Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Damon carefully pick up Caroline's unconscious body and whooshed it to the Mikaelson Mansion. "HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME" he yelled as he got into the home. Elijah was the first to appear "Where is Klaus?" Damon questioned.

"He is out of the city with Liz for the day, what happened to her?"

"Its a long story, it there a place I can put her? She isn't the lightest these days. Also you need to get in touch with Klaus and get him back here now."

"Her and Niklaus's room is on the third floor first door on the left. I will phone my brother and be right up."

Damon just finished a phone call as Rebekah and Elijah entered the room.

"Just so you are aware I had Bonnie spell this house so you lot or the Klaus can not leave for a week once he enters it upon his return."

" What the hell happened Damon" boomed from Klaus's mouth as he stormed into the room fallowed by Liz.

"I don't know much as I was in the shower while most of this is going on." Klaus growled at the idea of him showering while Caroline was present.

"I had informed Caroline that Elena and I had broken up and we had decided to go to the grill since she was craving milkshakes. Elena had deiced that she would not move out of my homes and ran into Care on the top of the stairs. I'm not sure what the argument was about but I heard many little thuds fallowed by one large one and when I got to the top of the stairs Caroline was at the bottom of the stair with her neck snapped. It seems that Elena had pushed in a surprise attack."

"Ok well that is super bitchy of Elena but Caroline with wake up soon and be fine. So what the reason for the drama Damon?"

"Rebekah would you be quiet and listen" Damon yelled. The room was quiet for a few minutes. "I don't hear anything" Elijah said. Klaus fists were clinched at his side and tears threatened to spill from his eye. "Yes brother but you should be hearing the heartbeat of my unborn child." Liz let out a soul crushing yelp as she clung to her daughter who still laid unconscious in bed. Bekah whooshed to her and held her as she cried as well.

Klaus whooshed to the front door declaring "I will kill her!"  When Klaus reacted the door but could not leave he took a quick step toward Damon. "How dare you. Just last night you were declaring to devotion to Caroline and to protect my child and now you have locked me in this house to protect my babies killer."

"No Klaus I am not Elena is lock away. I had your home spelled because I knew how you would react and I knew that you are going to be the only one to comfort Caroline when she wakes and I couldn't chance you not being here for her because you are out murdering. That can wait."

Klaus slowly stalked over to Damon looked him in the eyes and then pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you mate." With that Klaus whooshed back up to his room where he sat and cried waiting for his Caroline to wake so he could informer of the worst new she would ever receive.

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