Chapter 52

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I woke up the next morning and got myself dressed and ready to train. As it was my birthday, I had a lie-in. I was tired. I couldn't stop thinking about how I am going to be involved in the mission. I walked into our living room to see Nat, Wanda, Yelena, and Bucky all sat down around a decorated room. In the middle of the room, there was a pile of presents. "Happy Birthday!" They all shouted. I beamed at them. I followed Wanda who lead me to the pile of presents. "These are from me, Nat and Yelena," She said. "And this is from me," Bucky said as he handed me a present. "I... Wow, thank you guys," I said, shocked. I sat with them as I opened all the wonderful gifts. It ranged from jewelry to clothes to a new phone. I had to borrow an old one of Starks after I came back with Bucky as I left mine in his safe. I thanked everyone as we all went into the main kitchen to eat breakfast. We had pancakes as we all laughed and jokes. This. This felt like family. This made up for all those years that I spent alone. This was home.

Everyone had bought me something for my birthday, a lot of it was jewelry but they were all so thoughtful. The next thing on the agenda was my birthday party. Nat had bought me a dress not that long ago, one I thought was for Christmas. Apparently, this party was supposed to be a surprise but Stark ruined it. Either way, I was grateful that we were doing anything at all. I tried on my new dress and knocked on the door to Wanda's room. "Come in," She said behind the door. I walked in to see her room looking the messiest I have ever seen it clothes were everywhere. "Wanda. are you ok?" I asked. "Ugh, I don't know what to wear," Was the reply i got from the bathroom. "You look good in everything," I said, smiling at her as she came out of the bathroom. She stood in a gorgeous dress that hugged her curves nicely. I stared at her, taking in the beauty. "What do you think? Do I look fat? Are my shoulders too broad? You know what you're right, I hate it. I knew-" "WANDA!" I said, cutting her off, "You look stunning, perfect, gorgeous just, wow," I said as she smiled at me. "Thank you y/n," She said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You look incredible too," She said as her eyes roamed over my body. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "Should we go?" I asked. I felt rather nervous about the party. It was Stark who planned it after all. 

I walked into the main room to see so many people, lots of them I didn't know. Everyone in their own conversations. Stark walks onto a stage holding a microphone. He shouts over the speakers "Please welcome the birthday girl, y/n!" Everyone turns to face me. I feel the heat rise over my cheeks and a feeling of anxiety creep over me as everyone cheers and whoops, staring at me. I feel Wanda's hand hold my own, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. I calm down slightly as everyone goes back to their own things, drinking and chatting. I follow Wanda through the crowd to see Nat and Steve. Nat comes over and hugs me "You look gorgeous," She whispers in my ear. Out the corner of my eye, I see Steve whisper something in Wanda's ear and a flash of emotion I don't recognize comes over her face and leaves just as quickly.  "I'm going to go get us some drinks y/n," Wanda said as she walked away. I looked after her as she walked towards the bar. Nat looked at me, a concerned look plastered across her face. "Are you ok?" She asked. I quickly looked towards Steve who looked at me with a blank expression. "Yeah, just worried about Wanda," I said. "She's fine. I spoke to her the other day and she's ok," Steve said. I knew he was lying but ignored it. Tonight was supposed to be happy.

The night went on and many people left at about midnight. I didn't know half of them. We had all had a bit too much to drink, myself not included as I was on non-alcoholic drinks. We sat down and discussed a whole load of things, ranging from where everyone came from to favorite mixture of crisps. "I think I am going to head to bed guys, thank you for an amazing night," I said as I stood up. It was the early hours of the morning, I really didn't think that the old men like Steve and Stark actually had it in them to drink this late. Many goodnights and happy birthdays were thrown my way as I made my way to bed. 


Y/n left for bed and I knew I wouldn't be far behind her. I was quite tired. "Let's play truth or dare," Thor said. "What are we? Five years old?" Stark said. Many people protested against stark and the overall decision was that we would play. People went around, doing silly things like trying to lift Thor's hammer and doing your best cow impression. The truths were a little deeper. Who was your first love? When did you lose your v-card? "Wanda," Stark said, pulling me out of my drunk thoughts, "Truth or dare?" He asked. "Hmmm, truth," I replied. "Have you ever read someone's mind to find out the information you know you weren't supposed to know?" He asked, giving me a knowing look. He knew. He knew that I knew. I knew that he knew that I knew about y/n. Steve had said that he told Stark. "Yes," I answered, not bothering to lie. "When?" He asked. "I used to do it all the time back in Sokovia," I said. Which technically wasn't a lie but it wasn't the answer he was looking for either. He glared at me as I glared back at him. "Tony," I said, "Truth or dare?" I hoped he picked truth. "Truth," He replied. I had to think about how to word this. "Have you ever held someone against their will in a cell since we saved y/n from you?" I asked. Now he knew that I knew and that I was trying to tell everyone. He laughed sardonically. "Yes." He stated. Everyone's heads whipped towards him. "Who? And when?" Thor asked. Tony looked at me. "Y/n." He said. This was a bad idea. 

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