Chapter 32

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I woke up in my own bed. I could have sworn I fell asleep on the couch in the main room. Someone moved me. Omg. Wanda! She's back. I quickly got up, ignoring the pain in my stomach. I got changed and suddenly felt the urge to throw up again. I ran to the bathroom and was sick in the toilet. Again? Really? I needed to talk to Bruce about this. I cleaned myself up and took some paracetamol before quietly leaving my room. I walked towards Wanda's and gently knocked on the door. No answer. I slowly opened it and could just about make out Wanda's body in the dark. I didn't want to disturb her so I closed the door and made my way down to the lab. I wonder if Bruce was even awake. I'm sure he is tired too. The doors slid open, causing Bruce to jump awake. "Sorry," I said as Bruce rubbed his eyes and fixed his hair, "I thought you'd have gone to bed, not slept down here." "It's fine," He said, his voice groggy, "How can I help?" He asked. I explained how I wasn't feeling well and how I'd thrown up twice; once yesterday morning, once this morning. Bruce remained quiet for a moment before he said, "I umm I hate to ask but... Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" I stood shocked at what he'd just asked me. He knew Wanda was my girlfriend, meaning id have to have slept with someone else. From the look on my face, he knew what I was thinking. 

"I'll take that as a no," He said awkwardly. "Wait, actually. Y/n this is going to be hard to answer but it's important. When you were with Jackson, he raped you correct?" I nodded. He was straight to the point I guess. I knew he meant it in a caring way. "Do you know if he wore protection?" Oh my god. He thought I was pregnant with Jackson's baby. "I...I...I don't know," I whispered, trying not to break down at the thought. "Hey. It's ok. I'm going to run a blood test to find out, that way we're 100% sure. There's no false positive or negative for being pregnant. And if you are pregnant, we know who the father is and we can discuss options then ok?" He said as he walked over to me and hugged me. It was an awkward hug not going to lie. I wasn't really close with Bruce, I only ever spoke to him when I felt ill or when he needed to prescribe me antibiotics. I sat in silence as Bruce took some blood. "How long will it be before we find out?" I asked. "It will take around 3 to 4 hours so ill come to find you." I nodded as I went to leave the room. "Oh umm, do you mind not telling anyone? I'd rather tell them myself if there is anything to worry about." I said. "Of course," Bruce replied as he turned back to whatever else he had to do. 

I walked into the main room to see Vision, Bucky, and Stark all sat around the table eating breakfast and talking. "Hey," I said as I walked in. "Hey," they all replied in unison before going back to their conversation. I walked into the kitchen part of the main room and grabbed a glass of water before heading back to my room. I gently knocked on Wanda's room but once again there was no answer. I did the same with Nat and ended up with the same result. I went and decided to sit on my bed and maybe read or maybe watch Vampire Diaries. Oh god. If I was pregnant, how was I going to tell Wanda? And Nat? Would Tony kick me out so there were no distractions? Where would I go? What would I do? How was I going to support myself and a baby? I don't even have a job! I felt my chest get tight like my body was incapable of letting in air. I leaned against the headboard of my bed and focused on my breathing. In and out. 

After I gathered my thoughts, I decided to see if Wanda was up yet and if she wasn't then oh well. I'm going in any way as I missed her so much. I walked to her door and gently knocked. No response. I slightly opened the door to see Wanda still curled up in bed. I walked in, letting my eyes adjust to the dark. I climbed into bed next to Wanda, wrapping my arm around her and taking in the smell of her hair and perfume. The warmth of her body next to mine made me feel emotional for some reason. God, what was it going to be like when she left for weeks or months. The silence engulfed me and I slowly drifted into a light sleep.


I slowly started to wake up and realized there was an arm around my waist. Y/n. I smiled. She was very cute, coming into my room when I was sleeping to cuddle. I slowly rolled over, careful not to wake her. I looked at her gorgeous face and the way her hair fell perfectly. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open slowly before they locked with mine. A beaming smile formed across her face. "Hey beautiful," I whispered. She didn't reply, just wrapped her arms around me and crushed our lips together. I smiled into the kiss as she pulled away and buried her head in my chest. I hugged her tightly. "How are you? You kept yourself entertained? You ate right?" Y/n let out a little chuckle at all my questions. "I'm fine. Believe it or not," She said with a flirty smirk, "I can live alone and don't need you to cradle me all the time." I let out a theatric gasp and pretended to be offended. "Buuuuuut," She continued, "I do love it." I smiled at her as we cuddled for a bit before getting up to see the others.  

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