Chapter 15

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I woke up with my body entangled with y/n's. I could feel the rise and fall of her chest, confirming that she was still asleep. I listened to her steady breathing. I rolled over slightly to look at the time. We still had a couple of hours before we had to go to the new compound. I slowly and quietly got out of bed careful not to wake y/n. I crept to the bathroom, grabbing the clothes I left out the night before on my way. I got changed and heard a loud bang coming from the room. "Y/n? Are you ok?" I asked, keeping the door closed while I threw my top on. There was no reply. I panicked and threw the door open to find the room empty. The sleepingbags were thrown everywhere and y/n's clothes were scattered across the room. I ran towards the door, opening it and looking down the corridor for any sign of y/n. Nothing. I ran back in the room to see the curtains slightly blowing. The window was wide open. I poked my head out and scanned the area for any trace of y/n. Nothing.

I ran downstairs to find Steve making toast. He glanced up to see who it was and smiled, looking back down at his breakfast. "Morning." He said, completely un aware of the situation. I stared at him, trying to get the words out. He looked back up at me, his smile turning onto a frown. "Whats up?" He asked, walking over to me, taking me in his arms in a tight cuddle. Tears started to fall down my face as I began to sob. "Y/n is missing. Somone took her or she ran away I don't know what happened I-" Steve cut me off, "Hey its ok. We'll find her." He held me in his arms as I cried into his chest. I broke away from him to see Nat, Bruce and Thor standing at the other end of the room, a confused look plastered on all of their faces. "Suit up," Steve said, "Tell Tony and the others. Y/n is missing." 

*Y/n's POV*  

I woke up to find Wanda wasn't there. I sat up and listened. She was in the bathroom, probably getting changed. I rolled over onto my side, remembering the events of the night before. I could still taste her cherry chapstick on my lips. I smiled to myself. All of a sudden there was a bang behind me. I shot up to find two men in black masks running towards me. I tried to scream as I felt a hand go around my mouth, muffling the sounds. I could hear the distant voice of Wanda though I don't know what she said. I kicked my legs in an attempt to kick the men but all I did was mess up the room. They dragged me towards the window where they climbed out, me still flailing my limbs. They ran around the corner of the building and threw me on the ground.

I went to scream but I was met with a hand colliding with the side of my face, knocking the air out of me. "Try to scream and run and there is plenty more where that came from." One of the men took a few steps back and pulled out a phone while the other put tape over my mouth and tied my hands and feet together. Tears started falling down my face as all the noises were muffled and my vision went blurry.  I tried to take deep breaths through my nose to calm myself down. I thought of Wanda and how I knew she wouldn't give up looking for me. "Stay still," one of the men said as he walked towards me with a needle. He roughly pushed my head to the side, exposing my neck. He jabbed the needle in and injected me with whatever it was. I looked at him. I remembered that I needed my medication. Why that was on my mind I don't know. I tried to speak but the tape muffled my words. He grabbed my face in one of his hands and ripped off the tape with the other. "You have something to say?" He spat, his face incredibly close to mine. "I...I have m...medication that I t...t...take. I-" He cut off my mumbling, "Oh don't worry," He said, a creepy smile forming over his face, "We know ALL about your little medication." He slapped the side of my face and put some tape back over my mouth. I was confused. How did he know? As the man on the phone finished his conversation, my eyelids started to feel heavy. Everything went black. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. More coming soon! Thank you for all the love on this story! :))))

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