn't call Tyler is your moments of sorrow. Caroline I also need to apologize for I fear your actions down stair where because of me. I was just getting very angry with her for talking to you like that and I think because of the bond you felt my anger and took it out on her."

"It's not your fault that has been building up for a while now, but I need to ask you something." she said with her quiet calm voice. I slowly sat on the bed with facing her. "What's your question?"

 "Why is everyone making it a big deal that I drank form you? We drink from humans all the time."

"I don't know why it happens, I guess it's part of vampire curse but as you know you can feel my emotions. Now I don't know if you felt that pull in the pit of your stomach?"

 "I don't feel it now but I did when I was a school."

"That's the bong pulling us to each other. That's why vampires hold it in high regards, why they think it is more personal then sex and apparently making love while bonded is euphoric." I informed her, her cheek turned this light rose color. I had made her blush. I couldn't stop smiling.

"The more you blood share with the same vampire the more intense the bond, if shared enough times the bond can become permanent. So we really need to be careful with you being bitten again."

 She shook her head I could tell there was something she wanted to say or ask. "What is it Caroline?"

"Now that I understand the seriousness of this blood sharing I'm really embarrassed that everyone know, it feels like we made a sex tape and everyone has watched it." she joked. Laughing she continues "anyway why did you blood share with me?"

"Well I wasn't sure how long you had left and I didn't want to take any chances also because I felt we are somehow kindred spirts, and after what happened down stairs I think I'm right." I admitted.

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

"What you said about embracing being a vampire, not being afraid of the monster inside of you." She smiled looking down at your hands sadly. I slid my hand behind her neck lifting her head so her eyes would meet mine. "Caroline just because you are not afraid of the monster doesn't mean you will become that monster. You show an amazing amount of control, control I've never seen in any other vampire. Don't be scared you'll be fine." I consoled her.

Our eyes were now locked on each other's suddenly my throat was dry. A tear ran down her face using my thumb I pushed it away. Chills run through my body. She is really excited and nervous just like me. Soon it will be too much for me to fight and I'll have to kiss her. I quickly woosh from the bed. "Excuse me love, I have some things I need to attend to I will see you later" and with that I wooshed to my studio needing to paint a portrait and the most beautiful creature in the world, Caroline.

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