Chapter 57

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We reach the main room and the majority of the Avengers are there. They all look towards me and y/n as we walk in. I shake my head in a silent warning but they're not looking at me, they're looking at y/n. "Omg y/n!" Nat says jumping up and walking quickly towards, I feel y/n tense as she takes a slight step behind me. A look of hurt flashed through Nat's face as she looks towards me for an answer. I quickly enter everyone in the room's mind and explain everything. Nat's face hardens and I can tell she is trying to hold back her tears. "I hope you feel better soon," she says turning away. I can tell she's started crying by the look on Steve's face. "Let's get going," I say to y/n as I lead her to the lab. Bruce is there along with Tony as they are looking over the computers. They look towards me and y/n and relief washes over both of their faces. "Glad to see you up and about y/n," Tony says. I look at him in shock. I think y/n nearly dying has scared him. I look at y/n who looks like she has seen a ghost. Oh my god. She thinks she still works for Stark! I crouch down and look up at y/n. "It's ok. You're ok. He's not going to hurt you ok?" I say. She doesn't look convinced. I turn to look at Tony. "Tony, do you mind?" I ask, nodding towards the door. He nods his head in confusion and leaves the room. "Take a seat y/n," Bruce says as he walks over to me. "What happened?" He whispered. I showed him what I knew and my thoughts on it. He nodded. "Ok y/n, I'm doctor Banner but you can call me Bruce ok? I'm here to look after you so if at any point you feel uncomfortable please tell me and we will stop ok?" Bruce said gently. Y/n nodded as I sat in the chair at the side of the room. 

Bruce was really good with her. He subtly asked her questions to see what she remembered while also checking her health. I put together pieces of information and came to the conclusion that she thought she was in the hospital because Tony beat her. She thinks that I caught her in my room cleaning and then Tony found out and was furious. She doesn't know I'm her girlfriend. She thinks it's the first time we had met. My heart was breaking piece by piece. It didn't go unnoticed that she referred to everyone as Miss and Mr or Sir and Ma'am. It was weird like she was back to the y/n I first knew only different. The y/n I first knew wouldn't have tried to escape. She wouldn't have run back to the door. She would have whimpered and stayed in the hospital wing until someone came in. It was weird. I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. I had lost y/n and I had lost our baby. I was overwhelmed with grief when Bruce asked to speak to me outside. "Will you be ok here y/n?" I asked. She nodded and I followed Bruce outside. "What's going on? Can you fix her?" I asked anxiously. Bruce sighed. "Her body went through extreme trauma which caused her brain to shut down and focus on healing the parts of her body that were injured. As a result, she lost her memories. I can't do anything to help. The only thing to do is wait and explain her life to her to try and kickstart the brain but I can't promise anything will happen," Bruce said. I felt a lump form in my throat. What if she doesn't remember me? Or doesn't love me? I pushed the thought away. She could get better right? I had to try.


I sat in the room, lost in my thoughts. There wasn't much point in trying to leave, all the avengers had seen me and knew I tried to escape. Plus Miss Maximoff and Dr.Banner were right outside. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Miss Maximoff walking into the room again. "You're looking a lot better y/n. Do you remember what happened?" She asked. I shifted in the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest carefully. "I... um... I remember being in a dark room. My room, in the basement and umm... Mr. Stark coming down and... and he was angry, very angry because I... I was stupid and got caught you, cleaning, just doing my job. B...But he had one rule, don't get caught and I broke it. So he hit me, worse than he ever has before. And then it all went black. If I... if I were to guess what happened I would say that you found me and broke me out. There are a few bits missing though. Like being in this compound. This isn't the compound I know. And there was a man I didn't recognize there too. And... and Miss Romanoff seemed really happy to see me like she has known me for ages. I'm assuming you and her both found me? I...I don't know." I said as I stared straight ahead, not wanting to see Wanda's reactions. I heard her sniff and decided to look over at her. Tears streamed silently down her face as she looked at me. "You really don't remember anything else?" She said with a shaky voice. I shook my head, slightly confused. "Ok then," She said, "Well what you just described happened just under a year ago. And a lot has happened since then. For starters, I'm your girlfriend and you were pregnant with a child. Not mine but..." She hesitated. "We will get onto that later." I was pregnant? "H...h...I...What? I was p...pregnant? W...Wheres the baby?" I asked confused. Why should I believe her? Her eyes were saddened as I mentioned it. "You went on a mission with Nat and Clint. And in order to complete it, someone had to die. A soul for a soul. You sacrificed your baby by umm... by stabbing yourself in the stomach while Nat and Clint were fighting," I looked at her as tears flooded down my face and hers. So that thing with Stark, it had happened just a year ago. And I was pregnant with someones baby? And Miss Maximoff was my girlfriend? I sat in silence processing all the information I was just given. 

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