Chapter 20

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We arrived at Bucky's apartment and he set up a makeshift bed on the sofa for me while I changed into a pair of his sweatpants and t-shirt. He smiled as I walked in. "Looks good on you," He said. I smiled in return. I really didn't know what to think of this man. I couldn't tell if he was nice or if he was going to switch as soon as I did something wrong. I sat on the sofa bed as he walked towards me. He handed me a bag of stuff. "This is what Jackson gave to me. Said it was your stuff. Apparently, there's medication in there. I trust you can take it sensibly." I opened the bag to find my phone, my medication, and my pajamas which were now cut open. I lay my stuff on the sofa. "Unfortunately I'm going to have to take your phone. I can't have you contacting anyone." He picked up my phone and put it in a locked safe that was in one of the cupboards. I picked up my blood-stained pajamas and sighed. Bucky looked towards me. He walked over. He looked angry. He snatched the clothes out of my hand and held them up to look at them. stormed over to the bin and threw them away. He went and sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. After a minute of silence, he slammed his non-metal hand down on the table, causing me to jump. He looked at me apologetically. "Sorry doll, I just hate men who treat people the way you have been treated. It's not right." I could not figure this man out for the life of me. "Get some sleep," He said, "It's been a long day." He walked out of the room and into what I assumed was his bedroom, turning out the lights as he went. 

I woke up to the smell of food and the quiet clattering of plates. I slowly sat up to see Bucky walking around the kitchen with no top on, just his sweatpants. He looked towards me and smiled. "Did I wake you, doll?" He said. I shook my head in response and sat up. "May I go to the bathroom, sir?" I asked, I thought I hid my nervousness well but apparently not as Bucky laughed. "God they trained you well. Enough with the sir crap, it's Bucky and of course, you can. You don't have to ask to do anything. I'm not your master or whatever shit they call it. You're like my roommate for a few days ok doll?" I smiled and nodded as I walked towards the only other room in the apartment besides Bucky's bedroom. I freshened myself up and took my tablets. I walked out to see a table full of food. There was bacon, eggs, beans, tomatoes, and toast. Flipping heck Bucky eats a lot. I sat down on the sofa after I folded the blanket and put the pillows back. I wasn't really sure what to do. I'd never really been in the presence of my master carer thing. I don't know what to call it so we're going with that, though Bucky said he wasn't that, he was my roommate. "Are you coming to eat y/n?" Bucky asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. So this relationship between me and Bucky is the same as Wanda when I first met her. They just want to look after me. Ok. I can do this. Just be a normal person. 

After we ate, Bucky said he needed to film some sort of video. He went and grabbed his camera as I cleaned the kitchen. "Ok," Bucky said, "I need to film a torture video." I felt the color drain from my face. I knew it was too good to be true. "Oh god I phrased that wrong," Bucky said, "It's a fake one, just to grab the attention of the people I need to contact. However, it does require you to dress in that hideous outfit I picked you up in. I might need to go out and buy some makeup to put some fake bruises and stuff on you." I felt a sigh of relief escape my lips. I got changed and sat where Bucky instructed me. There was no need to fake any cuts and bruises, Jackson ensured that. I sat and screamed at this camera. It took a few takes as Bucky kept making me laugh. "Great. I'm just gonna add a few things on using this editing app. Your good to get changed and do whatever now." I got changed and sat on the sofa, unsure of what to do. Bucky came and sat next to me. "I have some creams that you can put on your cuts if you'd like." I nodded my head as Bucky got up to grab the creams. He put a bit on his finger and moved his hand towards my face, causing me to flinch. "I...I'm sorry," He said, "I didn't mean to scare you. I'll be gentle I promise." After applying various creams on my cuts and bruises, we watched a film together. 


When Nat and Steve came back and announced they hadn't found y/n, I broke down. I couldn't believe it. This was our only lead, now she could be anywhere, with anyone. Nat went straight to her room. Losing her own daughter twice must be pretty traumatic for her. I walked out as Steve gave the details of how y/n wasn't there. I didn't care about the details. All that mattered was that y/n wasn't there. I thought I would go and talk to Nat, see if she was ok. I knocked on the door, no reply. "Nat? Its Wanda. Can I come in?" Still no reply. I slowly pushed the door open. There was no noise from anywhere. I stepped in and slowly closed the door behind me. "Nat?" I whispered. I don't know why I whispered. I looked around to find Nat lay on the floor, tears streaked down her face. I went and lay next to her, taking her hand in mine. She looked over at me and cried even more. I sat up and moved her head so that it rested on my legs. I played with her hair as she cried. Eventually, she fell asleep. It had been a long and emotional day. I slowly got up and lifted Nat onto her bed, placing the covers over her. I walked towards the door, switching the lights off on my way out. I closed the door behind me and turned to see Steve stood less than a meter away from me, making me jump. "Is she ok?" He asked. "I don't know. She will be, but maybe not right now." I replied. "Is she asleep?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Ok well, we found something. I think it's best if we don't show Nat today." I nodded but didn't agree with him. In what world was it ok to not show a mother something about her daughter? Apparently, this one.  

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