Chapter 58

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It was early the next morning Caroline found herself on the way to the Salvatore house. Yesterday before leaving the Gala Damon asked her to stop over at some point. The Mikaelson Mansion was very loud due to the fact that Klaus has workers building an in-law suite for Liz so she could be close once the baby was born but not living in the main house so she still has some privacy and freedom. Caroline had Assigned Bekah with a special task while Liz had Klaus out of the house for some bonding, Klaus also had a large favor to ask Liz, for his child's safety he wanted to put the deed to the mansion in her name to protect from unwanted guests.

Caroline reached the front steps of the Salvatore home and took a deep breath hoping Stefan was not there. When she walked in the house seemed empty. "Damon are you here?"

"i'm in my room come up."

"If this is some weird joke i am going to kill you."

"Just get up here Blondie." When she entered his room he was standing in front of a roaring fire. "Damon its the end of October not cold enough for a fire."

"I have a gift for you."

"oh?" He handed her a wooden stake. "Is this.."

"The last white oak stake, yeah" he said taking it out of her hand and throwing it into the fire. "Damon I though you were keeping it a leverage."

"Caroline I love you. Not in the creepy obsessed way my brother does or n the romantic way Klaus does but like a big brother loves his little sister. I'm gonna be that kids favorite uncle and I don't want that stake around getting in to the wrong hands and taking away the kids father. Plus that grumpy old dog is becoming more bearable."

This sentiment brought her to tears and she through her arms around Damon for a hug. Still in there embrace "Elena is gonna be really mad you destroyed that."

"She is no longer my concern,she has out grown me." Caroline pulled away from the hug. "Damon im sorry, when did this happen?"

"Last night at the Gala."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not sober."

"Lets go to the Grill then, Momma wants a milkshake."

"Ok, let me grab a quick shower."

Caroline left Damon's room and bumped into Elena in the hall way.

"Elena i'm surprised to see you here!"

Fortuitous Love (Klaroline Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now