Chapter 12

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     Elena rushed in the door tears running down her face. "Caroline is so rude. I hate her." telling Damon and myself.

 "What happened?"

"We got into a fight and she was this close to biting me." she said holding her fingers together showing us the distance between her and Caroline.

"Shhh." Damon said pulling into an embrace. "I'm sure it's just a side effect of the bite, she would be better soon and apologize" He told her looking at me with wide eyes. That was my que to go upstairs call Caroline and get her to apologize. I lay on the bed looking at my phone thinking about the event that happened earlier and how this might not be the effect of the bite but the cure to the bite.

Flashback to earlier that day.

     Elena had just left for school and Damon; well I don't know where he got too. I came down to grab a glass of bourbon,

"So are you just going to get day drunk while the wolf who bit your best friend is still out there?"

"Hello Klaus, please come into my house." I said sarcastically finishing making my drink, turning toward him asking "Now what do you want?"

"I need you to tell me everything about Tyler Lockwood."

"Caroline's boyfriend?" I asked being ignored as he looked down at his cell phone with a big smile.

 "Klaus!" I yelled getting his attention.

"Why are you asking about her boyfriend?"

 "Well mate, he first of all he isn't her boyfriend anymore."

 "What did you do Klaus?" I demanded.

 "Me? I did nothing."

 "Tyler bit her" I said not knowing how I didn't realize it before.

 "There's a smart little vampire. Now what do you know about his location?"

 "Why didn't Caroline tell me?"

 With a roll of his eyes and deep sigh "Caroline asked us not to tell because she doesn't want to ruin his friendships."

 "So why tell me?"

"You claim to be her friend, so here is your chance to prove it."

"I need to proof nothing to you. Caroline knows how strong our friendship is."

 "Really then why do I know about her attack and you don't?" He looked at me with is head cocked to the side. "Is that the look of jealousy mate? You fancy her!" He said with a smirk of realization.

 "You know nothing" I said looking away.

 "I seen the glint in your eye when I mentioned that she had left the wolf boy." he said with a laugh

"And your just being a good friend?" I demanded.

 "Oh no, I fancy the girl, but I'm not the one pretending not to. Now that I know of your feelings I know you will help protect her from the boy that is all I needed. Gooday Stefan" He stated walking toward the door.

"She'll never choose you, I know you, and you're a monster." I yelled at him.

"I do understand your anger, the girl you fancy is your old loves best friend that makes things very complicated and now I show up and she is spending all her time with me. It must be hard, but Stefan please stop acting like you know me. We were mate 90 years ago; it seems that the Rippah is no longer you, so maybe the monster you once knew is gone. Don't fret Caroline know just what I am. I have not and would not deceive her." He was at the door about to leave and then he turns and closed it behind him.

"Stefan before you tell Caroline your feelings I'd wait a few days."

"And why is that"

"Well I gave her my blood...From my vane." He said looking me in the eyes.

 "You blood shared with her?"

 "Twice" he said with a smirk.

     I was so angry I could kill him.

"So why give away your upper hand?" I asked.

     He wooshed to me where he now stood right in front of me.

"She is NOT a game. If Miss. Caroline decided to give her heart to me it will be because that is what she feels in her heart. Not because of a blood bond." he yells, and then he was gone.

Flash back ended.

Fortuitous Love (Klaroline Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now