Chapter 51

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"Hey y/n," He said as he closed the door behind him. I felt slightly threatened by him, especially since no one could get to me easily if he decided he wanted to lock me in the cell again. "Can I help you?" I asked as I stood at the other end of the room. "Well, first you can drop the attitude, and secondly I wanted to ask if you knew why Wanda was upset, you know seeing as she is your girlfriend and all," he said as he took a few steps closer to me, purposefully intimidating me. "I...I...I don't know w...why she is upset," I stumbled over my words, "I went and spoke to Bucky for a few minutes and next thing you know she is upset. But you were there? Did you say anything? Or did she say anything to you?" "Are you suggesting that I am the reason she is upset? Because that would be absurd. If it were to be anyone it would be you. You left her in the training room after she had worked hard to help you. You left her, your girlfriend, without even saying thank you to go and talk to Bucky. Of all people. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was crying over it right now. Sometimes it's hard to give you a pass. You should have learnt basic etiquette after Stark let you stay here. It's the least you can do for him," Steve carried on talking like this as he got closer. Every step he took forward I took a step backwards until my back hit the wall. I let out a small whimper as he carried on talking and continued moving closer to me. I sunk down to the floor bringing my knees to my chest as Steve cowered over me. "P...Please s...stop," I whimpered. "Did you say something?" Steve said in a mocking tone. "Please s...stop m...Mr Rogers s...sir," I said as he grinned menacingly. "Mr Rogers and sir, I like that," He said, mocking me. I whimpered as he stepped closer. 

"What is going on?" I heard a familiar voice say from the doorway. I didn't even know it had opened. "Nothing," Mr Rogers said, reaching out a hand to help me up. I flinched at how close it was. He gritted his teeth in response to my reaction. I took his hand quickly to try and cover my mistake as I stood up. I looked over to who was at the door, already knowing it was Wanda based on her voice. I couldn't meet her eye, feeling the shame of earlier creeping over me. "I best be going," Steve said dismissing himself. "Glad you are feeling better Wanda," He said. As he passed her, he leant in her ear and whispered something that clearly made her angry as the gentle glow from her hands was visible. "You can't change the rules, Steve, there was no time limit!" Wanda shouted as Mr Rogers walked away. "You have three days!" He shouted. "A week!" Wanda shouted back. "Fine," Mr Rogers said as he walked away. I stood at the edge of my room completely confused about what was going on. What was the time limit?

"Are you ok y/n?" Wanda asked as she slowly walked towards me. I nodded my head silently, thinking about what I was going to say. "Wanda I... I am so sorry I... I didn't mean to offend yo-" "What are you talking about?" Wanda asked. "Mr Rogers said that it was bad etiquette to leave people after they have helped you. I am so sorry. And Bucky was only talking to me about the baby and my powers I promise nothing is going on. I love you Wanda and I will always love you. I would go to the end of the world for you." I said, remembering our conversation. Wanda smiled and had tears in her eyes and a look of longing on her face. "Mr Rogers?" She said, questioning my word choice. I remained silent, unsure of what to say or do. "Steve is full of bullshit. He's being an idiot and a cruel person. I am sorry for shutting you out all day. Steve just tipped me over the edge being his usual self, in the training room before," Wanda said, awkwardly chuckling at the end. I smiled. "You know you can tell me anything right," I said. I always feel bad as Wanda deals with all my problems all the time and I feel like she thinks that she cant place her problems on me. "I know, I just need time," She said. I walked towards her and hugged her. At first, she remained still until she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back. I smiled into her neck. "Let's get some sleep," Wanda said, "If you don't mind I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight. It has nothing to do with you or before I just feel like I need to be on my own tonight ok?" Wanda said. "Yes of course," I said, trying to hide my disappointment, "You don't have to explain yourself to me, Wanda, it's ok. If you want some time alone you can have time alone." "Thank you, y/n, thank you for understanding," She said as she kissed me on the head. "Goodnight," She whispered. 

*The next evening*

I hadn't done much all day. I only saw Wanda when she was training and everyone else was off doing their own things. I stayed in my room most of the day, watching films. Nat was busy doing god knows what. Stark was acting like he was busy "Planning my birthday party" which is tomorrow. Yelena, Bucky, Sam and Thor went on a mission for the day. They came back later.  When they came back, the whole team sat in the living room, engrossed in their own conversations. Thor, Stark, Nat, Mr Rogers, Sam and Bucky all played a game of cards. I sat next to Wanda, listening to Yelena talk about her mission. Mr Rogers' phone rang, causing us all to pause and look in his direction before he excused himself. He came back, face looking solemn. "Guys, we have a mission. We need everyone," He announced. Did I come under everyone?

A/N: Sorry this is taking soooooo long omg. I'm swamped with work it's unreal. sorry, this part is short just felt like I needed to get something out there as it has literally been nearly two months so apologies for that. Hope you're all ok.

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