Chapter 49

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I trained hard with Wanda, learning to control my powers in small ways, starting with summoning them on command, which proved not so difficult, it was the stopping them that was hard. I still needed to work on that. At the end of the training session, Bucky came in, asking to talk to me. I followed him into the corridor after giving Wanda a reassuring kiss. "What's up?" I asked. I hadn't really spoken to Bucky much since he arrived. "I just wanted to check you were ok, doll," He said, looking into my eyes with a concerned expression. "Yeah, I'm great. Just working with Wanda on controlling my powers. How about you?" It seemed weird that he had pulled me away to ask me how I am doing. "Oh yeah, I heard about your powers," He said, ignoring my question, "I also heard about a... umm...a..." He glanced down at my stomach, "The baby?" I said, looking at him. He sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah, I umm I wanted to see how you were doing with it all and I wanted to ask you something," He said. "Go on," I said. "Why didn't you tell me? When were you going to tell me?" I looked at the ground in response to his question. There was nothing mean about the way Bucky asked, I think he was genuinely curious. "Doll?" He said after I didn't respond. "I was... scared," I admitted, "I was scared of what everyone would say and do and people would try and advise me on what to do and what not to do whether I keep the baby or don't keep the baby. They would try and offer advice on a topic that they don't understand. The only person who can understand what I am going through is Nat." I sighed. "I'm sorry you feel that way," Bucky said after digesting what I told him, "You can tell me anything you know that right? I will always do my best to help you doll, that's what I am here for, that's what friends do." He hugged me gently as if I was some fragile piece of glass that would shatter at the slightest touch. Friends. We were friends. "I'm always here ok?" He said. I nodded my head, words failing me due to the lump in my throat. He pulled away from the hug and left, leaving me alone in the corridor. I took a moment to compose myself before walking back into the training room. 

I walked in to see Wanda packing her stuff and Steve on the other side of the room punching the punching bag, letting out his pent-up anger. He didn't even move when the door opened. The tension was definitely there. I gave Wanda a questioning look. She shook her head silently as she walked towards me, carrying all the stuff we used to train. "Here let me help," I said as I reached out to grab a bag. "No. I've got it. I'm fine," Wanda said harshly, walking past me to the cupboard. I stood there, stunned as to where this sudden mood had come from. I walked behind Wanda in silence until we reached her room. "Wanda, what's wrong?" I asked, leaning against the doorway. "Nothing. I'm fine," Wanda said, lying on her bed, clearly angry about something. "Baby-" I started. "Can I have some time alone please?" Wanda said, cutting me off. "Oh... ok... yeah. I'll see you in a bit," I said as I turned to walk out, feeling hurt. "I love you," I said as I went to close the door. I got no response. I closed the door and walked to my room. Was she annoyed that I spoke to Bucky?


Y/n walked out of the training room just as steve walked in through the other door. He looked at me and quickly looked away. I could feel my anger surging through me. How dare he get away with locking up my girlfriend. "Why did you do it?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. "I beg your pardon?" Steve said as he wrapped his knuckles ready to punch the bag. I silently cursed myself. "Why did you do it? To y/n," I said, clarifying what he already knew. He knew that I knew. "Y/n told you?" He asked, not bothered at what he did. I needed to keep y/n out of this. "No. Of course not. I knew something was wrong when she came back. Y/n doesn't run from anything, she stays and suffers in silence. Look at her life with Tony. She had so many opportunities to escape but she didn't. So why run when the only people she cares about are here. We are her family. She is loyal and will defend us and stand by us even when she has done wrong. So I knew something was up. She refused to tell me. She refused to tell Nat. So I read her mind. It wasn't hard. I don't even think she realizes that I know. I haven't said or done anything until now." I said, proud of my lying skills but I also meant every bit I said about y/n. Steve looked at me. "Tony is going to kill you and y/n, especially y/n. All she has done since you found her was cause trouble. She is better off with Jackson," He said as he turned around. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!" I shouted at him. "I'll make you a deal. You stay out of my way, don't say anything to anyone, and stop dating y/n and I won't get Jackson to take her. The moment you make a wrong move y/n goes." I look in shock at Steve's words. What. The. Actual. Fuck. "Absolutely not! Y/n stays here, whether you like it or not."  "No, she doesn't, not until you play the game," Steve said with a menacing smirk. "I can't take the credit for this, I have to hand it over to Stark. In all honesty, I think he is threatened by y/n and you," Steve said as he went back to the punchbag. I walked back to where I was training before, feeling anger build up inside me. My eyes burned with the effort of holding back tears. Y/n walked through the door just as I finished packing up my stuff.

She gave me a questioning look, clearly sensing that something was wrong. I shook my head in a plea for her not to say anything. "Here let me help," Y/n said.  "No. I've got it. I'm fine," I said as I walked past y/n. I needed to make a show so that Steve didn't do something he was going to regret. I reached my room and flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "Wanda, what's wrong?" Y/n asked as she leaned against the doorway. "Nothing. I'm fine," I said, a bit too harshly. "Baby-" "Can I have some time alone please," I said, not looking at y/n. I needed to think about what I was going to do. I love y/n so much that I don't want to be the reason she ends up back with Jackson. Thinking about what he did to her in two weeks makes me cringe internally, let alone what he would do if she was there longer. "Oh... ok... yeah. I'll see you in a bit," y/n said. I could hear the hurt in her voice. I had to stop myself from asking her to give me a hug and never let me go.  "I love you," she said, as she stopped partway through closing the door. I didn't respond. I couldn't get her hopes up. If I had to break up with y/n so that she stays here or stays away from Jackson then I would do it, even if it breaks me. 

A/N: This is a really bad chapter so sorry. It has been so hectic recently. I will try and upload more but I can't promise anything. 

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