Chapter 47

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I said goodnight to Wanda, Nat, and Yelena before going to my room. I was incredibly tired but I couldn't sleep. So Stark lied to me when he said that Nat and Wanda wanted me in the cell? My head was pounding with questions. I lay in bed in the dark until I heard the door handle move. I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt the mattress move near me as someone leaned over me and climbed behind me into bed behind me. I felt the familiar feeling of Wanda's arm snaking around my stomach. "I missed you, y/n," She whispered as she kissed the back of my head before lying down to go to sleep. 

I woke up to the bright sun streaming through my curtains. Wanda wasn't in bed, she must have got up to get breakfast. I slowly got up and walked out of my room after getting changed, hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone on my way to see Stark. I looked around all the corners before walking down the corridor. I walked into the lab to see Stark and Bruce talking about something. I knocked on the wall to make my presence know. "Ahhh, y/n," Stark said as he walked towards me, "How may I help you today?" "I was wondering if I could talk to you, privately," I said, glancing at Bruce. "Give us a minute would ya?" Stark said to Bruce as he left. 

"What do the others know? About me in the cell? Does anyone other than you and Steve know?" I asked, trying to keep a lid on my temper. "You are nothing but trouble aren't you y/n. From when you first arrived here, all you have done is turn my team against me. To answer your questions, only Steve and I know you were in the cell. The others think you ran away after you nearly killed Wanda and Nat because you were scared and thought they hated you, which they said they did by the way," Stark said as he turned his back to me and began walking away. I took a moment before saying, "Why can't I tell them the truth?" which was apparently the wrong thing to do as he came striding over to me with anger plastered across his face. "You tell anyone what really happened and you can bet your ass that you will no longer be allowed in this compound and that Jackson will find himself one very lucky man," Stark spat. I felt the color drain from my face as I said, "I...Is there anything specific you want me to tell them?" I really didn't want to find out if Stark was serious or not. "Nope. Just not the truth," He replied, having calmed down and gone back to his work.

I left the room and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I walked through the compound to go back to my room. I walked onto our floor to see Nat and Wanda talking while eating breakfast. "There you are," Wanda said as she came up to me, "good morning baby." She planted a kiss on my head before turning back to Nat. "So we were thinking about doing something fun. Any ideas?" Wanda asked. I couldn't think or compute anything at that moment. I was worried about what Stark would say. "I... I ummm... I don't know. I'll do whatever," I said as I took a seat. "Hey. Are you ok?" Wanda said as I looked down. "Look at me, y/n," She said as she brought her hand to lift up my chin. "You can tell me anything you know that right? Did something happen when you were away? Did someone hurt you?" I shook my head in response, unable to lie to her. "Talk to me y/n," She said, looking directly into my eyes. I looked back at her. "I...I just... It's complicated," I said with a sigh, "But I'm ok, I'm back now, I am not hurt so can we just drop it?" I asked, silently begging her to not push it further.  She sighed as she looked down in defeat. I knew that if she wanted to she could read my mind and find out exactly what she needed. "Y/n, just tell me one thing. Is there something or someone that is stopping you from saying anything?" I looked at Wanda. I so desperately wanted to tell her. I opened my mouth to speak but as I did, Stark walked in. "How are we all? What are we all talking about?" Stark said as he glared at me, he clearly knew I was about to spill it all to Wanda. "Nothing," I said in response. "Nothing? Ok then. I wondered if you guys wanted to attend a party I am holding the day after tomorrow for y/n's birthday? Y/n you obviously have to come," Stark said, pacing around the room. "Sounds fun!" Wanda said, grinning at me. "We will be there!" Nat said, also grinning. I smiled at the two before turning to Stark, my smile fading. "Can't wait," I said, sending daggers at him.


"There you are," I said as y/n walked in. I walked towards her planting a kiss on her head. "Good morning baby," I said. I walked back to the table, taking y/n with me, and sat back down. "So we were thinking about doing something fun. Any ideas?" I said, looking between Nat and y/n. Y/n seemed distant as she said, "I... I ummm... I don't know. I'll do whatever." She took a seat next to me, not looking at anything but the floor. I cupped her cheek in my hand, feeling the warmth of her rosy cheek. "Look at me y/n, you can tell me anything you know that right? Did something happen when you were away? Did someone hurt you?" All these horrible thoughts rushed through my head as y/n shook hers. "Talk to me y/n," I said, completely unconvinced that nothing had happened. This wasn't y/n. I looked her in the eyes as her eyes met mine. "I...I just... It's complicated," she said sighing, "But I'm ok, I'm back now, I am not hurt so can we just drop it?" I felt slightly hurt that she felt she couldn't share anything with me and couldn't be open with me. Maybe she felt bad because she lost control of her powers? I sighed as I looked down, feeling deflated and like I was fighting a losing battle. "Y/n, just tell me one thing. Is there something or someone that is stopping you from saying anything?" Her eyes snapped up to meet mine. She opened her mouth to speak before Stark walked in.

A/N: Hey guys, so I am not dead I am just super busy right now. College has started back so free time is just not a thing. I will try and update as much as I can but it will be slow just while I get back into a routine of doing my work etc. Sorry this part took so long. Thank you for all the continued support, It means the world to me. Love you all!

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