Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Klaus was down in the sitting room waiting for Caroline "What is taking so long?"

"Nik you of all people should know that you can't rush beauty" Kol reminded him. Klaus didn't like it with Kol complimented Caroline, he knew She would never do anything like that but any time one of his siblings showed her attention he would remember how it was with he Tatia and Elijah. A light kiss on the Cheek pulled him out of his thoughts, Caroline stood in front of him. Her hair was curled and pulled to the side. She wore a satin black dress that hugged her breast a little too much for a public event. Her baby bump was small not really noticeable if you weren't looking for it.

They arrived at the town civic center had just checked their coat when Klaus notices that her dress hung low in the back really it didn't cover her back at all, even showed that little dimple she had right above her bum

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They arrived at the town civic center had just checked their coat when Klaus notices that her dress hung low in the back really it didn't cover her back at all, even showed that little dimple she had right above her bum. Klaus walked behind her trying his best to hide her exposed back from the rest of the men folk.

The Mikaelson's were sitting at their table enjoying some beverages, Caroline non-alcoholic of course when Enzo appeared "Caroline would you care to dance?" Normally she would stay no but she was still trying to teach Klaus a lesson "I'd love too

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The Mikaelson's were sitting at their table enjoying some beverages, Caroline non-alcoholic of course when Enzo appeared "Caroline would you care to dance?" Normally she would stay no but she was still trying to teach Klaus a lesson "I'd love too." They stood a safe distance apart but Caroline made sure that her exposed neck was facing Klaus, knowing how it drove the vampire in him wild. "Not leaving much for the imagination tonight are you gorgeous?"

"Well sometimes you got to keep certain people on their toes. You better watch how you speak to me. I enjoy your friendship and would hate to see him rip your heart out." Enzo let out a laugh "I am well ware of your Beau I can feel the fireballs he is staring through me as we speak. I wasn't hitting on your changing body, pregnancy suits you." Caroline smiled pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, Zo you are, one of my only friends who are actually happy for me."

"May I cut in?" Stefan asked taking Caroline's hands before waiting for an answer, knowing a public setting like this was the safest place to talk with her. Klaus and Enzo sat at the table watching and listening intently. "Have you turned it off?"

"No why would you thing that?" He questioned smirking that made her uncomfortable unlike Klaus's which turned her on. He continued when she did not answer "I figure if I let the ripper out maybe I'd stand a change."

"I don't have a fetish for assholes Stefan. The evilest man does not claim the Caroline prize. He and I are in love, I see pass the bad things he does and he looks past the childish decisions I make."

"Does he know?"

"Know what?" She questioned him confused.

"That you wanted me first."

She let out an annoyed laugh "You mean the silly school girl crush I had while I was still human and didn't even know a man like that existed?"

Changing the subject after not getting the response he was looking for "Why do you tease me Caroline?" He looked down at her like she was a piece of meat. This comment had Klaus standing clinching his fists waiting for Stefan to make one move. "I didn't wear this for you" she informed him sending bedroom eyes in Klaus's direction. "That should be my baby you know." Klaus was by her side in a second. "Stefan, I think the dance is over."

"Intimidated Klaus? Afraid if you let her talk to other men, she will see behind the accent is a dull broken man?"

"You won't be the one to show her that's for sure." Damon was now pushing his brother out of the room send apologetic eye to Caroline. Klaus looked her up and down "you alright love?"

"Yeah I just need a minute" She excused herself to the bathroom.

Caroline had taken a few deep breaths and was finished touching up her make-up when Elena walked in, she was wearing a skin-tight red gown that reminded you of a devil costume. "That's a lot of skin for a mother."

"NO. You do not get to mention my baby when you told me to kill it."

"Vampires aren't supposed to have babies."

"Elena I'm sorry that you became a vampire and that you can't have kids, but I always wanted to be a mother too. If the roles were reversed, I'd be happy for you." She didn't say anything to Caroline just kept fixing her make in the mirror. Caroline sighed and left back to the party. She had walked around and put some bids on some things I mean it is a Charity event and the Mikaelson's have more than enough money.

Caroline found herself out on the balcony enjoying the quiet. "Aren't you cold?"

"You gonna come over here and keep me warm?"

From behind her Klaus wrapped his arms around her rested him head on her shoulder. "You want to talk about it?"

"No not really." She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You been on your best behavior, haven't you?"

"I really have, does that mean my punishment is over?" Caroline bit her lip and planted a long passionate kiss on his lips. The kiss turned in to a heavy make out session and Klaus's hand slid down her back and in to the over part of her dress his hand ran over her bum and felt bare skin. He pulled away from her a bit "Caroline are you not."

"Not wearing any underwear? Yeah this dress is really thigh and you could see the lines so I decided to go without." Caroline seen his eye flash from their normal beautiful blue to that alluring yellow. She knew her last little seductive trick had worked.

"You ready to go home love?"

"No, we have to stay to see who won we can't bail on a charity event" She told him and he places kisses on her neck. "Its fine love I didn't bid on anything anyway" he said kissing her anywhere he could.

"You are gonna be the death of me women."

"Be quiet and fallow me" she said grabbing his hand and pulling him behind her. She pulled him into a large dressing room that is used for Brides to get ready in when they are have weddings. Caroline quickly undid his pants and pushed him down on to a large chair. She pulled her dress up to her waist and placed herself on his lap and slowly lowered herself on to his waiting member. He let out a growl. Caroline placed her hand over his mouth, whispering in his ear 'Shh babe someone will hear you." She was still rocking back and forth on his lap and she could see in his eye that his escape was close. Continuing her rocking motion, she started bounce up and down as well. With in minutes they both achieved blissful ecstasy together.

Neither of them moved both just enjoying the quick love making session they shared when the door flew open and Damon and Liz stood there. Caroline was about to fly up being embarrassed about being caught in this current position this is not how she wanted her mother to see her after all these years. Klaus held her to his lap knowing if she got up Caroline's mother would see him in all his glory. "You two get decent I'll be waiting just outside, I'd like to catch up with my daughter."

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