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      My siblings and I need to move away, if we don't leave soon the people will start to realize that we aren't aging at all. Honestly we caused a lot of trouble here and it's probably for the best that we leave. Myself and my brothers, Kol and Elijah have decided to let our sister Rebekah decided where we would be relocating to. Her choice was a small town called Mystic Falls, Bekah told us that she had chosen this location because she wanted something different then the big city we were coming from. Later I remembered Stefan Salvatore was currently residing in said small town, back in the 20's he was one of my closest confidant. He and Rebekah had relations and so my dear sister wants to revisit a fling of the past.

     We made our way to Mystic Falls finding an elegant large estate right out of town that we have decided to make our home. I walk the town getting to know my new home also I was a bit famished and could  be in use of a snack. I see this bar/restaurant called Mystic Grill. I enter the filthy establishment sat at a table near the back, I sit in the back so I can see all.  I also find it rather entertaining to watch the humans. I've lived many life times and find it rather fascinating that they are so self absorbed never seeing what right under there noses, how most of them are so unaware of the supernatural beings that walk among them.

     I scan the room to find an interesting conversation,  nothing anyone of these imbeciles is talking about keeps my attention so I focus on the entrance. About five minutes later this mesmerizing blonde young women walks in and take a seat with this overly muscled young man. I focused on them and use my vamp hearing to listen in. The boy spoke first "Care what took you so long?" He questioned her.

 "I was just at the shop ordering the decorations for the dance" she answered with one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.

The young man let out a small growl.

 "Tyler why are you getting so angry with me? Since you've activated this curse you've been so agitated over the littlest things."

 Curse?  I wondered question what the young vampire women is speaking of? The wolf curse possibly?

 "Why is it always Tyler since you've become a wolf your always mad? But I can't say one thing about you being a vampire?"

  A wolf and a vampire dating that must be messy? I didn't see that coming out of this small town, granted it was where we where turned all those years ago.

 "How are you always late for things Care when you can whoosh anywhere? Also let's not forget how I triggered this defending your honor, one that was gone years ago I might add." He said to her in a cold voice.

 "I had that handle you were just trying to be the alpha male." she informed him in a quiet voice. "Yeah you were probably begging for it. Let's not act like your so innocent here Caroline."

 he stood up looked down at her and stated loudly for the entire restaurant to hear. "You're an easy lay Caroline." and he left.

      I don't know this boy but I want to break him. That girl didn't deserve to be treated like that. Why do I care? I've never care or wanted to get involved before. 

     The blonde stood up, surly she was going to tuck tail and leave, but instead she came behind the bar put an apron on and went to work. That little bastard didn't only embarrass her but he did it at her place of employment. She went near the blond young man also behind the bar and he asked

"Are you ok Caroline?"

 "Yeah I guess. You know Tyler is just trying to deal with this change, who would I be if I turned my back on him when he needs me? I know he doesn't mean the things he says."

 I enjoyed how loyal she was even if it was to that snobby little brat. She came over to me and asked if I need anything else. I looked up at her and I connected with her eyes.

 "No I'm fine, love but let me give you some advice. That wolf you're dealing with is only going to get angrier. He recently  woke the wolf and its eating him up inside. Once he comes to terms with what he is and becomes one with the wolf  he will be able to control it better." I told her and I walked out the door.

Fortuitous Love (Klaroline Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now