Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Klaus and Damon decided to give Liz and Caroline some privacy leaving the room and heading to the bar. "Mom what you see before...I."

"Caroline I know what I seen, you forget I know how babies are made. I'm afraid I might have past the family curse on to you, being that you are a vampire it's probably going to be worse."


"Every Women on my side seems to become uncontrollably in the mood when pregnant"

"Oh great im becoming this horny little monster." Liz laughed at her daughters normal dramatics.

  "I'm sure Klaus can manage."


After the women stopped laughing they left the room to join the guys at the gala. As they walked closer to them Caroline listened in to their conservation.

"So what is going on with you and Elena?"

"I don't know man, She us so blinded by hate I don't even recognize her."

"Never have I seen such a young person with such anger in their heart.Her life has been chaos for so long she does not know how to live in peace."

"I wouldn't say times are that peaceful my kid brother has lost his marbles."

"Crazy brother is something I know all too well, I can lend you a dagger if you'd like."

"Losing Elena's love was hard for him, he almost didn't make it through. I think he always thought Care would be there waiting as a back up if he couldn't win Elena back. When he came to collect his consolation prize and realized what an amazing woman she actually was and that she was not just waiting around for Stefan Hero Hair Salvatore to give her a glance he lost his mind."

" She is not an object to be had Damon. Caroline is a magnificent piece of art that if you are lucky you get to behold up close." Klaus informed him suspecting that he was already aware of the fact.

"For such a evil man you speak such beautiful words, too bad they are all lies. Care has trapped you with woe is me always second best pout. She pretends to be completely unaware of the fact that she has this magnetic smile and deviously hot body that cant manipulate any man into doing what she wants! I mean look she has the most feared creature in the world worshiping her like a god." Elena spat out like poison. 

Caroline and Liz had now joined the boys. Caroline linked her hand with Klaus and they walked away. She was not going to make a scene at a charity event and Klaus knew when to pick his battles. As they walked away he did stop to inform her "A king only bows down to his queen." Elena scoffed loudly went to fallow them not giving up on this argument but Damon grabbed her hand to stop her. "Let it go remember where we are." She rolled her eyes and growled. "You know what Damon we are done. I've out grown you and need to move on and find someone on my level."

"I couldn't agree more" he replied and walked away from a fuming Elena.

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