Chapter 31

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I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. I slowly sat up and switched on my lamp. As I was waking up I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and luckily made it to the toilet in time. What was causing this sickness, I don't know. Maybe it was something I ate. I figured that now I'd been sick I would be fine. No use worrying Wanda and Nat. I walked into the kitchen to discover I was the first one awake. I grabbed my book and sat on the sofa, waiting for the others to wake up. I wasn't particularly hungry after having just thrown up.

After some time, I heard a door go and looked up to see Nat coming out of her room. "Morning," She said as she sat on the couch next to me. "morning," I replied, "Any plans for the day?" I asked. "Not at the moment. Maybe we could go out into town or somewhere, just me and you?" I smiled at the idea, "I'd love that," I replied. "Great," Nat smiled back, "We'll leave at 11." I smiled as she walked away. I checked the time, it was 9:03. I had ages yet. I wandered towards Wanda's room and knocked gently on the door. No reply. She must still be asleep. I decided to get in the shower to get myself ready for later.

After I had showered and got dressed, JARVIS made an announcement that we were all needed in the main room. I walked quickly down and saw Wanda ahead of me. I ran to catch her up, taking her hand in mine "Morning," I said, walking next to her. "Morning," She replied, planting a kiss on my cheek. We walked into the main room where everyone other than Clint and Bruce was. Wanda and I sat down and waited for Tony to start whatever it was that he wanted to tell us. "We have a mission," He announced, "I need all hands on deck ASAP so suit up. Cap a word." He said as the team started rushing around to get ready. Nat gave me an apologetic look as this meant that we wouldn't be able to go out later. "What do you want me to do?" I asked Stark, interrupting from his quiet conversation with Steve. "Stay out of the way," He said, without a second thought. "But I want to help!" I protested. "The only way you can help is if you stay out of the way and let everyone else do their jobs! Currently, you are in the way so GO!" Stark snapped at me. Not going to lie I was a little hurt. I thought we had got past the stage of him ordering me around. I knew there was no use arguing so I marched off to find Wanda and wish her good luck.

I walked into our kitchen to see Wanda rushing around. "Hey," I said. "Hey," Wanda replied, stopping what she was doing and walking towards me. I wrapped my arms around her neck, placing my forehead against hers. "Be safe," I whispered, "Promise me you'll come back in one piece." Wanda chuckled as she kissed me gently. "Promise me," I said, our foreheads still pressed against each other. "I promise." She replied before kissing me again. Someone burst through the door, causing Wanda and me to both jump and face the door. "Wanda let's go!" Steve shouted. "Coming," Wanda said as he walked away. Wanda looked at me and hugged me whispering in my ear, "Take care of yourself, I don't know how long ill be gone." I hugged her tighter before she pulled away and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my worrying thoughts. 

I had no idea what the mission actually was but I assumed it was big since Tony wanted everyone on it. Well everyone other than me. I guess it made sense. It was one more person to worry about. I didn't have powers like Wanda and I wasn't amazing at fighting like Nat. Maybe after I've trained a bit more and can fight well then maybe Stark will agree to let me help. I went into the main room and sat on the sofa, the silence and loneliness engulfed me. 

I was clearly tired as I woke up still on the couch in the main room, however, only due to stomach pains. This was so weird. It didn't feel like a normal sickness bug, it felt... different. I don't know how to describe it. I made a mental note to talk to Bruce when he got back. Wait. How long had I been asleep? Would the others be back soon? Maybe my stomach hurt because I was hungry. I looked at the clock, it was 4:47 pm. Not that late, just like the whole god damn day wasted. I got up and decided to just make simple beans on toast for late lunch early tea since no one was going to be back.  I was used to being alone before I met Wanda but eating by myself just feels weird. 

I finished eating and decided I would stay up until 1 am and after that, if the others weren't back then I would go to sleep. I started watching vampire diaries and only really made it to around 12 before I fell back asleep. Which is weird. Must just be the stomach bug that I have.


   We finished our mission at 5 am. I was exhausted and I knew everyone else was too. I couldn't wait to get home and climb into bed after seeing y/n. No one was severely injured but I had a cut along my face above my eyebrow, Tony had a cut along his cheek and Steve had probably come off worst with cuts on his face and his arms. His suit was ripped in places but luckily nothing bad had happened. We all claimed into the jet and flew home. Y/n was probably asleep and I imagined that everyone would quietly make their way up to their rooms, shower, and then sleep. I, however, wanted to see y/n, make sure she was ok before I went to bed. 

The jet landed as the team lazily walked into the main room. I lazily looked around and saw y/n's sleeping body on the sofa. I smiled. She must have tried to stay up for when we got back. I didn't want to wake her, she looked so peaceful. I walked towards her and planted a kiss on her head. Steve gently scooped her up and carried her into her own bed. I pulled the covers up and gently kissed her again. "I love you," I whispered. I knew she wouldn't hear me. She was asleep. But I meant it. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me, heading to my own room to rest. 

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