Chapter 36

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I needed to talk to y/n. Or Bruce. I'm assuming she told him the potential fathers. Or maybe she didn't. I wiped the tears from my face and headed into Starks office, hoping he wouldn't be there. 4 or 5 weeks ago. I needed to check the dairy. I walked in to find it was empty. Thank god. I opened a few draws of his dark oak wood desk. Surely he wouldn't hide the diary? I looked through a few more draws until I found what I was looking for. A small blue book. I opened the dairy on today's date. I flicked through a few weeks. They were all empty. What? There was nothing in there other than stuff from the beginning of the year. It was now nearing the end. I bet all the details are online somewhere. Of course, they were. This is Tony Stark. He wouldn't take the time to write stuff out. I mentally cursed myself as I walked out of the office, closing the door behind me. How do I access the computer version of the dairy?

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I needed to distract myself from y/n. All I had ever done was love and protect her and she goes and does this! I need to know who that father is. I'd played nice until this point. Now it was time for me to take charge.


I woke up sweating and feeling like I couldn't breathe. I looked around the room. It wasn't mine. It was Nat's. And Wanda was here, tears streaming down her face. What had happened. I just had a nightmare about Jackson. I sat up and hugged my knees, wondering why Wanda was stood there, not moving or talking. She couldn't even look at me. Why was she here? She didn't want to talk to me before. How long had I been asleep? "Y/n..." Wanda whispered, so quietly I thought I was imagining it. I looked towards her as she stood, staring at the other side of the bed. "I...I...I had no idea," she said, her eyes meeting mine. I had no idea what she was on about. "W...what?" I asked, tears flowing silently out of my eyes. "I know..." She replied. Why was she talking in riddles? What is she on about? I looked at her blankly. "It's ok, I know," She whispered as she sat on the bed next to me and hugged me. I sat for a minute dazed before I pulled away from the hug. "Know what?" I asked, looking at her face for a response. "I know about the baby, more specifically the father of the baby, when it happened, everything," Wanda replied. I sat and stared at her. What? How?

"Wh...H...How?" I stammered. She looked at me. "You didn't know." She said. "You didn't know that I was in your head?" I stared at her in disbelief. "You went in my head? In my memories?" I said, half angry half surprised. "Well...I...yeah," Wanda said, looking at me with those innocent eyes. "The dream that wasn't a dream? It was just a memory?" I had no idea how this stuff worked. Wanda nodded. "How many times have you done this? Read my mind?"I asked. I was genuinely curious. If she read my mind, then she knew what I was thinking all the time? Is she reading my mind now? It was stupid but I screamed in my mind to see if she would hear. Of course, she didn't move. "The only other time I did it was when I first saw you, cleaning in my room. I didn't know who you were and what you were doing so I looked in your memories to find out." She replied. "So those flashbacks I had to everything, that was you?" I asked. she nodded. "It's never clear, the bits that I get from looking into someone's mind. I didn't get the whole story of your life, just bits. Bits of Jackson, the foster homes, the orphanage and Stark; it was all a blur." I was beginning to understand it a bit. I can't believe we had never had this conversation before. I knew the basics of Wanda's powers but I didn't know the ins and outs of it.


I walked into y/n's room to see her asleep. I had to know the answer. Who was the father? I stepped towards y/n and placed my hands close to her head. I had to focus really hard in order to get the information that I wanted. I focused on any thoughts y/n would have had about the baby. I focused but it all went dark. There was nothing until a door I didn't know was there burst open with y/n and a man walking through it. Well, y/n was more dragged in by said man. He tied her to the chair. The next thing I see is y/n on the floor, covered in cuts and bruises. This was Jackson. I didn't understand. I watched in bits as y/n was pinned to the ground, unable to move due to Jackson's weight and due to y/n's sheer exhaustion from the abuse she just received. It was like I was stood there, watching it happen, unable to help in any way. I figured while I was so concentrated on what was going on, I would look through and see y/n's time with Jackson. I saw everything. From the beginning of the kidnapping to running through the woods to being sold to Bucky. I was pushed out of her memories to find y/n awake and crying. I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my face. God! I'd been horrible to y/n about this baby and all along, it wasn't her fault. She hadn't cheated on me, she had been raped by Jackson.

I couldn't look at y/n. I stared at the other side of the bed. "Y/n..." I whispered, the guilt of it all building up in me, choking me, causing my throat to tighten. "I...I...I had no idea," I said, my watery eyes meeting y/n's who looked blankly at me, tears still flowing out of her eyes. "W...what?"She asked. "I know," I said, "It's ok, I know," I said, trying to soothe her as I perched on the bed next to her, taking her into a hug. She sat in silence for a few minutes, digesting what I told her. She pulled away from the hug to look at me. "Know what?" y/n asked. "I know about the baby, more specifically the father of the baby, when it happened, everything," I replied, confused as to how she didn't know. Given her visible shock, she didn't know that I went through her memories.

"Wh...H...How?" Y/n stammered. "You didn't know. You didn't know that I was in your head?" I asked. The look on y/n's face answered my question. "You went in my head? In my memories?" Y/n asked, clearly not happy about the situation. "Well...I...yeah," I said, I was going to try and justify myself but decided it was better to just admit it. "The dream that wasn't a dream? It was just a memory?" Y/n asked, she clearly had no idea how this worked. To be fair, we had never talked about this. "How many times have you done this? Read my mind?" "The only other time I did it was when I first saw you, cleaning in my room. I didn't know who you were and what you were doing so I looked in your memories to find out." I replied. It was the honest truth. "So those flashbacks I had to everything, that was you?" I nodded. I felt it was good that we were going through it all. "It's never clear," I clarified, "the bits that I get from looking into someone's mind. I didn't get the whole story of your life, just bits. Bits of Jackson, the foster homes, the orphanage, and Stark; it was all a blur." I could see that y/n was starting to understand it a bit. We sat for a while and y/n asked a multitude of questions before we decided to see where the others were.

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