Chapter 45

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I looked up when I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n, It's me Wanda can I come in?" I heard Wanda's voice say. I went to unlock the door before I realized my hands were glowing blue and there was stuff floating all over my room. Cups, clothes, and paper. I decided not to answer, maybe she would think I was asleep. I jumped at the sound of the door handle rattling. A cupboard door flung open. I needed to calm myself down. "Y/n I need to know you're ok?" I heard Wanda say as I hurried around my room, closing one draw as another flew open. "I...I'm ok. I...I just need space," I said, trying not to sound panicked or upset. I didn't want to hurt Wanda or scare her. "Please let me in y/n, I can help," I heard Wanda say. I love Wanda I do but I needed her to give me space to control these powers. "No, No Wanda please, j...just leave me a...alone," I said, the familiar feeling of tightness appearing in my chest. I stopped moving around and sat back on my bed, focusing on my breathing. It all went quiet for a while, giving me chance to calm down.

I looked up as I heard muffled talking from outside my door. There was a gentle knock as Nat said "Y/n sweetheart, It's Nat. Can you unlock the door for me? We just want to help you," softly, but loud enough that I could hear her. "I'm fine mum, I...I just need to be alone." I replied.  "Y/n open the door or I will kick it open." I panicked I really hoped she wasn't being serious but knowing Nat she was. "NO! Mum, please don't I promise I am fine I just-" I was cut off with a bang as Nat kicked open the door. I brought my hands to my head to protect myself from anything that came flying off the door. I looked up to see Nat frozen to the spot and Wanda walking slowly towards me, a light blue dome over the top of me. It disappeared as Wanda came closer. Wanda reached a hand out to comfort me but I shuffled away from it until my back hit the wall. "I...I don't want to hurt you," I said, my voice breaking as Wanda walked closer. "You won't hurt me, I trust you," She said as she came even closer. "here," She said as she reached a hand out towards me. I put my hands over my head and curled my knees up tighter to my chest. A purple ripple went through the room and I heard loud crashes. I looked up to see both Nat and Wanda lay on the floor. Blood dripped from Wanda's head and hands. I stood up and rushed towards them, not touching either of them for fear of doing more damage.  

"HELP!" I shouted as loud as I could, "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. I heard someone come through the door. I felt two firm hands drag me away from Nat and Wanda as Bruce ran over to them. I was pulled into another room where Steve pushed me against the wall, causing me to panic. "What the hell happened?" He said, half shouting. "I...I... It was an a...accident. I...I...I didn't m...mean to." I sobbed. Steve's face was that of pure anger yet he pulled me into a hug. I felt my legs nearly give way as Steve held me up. The hug became tighter as I felt handcuffs being placed around my wrists behind my back. I tried to shuffle away but Steve held me firm. hurting my arms where he was grabbing. He let me go out of the hug but still held my arm too tightly, ensuring that I couldn't go anywhere. "Let me go!" I yelled, fighting against him. He didn't say anything as he dragged me out of the room. I planted my heels and refused to move so he flung me over his shoulder, carrying me down the hall. 

I landed on the floor with a thud as the handcuffs were taken off me. Steve walked away and over to a control panel. Before I knew it, a glass door was sliding shut, locking me in this glass dome. I ran towards the door, slamming my fist into it. "Let me out!" I shouted to Steve, who completely ignored me. "Let me out," I begged as tears fell down my face. I punched the glass a few times but it wouldn't give at all. "There is no point in trying. That glass was made to withstand the Hulk so you definitely won't get out of that," Steve said as Tony walked in. "Ahh good to see you safe and away from everyone y/n," Stark said. "It was an accident," I said feebly, "How are Nat and Wanda? Are they ok?" I asked, the feeling of guilt crawling up my spine. "They will be ok, no thanks to you. They're bruised and Wanda has a concussion but other than that they are fine." I let out a sigh of relief. "This time," Stark added. "What do you mean this time? It's never going to happen again, I am going to work with Wanda and learn how to control my powers and-" "You're not leaving this cell," Stark said, cutting me off. "W...what?" I said, fear set in. "B...but Nat and Wanda? The...they won't let me stay down here."  "That is where you're wrong, y/n, I told them you were down here and they said they feel safer knowing you won't hurt them again." I felt my eyes go wide with shock as my heart broke in two. I took a few steps backward and leaned against the glass, falling to the floor. "We will be down in a bit with some food," Steve said. How long was I going to be in here?    


I woke up in a hospital bed in the lab. "Good you're up," Stark said. "Where is y/n?" I asked as I looked around the room to see Nat also waking up. I slowly tried to sit up but felt a pain in my ribs. "Careful," Stark said avoiding my question. "Where is y/n?" I demanded. Stark sighed. "Tony," Nat said, her voice a warning. "Ok but don't freak out ok? We don't know, she ran away. We are trying out best-" "What? She ran away? She left? To go where? She has no one else and nowhere to go." "This is why I didn't want to tell you," Stark said, "We're doing everything we can to track her down. You two need to rest," Stark said as he went to leave. "If y/n is out there alone and scared, I'm going to look," Nat said firmly "Me too," I said, just as firmly. Stark sighed and walked out.

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