Chapter 11

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I looked over at Wanda. Why did she care so much? I have literally known her for barely two days. "Well," Stark stated, "I thought about that and at first I kind of assumed that y/n would get her own places like an apartment or something but after a 30-second consideration that I just made, I guess she could take the spare room on your's and Nat's floor. If that works with you guys." Tony finished, looking between me, Wanda, and Nat. "Yes!" They both said in unison, eyes lit up like a child on Christmas. "Y/n?" Stark said as he looked at me. "If that's 100% ok with you guys then yes I would like to stay," I said, looking at Wanda. She smiled at me, clearly happy with my answer. "Great then it's sorted. Any other questions?" Tony asked. "Yeah, when do we move?" Thor asked, his voice deep and husky. "Ooo good one," Tony replied, "in a week at the latest. We're going to start moving some of the equipment from the lab that we're keeping and a few bits of furniture. I would start packing some bits that arent essential to everyday life so we can start moving them out in boxes. Anything else? No? Ok then. Any questions my door is always open." Tony got up and started to walk away. I got up and ran after him, not that he had gone far, I just didn't want to talk myself out of it. "Thank you, Mr.Stark sir. Thank you for letting me stay." I said, genuinely meaning it but still keeping a fair arm's length away from him, just to be safe. "No worries kid." He said, smiling back at me. I turned and walked towards Wanda. Nat and Bruce were leaving towards the lab when Bruce shouted, "Tony, can you come down to the lab please." And of course, Tony agreed, following them down.

*Nat's POV*

I followed Bruce and Tony down to the lab. Surely Bruce hadn't told him? Surely the results weren't back yet? We reached the lab and I sat down in one of the chairs next to Tony and opposite Bruce. "First things first," Bruce said, "Tony, I need you to answer me honestly. The drug that you had me make, the one that would suppress powers, it was y/n's wasn't it." Tony looked down, answering the question without him even having to say a word. I felt my mouth drop at the surprise. How was that even possible. If y/n was my daughter, she didn't get her powers from me. "How did you figure it out?" Tony asked. "When I took some of y/n's blood to run some tests, it was already in the system from the day you made me make the drug. Anyway, how are you planning on getting y/n to take the drug still, it's not like you can slip it in her food or drink every morning anymore." Bruce replied, a hint of anger in his voice. I don't blame him, to be honest, he had been betrayed. I sat, frozen to the spot as the two men talked it out. In the end, Tony came up with the idea of telling her the drug was to help with infection or something medical until they came up with a better plan. I knew it was wrong. They shouldn't lie to her. Not much I could do, to be honest, I was still shocked that y/n had powers.

After Tony and Bruce had sorted out their lying scheme I decided to tell tony about y/n, before I changed my mind. I had to go about this in a different way, I couldn't ask him directly as he would 100% get mad. "Tony, do you remember when I joined the Avengers around 16 years ago and I was pregnant?" I asked, I instantly regretted it. Tony nodded his head in response. "Did my daughter really die? Or did you just dump her in some orphanage where I wouldn't find her?" I asked, my voice raised, I could feel the anger surge within me. Tony's mouth dropped open slightly. I spoke before he could. "Caus if my daughter had died, there would be no possible way for me to have seen her and funnily enough seen the necklace that I thought we buried her with, would there?" I looked Tony dead in the eye. "Let me explain," Tony said, remaining calm. I however was furious and jumped out of my seat. "How could you?! I was broken for months, heck nearly years! You know I had always wanted a child and that that would be my last and only chance! You took that from me-" I stopped mid-sentence when I felt a hand on my arm, gently pulling me back to my seat. Bruce. "If you let me talk, you would know my reasoning," Tony said, completely unfazed by what had just happened. 

"When you gave birth, your daughter was dead. I didn't lie about that, however, I rushed to the lab and managed to get her breathing. At that moment, I didn't want you to have a child. 1 because you were way too young to have the responsibility and 2 because I could have my only agent and spy having any distractions. I couldn't have you going on missions and being distracted by the thought of your three-year-old child sat at home with a sitter. I just wouldn't work. I knew it then and I know it wouldn't have worked now. So instead, I pretended she was dead but in reality, I dropped her off at the orphanage. I knew a couple of people there. They named her y/n and told me they would find a good family for her. Clearly, that wasn't the case. I kept an eye on her her as much as I could but there were a few gaps, hence why it is only suspected that she is really your daughter. I think trying to track her was my way of apologizing without actually telling you about what happened. She went from foster home to foster home until she turned 16 when she moved in with her kind of boyfriend. I don't know the details but all I know is that he was a dick. He treated her like crap. You think I was bad, you should have seen him. I reached out to him and offered him money in exchange for y/n as I knew she would never be able to get out of that awful house alone. She had no money, no paying job, she had worked for me for about 3 months but I never paid her or anything like that. She stayed and worked for me until Wanda saw her. Now here we are." Tony said, leaning back in his chair as he finished. Bruce looked at the floor. "Did you know about this?" I asked him. He shook his head. "It was my decision on whether or not I was responsible enough to look after a child, not yours. You are so selfish. I'm leaving before I fail to fight back the urge to throw you out of this building." I said as I stormed out of the room. I shouted back for Bruce to let me know when the results are back from the DNA test and marched to my room, half slamming the door closed behind me. 

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