Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Klaus pov:

When I entered the room to join Caroline in bed the bed was empty. "Caroline" I called but no answer. I looked to see if she was in the closest or the bathroom but she was not. "Love" I called for her again. A few moments later she walked through the bedroom door wearing only one of my henley shirts. "What are you doing love?"

"Setting up a guest room."


"Myself. If im going to keep waking up alone then I have no need to be staying in here with you." I slowly started walking to her. "Is that so?" She did not answer but stared at me with determined eyes. "Does someone feel a bit neglected?" I questioned caressing her cheek with the back of my hand. She closed her eyes and sighed "why do you always do that?"

"Do what love?'

"Turn me on when I'm trying to be mad at you."

"Its a gift."

"How many other women have experienced this gift" she questioned showing an unconfident smile. "Caroline I am 1000 years old I have loved other but none like you. I've changed so many things for you my love. No other women I've ever loved has earned my respect. You are truly one of a kind Caroline." I took her hand in mine "Now lets get some rest."

"Yeah, cuz im gonna sleep after that confession."

I woke up to the sound of an angelic voice. I rolled over seeing that Caroline was no longer in the bed next to me. Her beautiful singing was pulling me into the ensuite as I entered the room I could see her in all her glory in the shower. My dead heart started racing. I quietly stripped off my clothes and joined her in the shower.Once my hand was around her waist she let out a loud yelp. "Now I am the fool who wakes alone."

"Doesn't feel so good does it?"

"A bit of revenge love?"

"Sometimes a bad boy needs to be punished."

"Oh is that so?"

She pinned me up against the wall bringing her face very close to mine. She lightly bit my ear I groaned in pleasure. "Enjoy your shower, love" She said dragging out the last word before whooshing out of the room. I tried to grab her wrist to keep her in the shower with me but she was too fast. I took a few deep breaths and shower myself and left to the bedroom to confront her. When I entered the room I was once again out of breath. She was sitting at her vanity in a lace very see through purple bra and underwear set. Her hair was still a bit damp pulled into a bun on the top of her head exposing her provoking neck. Something she knows drives me crazy. She was lotioning her face and neck something she no longer needed to do since her skin stopped aging, however Caroline loves her routine and she did this every morning and I've grown accustom to watching her do so, something she love to remind me was very creepy. I was now standing behind her running my pointer finger up and down her neck slowly. Her reflection in the mirror showed me she was biting her bottom holding back a moan. "Why must you lease me love?"

"I don't have a clue what you are talking about."

"Leaving me in the shower alone?"

"I don't recall inviting you in with me."

"Your siren call lured me." I teased commenting on her beautiful voice.

"You know sirens would lure in the men so they feast upon them." She informed me trying to match my seductive smirk and almost accomplishing it. I held my hands open showing my bare wet toned physique "please love, feast away." She got up from her chair and stood so close to me that sent a surge on energy through my entire body. She slowly ran her hand down my chest stopping her hand right above my shaft. "Maybe later, if your behaved" she turned to talk away I whooshed to her I was about to grab her and plant the most passionate kiss on her when she turned and put her hand on my chest to stop me. "No! Your being punished" her demanded. She turned to walk away again I slapped her perky bottom lovingly. She gave me a stern look "Klaus that not how we get what we want is it? Now go get out a suite we have a charity gala to attend" she informed me as she diapered into the closet. I flopped on the bed in a huff, this was going to be and long night for me if this woman kept teasing me like this.

Hey everyone sorry it has been so long since i have posted life has been crazy. I am a new mom, got a promotion at work which demands a lot more from me, plus i've been sick as a dog. Things seem to be settling in to place so hopefully I will be more consistent with my posts. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

- Cchulie

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