Chapter 38

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I woke up to the feeling of an arm around my waist. I instantly panicked, forgetting where I was. I quickly looked around the room and looked towards the person holding me. I let out a sigh of relief. It was Wanda. I was in Wanda's room. I slowly sat up, her head resting on my lower stomach and legs. I stroked her hair as I checked the time. It wasn't early, but it wasn't late either. It was 8 am. Wanda slowly started waking up. She looked up at me with those gorgeous bright eyes and smiled softly. "Morning," She said, as she slowly sat up. "Morning," I replied. We slowly got up. I left Wanda's room to get changed into training clothes and then came back into our kitchen to grab a coffee before Nat, Wanda and I left. As I was making it, Wanda walked out, ready, and changed in her gym clothes. "Can you drink coffee when you are pregnant?" Wanda asked as she kissed my cheek, grabbing her own cup. "It's decaf," I replied. Wanda smiled. "Are you sure you're up for training? Not everyone knows so they might not go easy? In fact, I don't think you should train. What if someone accidentally hits your stomach? Or you fall over? The baby could get injured and-" "Wanda," I cut off, "I'm pregnant, not dying." I said, smiling at how much she cared. "I know," She sighed, "I just don't want you to get hurt." "I'll be careful, I promise," I said as I kissed Wanda's cheek.

I walked into the training room to see Nat and Steve sparring. Nat was winning, obviously and Steve was clearly frustrated. He stopped and stood up as Wanda and I walked into the room. "Hey y/n, I wanted to ask you something," Steve said as he walked over with Nat. "Go ahead," I said. "I would like you to join the team. I have to talk with Tony but I thought I would ask you first," Steve said. I stared at him. I had no idea what to say, I obviously wanted to join but with the baby? Nat looked at Steve with a confused and shocked look on her face. "I don't know about that," Wanda said, giving me an uneasy look. "What? Why?" Steve said, "Y/n has been training with you guys, I think she's ready." Nat and Wanda exchanged urgent glances. I remained quiet, unsure of what to say. Nat looked at me with wide eyes. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Steve said. "Umm no, I would love to join the team," I said. Wanda and Nat looked at me in surprise. "Great! I'll organize a meeting later today between you me and Tony and we can go through some stuff," Steve said as he walked out.

I groaned as he left. "What the hell was that?" Nat said, clearly annoyed. "I don't know, I panicked," I said, "I didn't want to say no and then decide not to have the baby and then the opportunity is wasted." Wanda sighed. "Y/n," She said, "promise me that you won't push yourself. Because you're new Steve is going to want to put you on all the missions so you gain experience but please don't push yourself too hard." "I won't, I promise," I said as I gave Wanda a kiss. "I'm going to talk to Tony about this, I don't think he should let you on the team yet," Nat said as she began to walk out. "Nat wait!" I said, following her. She stopped and turned around. "Let's just see how this meeting goes and then we can take it from there ok?" I said gently. "OK," Nat sighed after a moment of thought. I pulled her into a hug before she left. "Let's train," I said to Wanda as I walked further into the training room.

Wanda and I trained for about two hours before I felt nauseous. "I think I'm done," I said to Wanda as I started seeing stars. I took a deep breath as Wanda rushed over to me, catching me as my legs started to give way. "Woah easy y/n, are you ok?" She asked as she helped me to a chair. "I'm fine," I said as I went to stand up. "absolutely not," Wanda said as she held me back down. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing I'm fine," I said. "You know I can read your mind if I wanted to, right?" I chuckled softly. "What's going on? Have you eaten today? Is it the baby? Do we need to see Bruce?" She asked. "Wanda, I'm fine. Just tired from training," I said with a slight smile. "Ok well sit for a minute, I'm going to get you some nice cold water and something to eat. Don't move," Wanda said as she got up and left. 

I sat alone in the training room. There was no point in moving. I sat and thought about what I was going to do with the baby. Did I really want a child? Especially Jackson's child? But I couldn't just kill it. I was dragged out of my thoughts by Wanda entering the room with a glass of water and a plate of biscuits. "Here," She said softly as she handed me the plate and the glass. "Thanks," I replied taking a sip of water. After Wanda watched me eat a few biscuits and was satisfied with the amount of water I drank I got up and decided to take a shower. I got out and saw Wanda sat on my bed. She stood up as I walked in. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she walked over and placed her hands on my arms. "I'm good, thank you," I replied, genuinely meaning it. "Good," Wanda said, a smile appearing across her face, "because I want to take you out. You know, to get your mind off things and to hang out away from everyone." I smiled back at her. "Ok," I replied, smiling at her now beaming face, "What time?" "Be ready in 2 hours. Wear something warm, we will be outside!" She yelled as she walked off. Outside? Was she mental? Its the beginning of November and it was snowing. Guess she meant it when she said to dress warmly. I walked to my mirror and started getting ready.

A/N: What's this? Two chapters in the space of 48 hours? Wow!

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