Chapter 10

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"Am I interrupting something?" Nat asked, a hint of anger in her voice. "Not at all. Y/n was just leaving." Stark replied. "Ok then. You know where you're going y/n or do you need a hand? You know what let me help. I'll talk to you later Tony." She said as she grabbed half of the books in my hand and lead me out of the door. 

"Are you ok?" she asked. I nodded my head. I didn't want to say anything to upset Nat, especially after what happened in the lab. "He didn't hurt you did he?" I shook my head in response. She stopped dead in the corridor, causing me to stop. I turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry," We both said in unison. "Please let me go first." She said. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry for what happened in the lab before. It wasn't your fault. It's just that your birthday date means something to me. Something that only Tony and Bruce know about, hence why I wanted to talk to Tony. It wasn't your fault." I smiled gently at her. "Thank you. I was going to apologize for what happened in the lab. I thought I said something offensive or something and I-" I replied, only to be cut off. "It's ok. Random question," Nat said, "Where did you get your necklace?" She started walking towards me, her eyes fixed on my necklace. It was nothing special. Just a little horseshoe with a hear in it. I was slightly taken aback and was frozen to the spot. "I...umm...I d...don't know r...really I have j...just umm had it all my life." I said. I wasn't lying. I had had it all my life, or from what I can remember. "hmm ok. I was just wondering, let's go." She said, clearly deep in thought as we walked back to Wanda's room with my books.

*Nat's POV*

I suspected it before when she told me her birthday. I had a thought. A thought that has almost 100% been confirmed by y/n's necklace. I dropped y/n off at her room and practically ran down to Bruce in the lab. I burst through the door. "Bruce. I need you. I need you to run a DNA test on y/n. I'm almost certain now. I  know it and I have to find out." I rambled on. "ok, ok, ok, calm down. We talked about this before, remember. Your daughter sadly died. And I'm sorry for that and I know that having a girl whose birthday is the same as your daughters is uprooting the memories but there is simply no evidence and it would just be a waste of DNA and time-" Bruce started, "Please Bruce," I begged, "I'm begging you. I HAVE to know. I just have to." I felt the tears prickle the inside of my eyes. I looked away from Bruce as  I felt a tear roll down my face. "Hey, hey, hey," Bruce said, putting an arm around my shoulder, "I will run the test but I don't know how long the results will take and I will need some of your DNA. Don't get your hopes up, you know this is very unlikely right?" "Right," I replied, a soft smile forming on my lips. "Thank you, Bruce," I said and I genuinely meant it. I definitely owed him one.

I gave Bruce some of my blood. And left to talk to Tony. I walked down the corridor and stormed towards his door. For some reason, I was pissed at him, despite the fact that I didn't even know if y/n was my daughter. I stood frozen outside his room. I needed to clear my head for a minute. Was I really going to storm in there and yell and scream at him for lying to me even though I have no solid evidence? I turned away and walked towards my room. I need to not get my hopes up. What would even change? I wasn't there for y/n when she needed me most. I vowed to myself that should I be y/n's mum or not, I would be there for her and treat her like my daughter no matter what.

A couple of hours later, Tony announced of the intercom that he needed everyone in the main room. Apparently, he had something important to say. I internally groaned. The last time Tony had "something important" to say, he wanted to throw a party. I walked out of my room and into the main room to find Steve, Bruce Vision, and Thor already there. I sat down next to Steve and waited for the others to arrive. Wanda and y/n came in next. Then Bucky, Clint, and Sam came through the door. I jumped up and hugged Clint. I had missed him so much. I needed to talk to him about y/n and my suspicions. It just hit me that none of them even knew what had happened with y/n. We all sat and exchanged a few words about their mission before Clint looked between me and y/n. "Wanda, do you mind filling the others in on what has happened?" I asked. I knew she would say yes. It was less painful for us all to relive it through words and it made it awkward for poor y/n. 

I watched as Wanda's eyes grew red and her limbs grew stiff as she focused on sending over the thoughts to the others. I watched as their expressions changed from confusion to anger and sympathy mixed together. After Wanda finished, Clint jumped up, filled with rage, sending daggers at Tony. I jumped in front of him, blocking his path. "He's not worth it," I whispered in a hushed voice. I turned and looked at Tony, he looked almost sorry, but not quite. I looked at y/n, her eyes were fixed on Clint. I knew from the look on her face that she thought this was all her fault and that she wants worth the effort. Her eyes were puffy like she had been crying. I gently pushed Clint back towards his seat and explained that Tony had something important to tell us.

*Y/N's POV*

I sat staring at the large coffee table in the middle while Stark did his introduction-type thing for his announcement. It was all about how he was trying to make it up to the others for his recent mistakes as he put it. "I would like to personally apologize to y/n for the pain I caused her this past year and a bit or however long," He continued. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Moving on from that, I have something exciting to tell you all..." He grinned from ear to ear, his eyes lighting up, "I have bought a new place for us all!" The noise level shot up in the room. There were shouts of protest and anger and shouts of happiness and joy. So many questions were asked. "ok, ok, one at a time please." Stark said, clearly overwhelmed by the reaction, "In fact, let me start off by telling you all the information. Were moving not far from here, the other side of New York. It's a heck of a lot bigger than this place so everyone will have their own room, on a floor with another one or two people. The floor will have its own kitchen and living room though it will be MUCH smaller than the main room, it will still have enough space for snacks. There is an upgraded lab especially for you Bruce and a larger training room with reinforced walls and equipment. The rooming can be changed but it will go as follows; Steve, Thor, and Bruce on one floor, Vision, Sam, and Clint on another floor. Then Nat, Wanda, and the guest room on the other floor. I hope you don't mind girls it's just that you two will be nicer to any guests. I will be staying in the master apartment with Pepper. Peter is going to stay with his aunt as it's closer to his school and he is just a kid. I think that's it so any questions?" Tony finished, taking in a big breath. 

Everyone sat, taking in the information that was just given to them. I noticed my name wasn't mentioned. I assume that meant that I would be kicked out. Great. I needed to start looking for a job that would actually pay me so I can save up some money to rent an apartment or something. Wanda shifted next to me. "What about y/n?" She asked. The dreaded question. I felt everyone's eyes move onto me. I already knew the answer I was just waiting for Tony to say it out loud.   

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