If you read all the way here, you must have been a follower.🤗We felicitously arrived home early in the morning, meeting with delighted Ammi and Aunty Fati, and they both hugged the life out of Raliya's mother.
"Ammi I'm so happy, I can't really fathom the blessings of Allah upon us", I said beaming and sitting beside Raliya.
"Thank God, is all we can say", Aunty fati said. We prayed and ate our breakfast with Raliya's mother narrating her unimaginable escape story.
"Aunty we are very grateful for everything, thank you so much but we have to be on our way now". Kawu Faruq said checking his time after he entered the living room, I wasn't aware that time has gone so fast that we had past 1pm.
Ammi shook her head "You don't have to thank us, all thanks is to Allah". She said whilst he smiled and went out to usher the driver in.
"Aunty Ikram we will have to get going, We will inform you when we reach 'Birnin yaro". Aunty Fati stated reaching to give Ammi a hug, they hugged each other, and Ammi hugged Raliya's mother too. Kawu came back to the room after some minutes longer than we expected.
"Mijina me ya faru. My husband what happened?" Aunty fati asked and I noticed his face looking somber. He looked her way and answered his ringing phone.
"It doesn't make any sense", He said and hung up the call. He cleared his throat and stated. "It was the officers that called, they said that we are not supposed to leave Abuja today, that there should be further investigation needed". He said.
I rolled my eyes "What investigation?! When they 'claimed' they captured the kidnappers and besides, Aunty is back and safe, so we don't need more of their 'investigation'". I babbled.
"We have no choice Ikhbal, they said that there are certain misconduct with the corrupted officers and there is high possibility that among the captured kidnappers, there are innocent people with no right to stand for themselves". He stated.
This is one of the major problems we are frequently facing, and not much is done by the government on the corrupted people in every corner of the offices (higher) in this country, many innocent people are imprisoned because they were neglected their rights (speech and freedom). Bribery and corruption is on another level and nothing is done to abstained that because the government itself is not excluded.
"What does Aunty has to do about it after all". I said. Is she going to be the one to clarify their misinterpretations when they were sure that she wasn't among their hostages but escapee. I thought.
"I don't know either, we just have to wait for their inference". He said.
"Madam can you tell us more about your detainment by the kidnappers". The reporter asked Raliya's mother.
She cleared her throat, "We were traveling to Birnin yaro from here Abuja and we didn't make much of the way when we were stopped by some armed people around Jere, we all thought they were armed robbers but we were mistaken when they didn't asked for anything materialistic, they just asked us to follow them through the evermore dark forest", she paused and I noticed her hands shaking. "We didn't walk half the way, when some other person appeared and blindfolded us". She stated with a shaky voice.
"Please can you let it be, I don't think she will be able to narrate the story with all this people", I said and Kawu looked at me with pleading eyes and I just shrugged as I was not being disrespectful but saying the truth. Everyone was quite and the officers ushered some people outside the room, relieved rushed through her face, she was looking more comfortable and I beamed at her. She narrated the rest of the story, with the reporter amazed by how lucky she was.
"Can you identify at least one of the kidnappers?" The reporter asked.
She shook her head, "I didn't recognized them, none of them". She answered.
Why all this?! is he even serious! I thought they said they held all of them? And I don't like the bunch of cameras in the room, albeit Kawu assured to us that they are videotaping it and not posting it anywhere (TV) but I didn't go well with that. The reporter stood, brought me off my trance of thought.
"Mrs Fa'iza we are very grateful for your Cooperation, your story will surely save peoples lives". He said.
"We will delve into this case and we will inform you when we have concluded". The CP of the police said seated at the side of the room.
"Safety is all we wish for sir". Kawu response and after much interrogation of other victims we were later escorted back to our house.
"So are we free to travel now?" Aunty fati asked her husband.
"Not really, we have to wait for their acquiescence". Kawu answered.
"But I thought they are done interrogating, what did they need from us then". She asked.
"I'm not sure, but they are cautiously investigating to be able to flush the real criminals from their concealment and avoid imprisoning innocent people". He stated.
"We hope they supervene". I said.
"We hope so". He said and sat beside his wife.
"Dinner is ready". Ammi said with Raliya trailing behind her holding a tray of food whilst I swiftly stood, collected Ammi's tray, kept it on the dining table and we all sat. We gently served ourselves, which was T'ameya 'Egyptian felafel' with kebab and kofta, one of Ammi's favorite because she was a meat lover just like me and served with salad. Kawu found it hard to mix them all, but when he did, he really enjoyed it and he even asked Ammi to teach his wife ( Ammi was a very good cook) I wish I was like her.
"But last time I checked, your favorite food is Tuwo (Hausa swallow Food) when did that change?" Aunty Fati asked her husband.
"It doesn't, I will just add this food to the list of my favorites". And we all laughed, "and besides you are staying for tutorials". He teased.
"Ok then you can go and take care of the kids, maybe a year will do to be tutored".
"What?! Ohh please I'm just joking, we are going back together". He said and she chuckled.
"So about going back to birnin yaro, do you think they will let us leave tomorrow?" Raliya spoke (after century!!), I felt a little bit disappointed that she was leaving with them but it was for the best for her mother.
"That's what we are hoping for, at least they are done interrogating yaya, so I think they will". He stated. When we finished eating. I and Raliya packed the plate to the dish washer, when we were done, everyone was drowsy.
"Raliya please show Kawu the Boys quarters (BQ) or the chalet, anyone that suits him". Ammi said whilst she responded.
Abba built the house with BQ and chalet outside, 2 guest rooms and 4 bedrooms. So I assumed I wasn't the only child they planned to gave birth to and sometimes I felt uncomfortable with the abundant rooms but Ammi assured me that they will be maintained so as to be access to visitors and I accepted it that way because after all, I always loved and welcomed visitors.
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Behind My Walls✔️
Ficção Geral[COMPLETED] This is the story of a young lady who found herself being the only child of her parents which seems normal at first, but it comprised of hardship, struggle, grief, love and partial joy. ~ My name is Ikhbal, I am 19 years old from Abuja N...