Chapter 7

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I sat at the kitchen counter, only Wanda and one other man who I didn't recognize were there. The man was tall and didn't look much like a man, more like a machine, I didn't think much of it. It was probably one of Stark's stalking inventions like JARVIS. I realized I was staring as it turned around. I looked down in embarrassment. "You must be y/n," It spoke, "I'm Vision, nice to meet you." It looked at me. I couldn't help but stare at the yellow stone in the middle of his head. "H...hi Mr.Vision. I'm y/n." He looked at Wanda. "Oh right yeah. y/n do you want to meet the team?" Wanda asked. "I...umm...I...yeah ok." 

Wanda lead me to the part of the room where the team sat, all engrossed in their own conversations. Nat looked over towards us. "Hey Wanda, hey... I don't actually know your name, sorry." Nat smiled apologetically. "Guys," Wanda said, getting everyone's attention, "This is y/n, the girl that we fought Stark for." I cringed at the mention of his name. I cautiously looked around the room for him, thankful that he wasn't there. It only just sank in that they fought Stark, for me. Of all people. I looked at Wanda for reassurance as she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and smiled slightly. "Hey there, I'm Natasha Romanoff, but just call me Nat" She smiled. "Hi, I'm Steve Rodgers or Captain America but mainly Steve." He smiled. "I'm Thor, God of Thunder," Thor winked and smirked at me, causing me to blush slightly. "Hi, I'm Bruce Banner, the doctor that looked after you in the lab." So Einstein had a name. "Umm y/n do you mind if you come down to the lab at some point today? I just want to check your stitches and wounds, make sure nothing is infected or anything like that." His face was serious and though it slightly scared me, I reluctantly agreed. "Right, the others will be here at some point so you can meet them too. But first, food. You like pancakes?" Wanda asked. I needed my head and walked back over to the kitchen table with Wanda. While Wanda made us pancakes, I got lost in my thoughts. I already knew everyone that lived here, knew their powers, their names (first and last) and I knew what they looked like, but only from the pictures or posters in their rooms. They obviously didn't even know I existed, let alone knew my name. 

"Here you go," Wanda said, placing a plate with a pancake on it in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Thank you," I said before taking a small bite of the pancake. It tasted heavenly. I didn't realize how hungry I actually was. I savored every mouthful, letting the flavor explode in my mouth. I figured I would be limited to how much I could have so I ate slowly. I zoned out to what was going on in the room, getting lost in my own thoughts. I wondered if I now classed as 'Better' since I could basically function by myself, besides the fact that I had nowhere to stay, can't cook to save my life and I still get tired and hobble around the corridors but I figured none of that mattered at all to Stark and that me not being able to cook wasn't the top of his priority list. 

"y/n?" Wanda asked. "Hmm?" I replied, "I'm sorry." I looked down at my empty plate embarrassed. "It's ok," She replied "I just wondered if you wanted another pancake?" Wanda asked, smiling gently at me. At first, I felt confused. Never in my life had I been offered more food than what was sat on my plate. It felt wrong but I was so hungry. I nodded my head, "thank you," I whispered quietly.


I started making another pancake and watched as it cooked in the pan. I was curious about y/n. She seems very reserved and shy but I don't blame her to be honest. She seems petrified of anyone and everyone. I hoped that I could help her both physically and mentally heal from Stark's cruel hand. I thought back to the first time id saw her in my room, when I looked inside her head.  It wasn't full of happiness and joy, not even her childhood. From what I gathered, she grew up without any parents in what I could only assume was some sort of orphanage. It was all a bit bitty and I only got bits. There was a guy as well, I think his name is Ty, but he mistreated her. My eyes started to brim with tears as I thought about all that this poor girl had gone through. 

I refocused and flipped the pancake as I glanced at y/n, she was staring at her empty plate. The sound of the door caught my attention, my head shot over to see who it was, despite the fact that I was 95% sure I knew who it was. Tony. Of course. Anger surged through me as the room fell silent. A knife could cut the tension. Nat stared at me, almost as if to say don't you dare go after him. In fact, that's exactly what she was trying to say. I looked at Stark, his eye was bruised and he had a nasty cut along his cheek. At that moment I knew I hated him. But I realized I didn't even know y/n. For all, I knew she could be a criminal or heck even his daughter. I mean she's someone's daughter. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and focused on staying calm. 

"Well, she's up and moving. Ready to get back to work then are we?" Tony asked, aiming the question at y/n as he walked over, putting his hand on her shoulder roughly. She flinched at his touch and her entire body stiffened. I marched towards him, seeing Nat, Steve, and Vision jump out of their seats in the corner of my eye. "Let go!" I yelled. He smirked and walked back towards the door, leaning against the doorway casually. y/n didn't move, she sat staring at her plate, reminding me of the pancake. I walked towards the pan, the whole room remained silent. I put the pancake in front of y/n but she just stared at it, clearly shaken up. "So?" Tony asked, causing everyone to look at him apart from y/n who sat frozen to the seat, staring at the pancake. 

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