Chapter 46

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Everyone spent the rest of the day looking for y/n. She was on foot so she couldn't have gotten far. Unless something bad had happened. I pushed the thought out of my head. No, she was ok, just scared and worried that we would all hate her for what happened. Which we didn't. I remember what happened when I first got my powers. I flung my brother across the room by mistake. He broke his leg and I felt horrible. I was so scared of hurting someone else. We needed to find y/n.


 I was still in the cell. Steve came down three times a day to give me food and was constantly giving me drinks but I never ate or drank. I had completely lost my appetite. The thought that Wanda and Nat didn't want me and were scared of me. I hadn't used my powers since then, I hadn't tried but I also hadn't tried to not use them. I had tried to keep track of the days which was easier than when I was with Jackson because there were windows and I knew Steve came down three times a day with food. There were also windows. If I am correct, my birthday is in three days. Not that it mattered as I clearly wasn't going anywhere. 

Another day passed where I did nothing other than sit in the corner of the cell. I had decided that I had finally had enough. I got up after Steve left and banged against the glass until it was smeared in blood and my knuckles were numb from the pain. My last hope was my powers if I could just focus. I focused all my energy on the glass and shot my hand out like I had seen Wanda do so many times. I tiny ping pong ball-sized red ball shot out, not even making it to the glass before disappearing. I ran to the glass and banged my bloody hand on it. As I did so, a wave of red rippled across the glass, shattering the majority of it. I ran over the glass, not caring when it cut my feet and ankles. I was out. I was finally out. 

I walked up towards the main room where I saw everyone other than Wanda, Nat, Yelena, and Bucky sat. They all jumped up at the sight of me and what a sight I must have been. Covered in blood that dripped from my hand and feet, out of breath and dirty. Stark came up to me first, a look of shock on his face. I had no idea what he would say. I stepped back as he pulled me into a tight hug and brought his mouth close to my ear. "You ran away. You ran away because you thought everyone hated you ok?" He said in a very harsh tone. I nodded my head into his shoulder, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. Steve and Sam came up next, welcoming me back but not hugging me. "W...where is W...Wanda a...a...and Nat and Y...Yelena?" I asked. I was shaking and my voice was shaking too. "They're out looking for you around the city," Sam said. I felt my mouth drop to the floor. It was like 11 pm, and they were looking for me? "I'll give them a call," Bucky said from behind Steve. I'm assuming only Steve and Tony knew I was in the cell. "Let's get you cleaned up," Bucky said. I nodded my head as Bucky helped me to a shower. 

"What happened y/n?" Bucky asked after I had showered. "W...what do you mean?" I asked. Did he know about the cell? "Why are you bleeding? Did you fight someone? Were you hurt anywhere else? Where did you stay? Why did you leave?" Bucky asked. I could bring myself to answer him. I hated lying to people and I don't know what Stark has told them. "When are Wanda, Nat, and Yelena coming back?" I asked, changing the subject. "Soon, let's go downstairs to the others." He replied, not pushing for answers. We walked downstairs where the others sat. They were all whispering, I'm assuming about me as they stopped when we walked in. I just needed to see Wanda, Nat, and Yelena.


Nat, Yelena, and I all split up over the city to try and find y/n. All three of us looked none stop; desperate to find her. It was dark and quiet in the city yet we all refused to give up. My phone rang from my pocket. It was Nat. I answered it. "We need to go back," Nat said. "No. Not yet. I'm not giving up." I replied. "No y/n is at the compound," Nat said. My words got stuck in my throat. I ended the phone call and ran back to where we had all agreed to meet to see Nat and Yelena waiting for me. I jumped in the car with Nat driving. 

We arrived at the compound and I burst through the door. Everyone jumped up at the loud noise. I scanned the room until my eyes fell on y/n. We locked eyes and I ran over to her. She took a few steps backward. I stopped in front of her feeling hurt. Y/n eyes brimmed with tears. "I...I don't want to hurt you again," Y/n said as she looked at the floor. "That's a risk I am willing to take," I said, slowly stepping towards her. She looked at me as she stepped forward and I pulled her into a hug. "I love you y/n, nothing is going to change that," I whispered in her ear. I slowly pulled away and pulled her into a gentle kiss. Tony cleared his throat, causing us to pull away. I went to hold y/n's hands only to see they were glowing pink. I slowly grabbed them. "You have got to pick a color," I said, laughing softly. Nat and Yelena came behind me and both hugged y/n. "Don't ever do that to me again ok?" Nat said tears streaming down her face. Y/n looked over to Stark before nodding her head, tears also streaming down her face. Something was definitely going on. Y/n was definitely hiding something from us. 

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