Chapter 18

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I screamed out as Jackson continues to run one of his many torture devices over my body. He steps back, admiring his intricate work over my now naked body. He walked over to his bag and looked back at me, disappointed. "That's all of them." He said, but he smiled at me. I knew he had more up his sleeve and I could only think of one other thing. I dreaded it. No. He couldn't. Not again. He walked towards me, laughing at the fear in my eyes. He untied my hands and feet and attempted to help me walk to the wall. I fell down and I'm guessing he knew I wasn't going anywhere any time soon. He rolled me onto my stomach and picked up one of his knives. He started carving something into my bag. It hurt so much. I screamed out until he finished. He rolled me back so that I was on my back facing him, lying in a pool of my own blood. This was it. This was where he was going to rape me. He pinned my hands above my head and spread my legs with his knees. Tears rolled down my face as he did what he wanted with my helpless body.


We still had nothing. We were all sat around the table in the conference room going through all the CCTV videos that we had. We knew she was kidnapped, we saw the two men run across the property, one of them carrying a limp y/n. For all we knew, she was dead. No. I couldn't think that. I felt it in my gut that she was alive. She has to be. We had no leads on y/n other than the smallest bit of footage of the men carrying her. We didn't have anything like a car registration plate or anything like that. It was hopeless. I refused to stop looking. As did Nat. 


After he was done with me, he attached me back to the wall and left. Just like that. Nothing. God how I hated that man. To think I ever loved and trusted him. He made Stark look like a saint. I sat shaking from the cold with my back against the wall, my knees against my chest, trying to keep what little warms my body had in me left. Everywhere hurt. I was in excruciating pain. I stared at the wall as my eyes clouded over, leaving me in the dark emptiness. 

I opened my eyes into complete darkness. I wasn't in the room. I was moving; maybe in a car or van. I was lay flat over some seats but my head was elevated on someone's leg. My entire head was covered by some sort of bag or sack or something. My wrists were tied along with my ankles. My first instinct was to kick and scream but I thought better and decided to stay quiet to see if I could figure out where we were going. "We're nearly there boss," A man whose voice seemed to be coming from the front of the car said. "Great. Let's get some money boys," another voice which I recognized as Jackson's said. It came from above me. It was his leg that my head was resting on. The car came to a stop. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep, just in case one of them took off the bag.  The door opened and I felt the rush of cold air hit me and goosebumps formed along my arms and legs. My stomach felt really cold as well. I dared not to move as I felt a slight tug on the bag to reveal my eyes to Jackson. I kept them closed as he replaced the bag saying, "She's still out cold." To which a man replied "Must have worked her hard last night then" With a little chuckle. I wanted to be sick as I thought back to the events of the night before.

I was carried into a building of some sort. I couldn't really grasp what was going on. There was a lot of noise and a man on a microphone speaking really quickly. It went quiet as I heard the bang of a door. I was still in Jackson's arms until he lay me down on some sorry of soft surface. "Alex go check her in and get her number." Jackson said which was met with a "Yes sir," from Alex as he left the room. I lay really still. I had to think of a way to 'wake up'. I slowly started moving. I took deep breaths and squirmed around, trying to break free from the ropes or chains or whatever held my wrists and ankles together. I felt Jackson pull on the bag, causing me to blink my eyes so they adjusted to the light as he pulled it off. I looked at him as he smirked. "Morning gorgeous." He said as he turned his back to sit on the sofa across the small room. I looked down at my hands and ankles. It was a rope that held them together. What concerned me more was the fact that I was no longer in my pajamas. I was in this horrific, slutty underwear set! 

 I was in this horrific, slutty underwear set! 

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Panic took over me as Jackson laughed. I looked towards him. "Don't worry, you look beautiful, darling," He said mockingly as he looked me up and down. A man walked into the room holding a sheet of paper with the number 146 on it. Was I in some sort of competition or something. "She is on in 10," The man, who I'm assuming was Alex given the fact he had the number Jackson had asked for, said gruffly. "Where am I?" I asked. Jackson looked at me, slightly irritated. "You're asking the wrong question. The question should be where am I going to go? You're not my problem anymore." He said, barely glancing at me. His words just sunk in. I wasn't at a competition. I was at an auction. He was selling me!

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