Chapter 53

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"Y/n," Tony said. I felt the color drain from my face. He held y/n in the cell? When? She hasn't been away from us for ages. Apart from... oh my god. Apart from when she ran away, only she didn't run away, Tony had her! That lying bastard! "How dare you!" I shouted as I stood up, ready to punch the life out of Tony. "How dare you!" I shouted again as I knocked him off his char, pinning him on the floor, repeatedly punching his stupid little face. Strong hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me off Tony. I kicked and punched whoever held me. I had guessed it was Steve. "He's not worth it," Steve said in my ear as he put me down. "Oh please," Tony said as he got up, knocking Pepper's hand away and wiping his bloody nose, "don't act the hero now Captain America. You played a part too." I whipped my body around "What is he talking about?" I asked angrily. Steve's face hardened and his lips went into a thin line. No one said anything. "Wanda? You clearly know what's going on," I said, a little more harshly than I meant to. "Well... I... ok," Wanda stumbled over her words. She hesitantly explained everything that had happened to y/n to me. "And you know this how?" I asked. Why hadn't y/n come to me about this? "I read y/n's mind when she wouldn't tell anyone what had happened when she ran away. I had found bruises on her arm so knew that she was hiding something," Wanda said. She looked nervous and looked like she was hiding something too. "Ok let's all go to bed, sober up and we will discuss this in the morning. None of this gets relayed to y/n, let's not ruin her birthday," Steve said as his hand slid around my waist. I stepped away, not wanting to be near him or anyone right now. Everyone went their separate ways and went to bed. I needed some air. I stepped outside and sat on the bench out of the front of the building. 


That did not go how I planned. I had wanted to annoy Tony, not to start an argument between the avengers. I walked around the compound, not feeling ready for bed. It was dark but I didn't mind it. I felt a hand grab my wrist as I walked. I was spun around against the wall, my hands pinned above my head, someone's knees digging into my thighs and a hand gripped my cheeks. I froze in terror as I looked Steve right in the eye. "Don't even think about using your powers or this will end up ten times worse," He whispered harshly. I didn't care, I was going to use them, I just had to wait for the right time. Steve's grip on my cheeks and hands tightened. I whimpered at the pain. "Why, after everything I said to you, after all the threats on y/n's life Tony made, did you still decide to do this?" Steve said, his face inches from mine. I couldn't be bothered with this right now. A wave of tiredness hit me and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I tried to talk but Steve's grip on my cheeks made it hard. He loosed his grip enough so that I could talk. "Let's sort this in the morning when we're not both drunk and tired," I said, trying to keep a level head. Steve's grip tightened again, giving me the answer that he didn't want to leave it overnight. 

In one movement I summoned my powers and flicked Steve off me like a bug off the wall. I walked away, not giving him chance to say anything as I went upstairs to my room. Before entering, I decided to check on y/n, make sure Tony hadn't done anything to her. I walked in to see her sound asleep. I got myself changed into one of y/n's oversized t-shirts and climbed into bed next to her, planting a kiss on the back of her head. All my troubles and arguments were miles away at this point. I was consumed by her, and only her. I could not, would not let anyone take her away from me. 

I woke up in the morning to the sun shining through the partially open curtains. They weren't my curtains, they were y/n's. I rolled over in bed, expecting to see y/n next to me. She wasn't there. I sat up, feeling a wave of nausea come over me. I ran to the bathroom, my head pounding as I threw up in the toilet. I stayed there a few minutes until I felt someone pull my hair out of my face. "It's ok baby, I'm here," y/n said behind me as she rubbed my back.

Half an hour later, I had emptied the contents of my stomach but felt so much better. I walked into the main kitchen with y/n to see Nat, Steve, Bucky, and Yelena all sitting in silence. The last half hour of last night rushed over me. I squeezed y/n's hand at the thought of what Tony said he would do to y/n. She looked at me, a questioning look on her face. I ignored her. "How are we all feeling this morning?" I asked. Nats head whipped towards us and her eyes softened when they saw y/n. She came up and hugged y/n."Morning y/n," Nat said as she savored the feeling of warmth. "Morning mum, how's your head?" She asked, a slight smirk on her face. Nat pulled away and rolled her eyes. Y/n chuckled softly. "Do you fancy something to eat Wands?" Y/n said as she walked to the kitchen area, opening draws and cupboards. In all honesty, I was not feeling like eating anything but y/n looked so cute and happy in her oversized t-shirt, messy bun, and shorts all ready to cook for me that I couldn't really say no. She attempted to make pancakes that were more like scrambled eggs. I ate it none the less and y/n seemed pretty proud of herself. As we were cleaning up, Steve and Tony walked through the door, followed by the rest of the team. "Suit up," Steve said, "The mission arrived early." I looked at y/n who looked a mixture of petrified and excited. This was her first mission, it was a huge one, the weight of the world was literally on our shoulders and there was no way y/n was ready.  

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