Chapter 44

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Klaus pov:

We arrived back to the mansion and Caroline whooshed upstairs. When I entered our room and flopped on the bed and sighed, she was in the closet and questioned "whats wrong?"

"Nothing gorgeous" I mocked. She came from the closet and leaned on the door frame she was wearing just her underwear and on of my shirts "you don't think I'm gorgeous?" she joked inferring that she looked disheveled.  "Of course I do, when you wear my clothes it drives me crazy, I must use all of my strength not to take you and make the most passionate love to you that you've ever experienced."to her as I did she slowly stalk over to me running her fingers up my leg, my breathing grew deeper as she got closer to my manhood. "How crazy do you get when I do this" she questioned with her finger lingering on my shaft, staring at me with those wild hungry eyes. Normally I would have ravished her but I needed to discuss this Enzo matter once and for all. "Caroline" I scolded her. "Wait your really upset aren't you?" She realized moving from the side of the bed to sitting on my legs. "You know how I get Caroline, do you think its easy for me to see another mans hands on you? Especially when we know that he has feeling for you."

"Nik" she said taking my hand which I pulled back making her lunge forward now straddling me she grabbed my face forcing me to look into her eyes. "You are my guy, I want you. I hugged Enzo so what? Stop being so insecure, you are the man I'm madly in love with." I took her hand in mine and again I was pulled into another memory.


Elena and Caroline were standing in the Salvatore boarding house with red solo cups in their hand. "Come on Care just talk to him. Its been almost a year since Klaus is gone, don't you think its time to move on?"

"Absolutely not, hes coming back." Caroline informed Elena making me smile see how she never gave up on us. "How do you know that? You don't even know where he is." This statement hurt Caroline I could feel it. She didn't answered her because she didn't know how to. Instead she scan the room looking for someone. Elena continued "how can you be so devoted to someone you barley know? How do you know his feeling where really? Maybe you were just another number on his list." She was try to get a reaction out of Caroline. But my Caroline wasn't going to let her do that. "Where's Bekah? She should be here by now. The only reason I agreed to come is because you said she would be here and that she thought it was a good idea." she asked getting Elena off the subject of me. "She wasn't invited. Do you really think she'd let you flirt with other guys?"

"She doesn't let me do anything I am my own person. I wait for him because I am in love with him, not because I'm worried about hurting his families feelings. Bekah is my friend and one of the only people who seems to care and understand what I'm going through. I know one day he and I will be reunited and I don't care how long I will have to wait, he is the only one for me and no one compares to him."

I must say if you could see me now I would be blushing, to hear the girl you are head over heels ridiculously in love with repeatedly declare her love for you, it strikes you with a scene of  jubalence. Elena ignored Caroline beautiful confession she yelled "Kyle!" and waved a young man over to them. "He is kinda cute but no contest to my Nik" I heard her think. "here she is" Elena stated and then whoosh she was gone "Hi, I'm Kyle" he introduced himself. "Caroline" she said somberly walking out to the porch where nobody stood. "Your a bit different then what Elena described." "Its coming to my realization that she doesn't know me at all." She noted more to herself then to Kyle. What kind of name is Kyle?  Hearing him speak again pulling me out of my train of though. "Enough about her tell me about you" he flirted horrible while putting his hand on her  hip. If I was there I would have broken that child who thinks he can place his hands on my Caroline. "I'm not that interesting" she informed him moving his hand. "Well get interested" he said pulling her into a rough kiss. "I believe she said no" a British accent came behind her, for a second you could see the glimmer in her eye when she thought it was me. It broke my heart that she missed me so much, as much as I'd miss her if the rolls where reversed. "What are you her boyfriend?" Kyle asked Enzo angerly. "Oh believe me mate if her boyfriend was here you'd already be dead." Enzo looked Kyle in the eyes "Go home sulk around for the night because Elena's friend shot you down, she really is out of your league anyway" he compelled. "Thanks Enzo." "Anytime gorgeous. I once fell in love with someone who was taken from me. When I finally found Maggie many years had past. She was old but still the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, Even though she had ages so much I still loved her and wanted to be with her but in those 80 years she lived an entire life. She fell in love again had children and I was happy for her because I knew she didn't give up living for me but she did however name her first son Lorenzo John after yours truly. That made me more happy because after all these years and all the things she'd been through she still though of me as much as I though of her." "What happened after that?" She questioned. "I spent time getting to know her family and I was there by her side when she passed. So Caroline, wait for him as long as you need to and hopefully he will return to you. Please don't stop living to do it. Take it from someone who knows that guilt, you throwing your life away for him will kill him. Have something to show him when he returns." " Thank you Enzo." "Anytime doll face now lets get you home before that stuffy old vampire reads me the riot act" he joked of Elijah.

Now I seen why she was such a devoted friend to him. He saved her more that once. He gave her sound advice despite his feelings for her. Most of all he respected our relationship enough to at least give her time to grieve and get over me the proper way. I could see now that he is a good friend to her better that Elena and Stefan had been. Now I feel absolute ashamed for my actions of jealousy since I've awoken.

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