Chapter 1

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I was sat on my bed in the basement, the music and laughter ringing loud in my ears from upstairs. Great, more cleaning up for me to do tomorrow I thought, Working as a maid for Mr.Stark was not fun and it was definitely not what I dreamed of doing back at the orphanage. I had wanted to be a writer before I was forced to work for Tony Stark by my ex-boyfriend, Tyler. I looked around my 'room' (If you could even call it that. It was more like a concrete cupboard that had a couple of blankets and a pillow on the floor along with a small flickering lightbulb dangling above my head from a string and a clock that was at least 10 minutes out. At least I had my books. I love reading. Maybe it's because it's an escape or maybe it's because I can't do anything else.

The laughter started to die down after a couple of hours meaning Stark's party was coming to an end. I decided to close my eyes and get some rest, after all, tomorrow would be busy. I looked over at the clock to see how many hours of sleep I would get before Stark woke me up. Around 6. Great, I thought.

I woke up in a bit of a daze though I felt fully refreshed despite the fact that it must be early as Stark hadn't come in and woken me up. I glanced over at the clock. 10:53 am. OMG! I had massively overslept. Why didn't Stark wake me?! I darted out of bed, got changed into my day clothes, and crept up the stairs leading towards the door in Mr. Starks's room. Pinned to it was a scrappy piece of paper that read:


I didn't wake you up this morning as I have a hangover. I have also decided that it is your responsibility to get up and if you don't get everything done you will be punished. Hope you understand. The schedule for today is pretty boring. The Avengers will be out on a mission from 10 am till around 12 so clean everything by then and then get out of the way. We're also planning on going out for drinks later to the pub down the road so you can clean rooms then.


Great. I have just about an hour to clean the compound. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my cleaning supplies, and sped out of the door. Thankfully, the cabinet that hid the door was open. There had been occasions where I hadn't been able to get out. It's not like JARVIS would let me. As I walked into the main area, my mouth dropped open as I internally groaned. Empty and half-finished beer bottles decorated the floor along with smashed glasses, half-empty glasses, crisp wrappers, and numerous items of clothing that were strewn over every piece of furniture. I started by picking up all the empty bottles and moving all the clothes onto one sofa. As I was doing so, I saw a pair of headphones lay on the floor. I plugged them into my broken phone and played my music out of them. For some reason music makes the job seem less like a job and makes it more fun. When I had finally finished I looked at the time, surprised that I had managed to do it in an hour. It was 12:35. Crap! The Avengers would be back any minute. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and ran down to the basement, just as JARVIS announced the jet was landing. I sighed in relief as I lay on my blanket. That was too close.

I closed my eyes and listened to the commotion going on above me. Someone was injured and was being rushed to the lab. Stark was always in a bad mood when that happened so that will be great for me. As much as I wish I could go and help, I know it's forbidden for me to leave the basement, even if the cabinet is locked. I closed my eyes and found sleep overtake me.

About 2 hours later, Stark came to the door and announced they were going to the pub down the road and would be back in about 3 hours so I should start on the rooms. I got up and grabbed my supplies, waiting 10 minutes before leaving my room. I dragged my stuff and started on Steve's room. I liked Steve's room, It was always clean and tidy so it never took long. He also had a guitar that I would play from time to time but I didn't dare waste any time, not after the close call I had today.

After spending 20 minutes cleaning Steve's room, I moved onto Wanda's. Wanda's room was usually clean too but today it looked like someone had broken in. There were clothes all over the floor and draws that were open along with books and paper scattered everywhere. I set to work picking up all the clothes from the floor, sorting through the clean, which I put away, and the dirty which I left in a pile by the door. I decided to put the headphones back in, realizing that I never put them with the lost property items from the party last night.

After having cleaned Wanda's room I walked over to the fish tank. It was a pathetic fish tank really. There were a few small fish and a few dying plants. I would usually clean the tank however I didn't have much time, especially since I spent more time than usual in Wanda's room. I fed the fish a few flakes of food and turned to head out of the door, only for it to be blocked. Someone had come back. 

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