Chapter 41

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I spent the next week planning fun things to do for y/n's birthday, getting gifts, and informing the others. It was incredibly hard to talk to Wanda when y/n wasn't there as they were always together. I smiled at the thought that y/n was finally happy. Though she still didn't know about her powers. I needed to remind Tony. I don't know why he was keeping it a secret. I also needed to go shopping with y/n to pick out a dress for the party Tony was holding as a surprise. I decided today was a good day to go. It also meant I could get my mind off the latest problem in new york. 

"Y/n are you ready?" I shouted towards her door a few hours later. She rushed out. "I am now!" She said with a smile. "Great, go hop in the car," I said. We spent hours shopping for a dress that y/n thought was for a Christmas party that Tony was holding. We bought one and decided to go out for lunch together. It was really nice to get my mind of things and spend time with my daughter. We headed back to the compound both feeling happy and full. 


We headed back to the compound after an amazing morning. I felt like Nat and I were getting closer and closer and I really liked the dynamic between us at the moment. We got back to the compound and it was silent. Nat instantly went on alert. "Stay behind me," She whispered as she drew out her gun and scoped out the compound. We avoided all lifts and only took the stairs. We got to our floor where we could hear voices. "Stay here," Nat whispered as she peered through the window of the door. Her face was drained of all color. "Whatever you do you stay hidden. If someone is coming run. Run out, away, anywhere, just getaway. Promise me?" Nat said worry etched on her face. I nodded, feeling my heartbeat quicken. 

Nat opened the door and slid through. I couldn't hear much, there was a bit of talking but it was all muffled until there were crashes and bangs. Guns were shot and things were definitely broken. I started to panic as things went quiet again. I peered through the window to see Nat and Wanda being restrained by some young girls in black suits though Wanda had some sort of collar on. I was so focused on what was going on inside the room, I didn't notice the sound of multiple people's footsteps coming up the stairs. I jumped as multiple people grabbed my arms. I kicked and tried to use some of the fighting skills Nat and Wanda had taught me but it was useless, they were stronger and so much more experienced than me. They dragged me through as I kicked and screamed. Nat and Wanda both shot their heads over towards me. Both for a moment having a look of worry and sadness on their faces but their expressions quickly changing to stone again. "Well, well," Said a man that was stood in the corner of the room, "What do we have here?" He said in a menacing tone. 

"Put her down," He said. The four women holding me instantly dropped me to my knees. I scrambled away from them, taking deep breaths as I tried to steady myself. "What's your name little one," The man said, walking over to me. I refused to reply. I wouldn't give that information to him, not without a fight. I stood up as he came closer. I stood rooted to the spot, lifting my chin as he strode over to me. I didn't have time to think about what was happening before the back of his hand collided with my cheek, sending me to the floor in a heap. As I looked up, he grabbed my chin. "Answer my question," He said his voice quiet but harsh. I spat in his face as he stepped back in recoil. "She's a feisty one she is, reminds me of you Natalia when you were younger," The man said with a smirk. I looked towards Nat who remained as still and stone-faced as she was before. I looked towards Wanda who looked at me with pleading eyes. I could tell she was begging me not to say anything. "So, are you going to give me your name or will I have to beat it out of you," He questioned. I remained silent. "We get to do this the fun way then," He said mockingly as the four women grabbed me by my arms again, I kicked out against them. "Natalia and Wanda can watch," He said smiling to himself. He walked over to me and punched me hard in the stomach. I fell to the ground wheezing, tears falling out of my eyes. The baby.

"Enough!" Nat yelled from across the room as I tried to catch my breath back. "Leave the girl and Wanda alone, Dreykov. Take me. Ill come with you, no arguments, just leave them be." Dreykov. So that was his name. "I have no use for you now Natalia, I do however have use for the younger ones, they could be my new widows." Nat shook her head, her eyes pleading him to not hurt Wanda or me. I slowly sat up. Nat looked in my direction. A warning, or a signal. Dreykov turned his back, contemplating the situation. As soon as he did so Nat yanked her arms from the widows that held her as Wanda did the same. I followed suit, kicking all the women that tried to grab me off the floor. I fought with Nat and Wanda as best I could. I noticed Wanda couldn't use her powers. "Get the girl!" Dreykov shouted as all of the widows surrounded me. I tried my best to fight them off, Nat and Wanda doing the same from the outside of the circle. There were too many of them and they easily grabbed me and pulled me away, turning their focus onto distracting Wanda and Nat. I felt a pinch in my neck until everything went black.

A/N: What's this? Two chapters in one day? 

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