Chapter 43

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Caroline pov:

I decided to walk to Bonnie's house. I know its a far walk but it gave me time to clear my head. I'm so worried I will fail one of these trials, I've been acting like every minute with those I love is my last. Its hard to be confident when you don't know what these spirits are looking for. I mean who are they to decide if our love is true? "Caroline!" I heard my name being called from behind me. I turned to see who is there but no body was there. I shrugged my shoulders turned and continued on my way to Bonnie's. A few more steps and I heard it again. I turned around "What are you doing here?"

Klaus pov:

It has been around four hours since Caroline had left for Bonnie's house. I decided to do some painting. There is an art gallery coming up and I'm thinking about submitting a piece. I just finished applying a black wash to the canvas, as I was reaching for my pencil to lay my outline when I heard Rebekah scream "NIK" I whooshed out of my studio and down into the foyer. The moment I seen Bonnie my heart dropped into my stomach. "Where is Caroline" I asked quietly. "What do you mean, I though she was here, she never showed up at my house. Since the two of you cant keep your hands off each other I figure she was still here" Bonnie informed me.

The door open and I was praying it was my Caroline returning home. When the person that appeared it was Matt. We all shared a disappointing look when It was him and not her. Matt must have taken notice because he asked "What's going on?"

"Care was suppose to go to Bon's house about four hours ago but she never showed up."

"Are you sure? Around that time she walked past the grill."

"Who would take her?" Bonnie questioned. "Salvatore" I growled. "Nik" I heard Bekah yell from behind me as I whooshed out the door.

I arrived at the Salvatore boardinghouse I pushed through the door. I saw Damon and Enzo watching tv on the couch drinking. "Where is he" I demanded. "Who?" Damon questioned rising form his seat. "your brother, Caroline is missing."  Enzo shot up from his seat on the sofa "WHAT?"

"Are we sure she's missing and she hasn't finally come to her senses and left you" Stefan stated as he descending the stairs. I whooshed to him but before I could touch him my sister had him pinned against the wall by his neck. "She died for him, I don't think she would just up and leave him now. She LOVES him not you just get over it. Do you know where she is or not?"  Stefan had a look of shame on his face "No I don't. Let me help you look for her."

We had searched for hours and there was no sign of her. We had returned to the Boardinghouse and we about to make a new plan. Just then the door crashed open and there stood a soaked Caroline.

Caroline pov:

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him. He said nothing just walked closer to me. "Whats going on? Why are you acting so weird?" but again he said nothing, he just stood in front of me he just smiled. That is the last thing I remember before everything went black.

I woke up bound at my ankles and hands hanging into the well I couldn't untie myself before I drown in the water. It took me hours to calm down enough to remember I am now a which and can make myself levitate. When I finally untied myself I whooshed to where he was staying to see why he did this to me.

I slammed the door open scanned the room til I found him. I walked right over to him and punched him in the face. "I though we were friends" I questioned Enzo with discussed. Looking up from the floor "we are. What are you talking about?"

"Maybe the fact that you snapped my neck then tied me in the well where I spent the day drowning over and over again."

"Caroline I could never."

"Stop lieing and answer her question" Klaus yelled.

"I swear I didn't do it. Compelled me to tell the truth." Enzo pleaded with Nik and I. "How do we know he isn't on revain?" Rebekah inquired.

She whooshed to Enzo's side and compelled him to kiss Damon. He turned and attempted to kiss Damon and kept trying. "Ok he's clean" Damon yelled trying to escape from Enzo attacking lips. Nik rushed to Enzo "Why did you kidnap Caroline?" he compelled him to answer. His eyes glowed blue "Enzo as over taken and we used his body to take Caroline to see if Klaus would work with his enemy" Enzo roboticaly pointed to Stefan, who cringed. " third trial completed."

Once I could tell Enzo was himself again I hugged him. "I'm sorry I should have known something was up, you'd never hurt me."

"it's ok gorgeous" Enzo insisted while Klaus growled behind me. "Caroline, love lets get you home and in dry clothes." Nik Suggested. "ok" I stated hugging Enzo once more saying goodbye.

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