I dressed into a beige Abaya, wore my eyeliner, milk veil, sprayed my perfume (oud) and took my nude purse. I sauntered to Ammi's room greeted her as it seemed like she was still having a headache. With her insisting, I strode downstairs and met with Raliya in the kitchen, she looked really pale obviously in worry.However, ever since she asked Ammi to reside in our house she has been acting cold, albeit she was facing some problems in her mother's work place but I wondered what was so serious that made her leave the house. I drank my coffee which becomes my usual breakfast nowadays.
"Raliya please don't forget to take Ammi's lunch to her".
"Okay Aunty, sai kin dawo.Till you come back". She said.
Raliya used to call me Aunty, which seemed odd because we were age mates, it was just the difference of months, I tried correcting her many times, even for her to call me her (sister) but she wouldn't stop. I waved at her and went to my car, where I met Ali (gatekeeper), greeted him and headed to Layla's house.
"Ohh! please don't say that, I'm not following you, even when you lied about going for a morning meeting which doesn't seem morning to me!" Layla said to Salim wearing her shoes.
Salim checked his wrist watch."Yup its still morning, cause its now 11:54am and I can still drop you off if you want and I'm not lying because I'm still going".
"Its not morning to me and its too late for me to follow you, because my Bestie is here". She said pulling her tongue out and I smiled. "And mind you next time I will not ask you to take me to school, I will drive myself".
He scoffed. "You will, when you are not afraid of trailers and shouting your throat out when they are near us".
"And you are obviously a rough driver even before you drive". Yusuf(Layla's younger brother) said entering the living room, whilst layla glared at him and slapped the back of his head. "Ouch!! what was that for layls?!"
"That is for putting your mouth into my business and for your information both of you". She said pointing at them, "pretty is going to teach me how to drive and that means I'm having my own car". She said twirling around.
"That is better because I'm desperately looking forward for my 'freedom'". Salim said, gestured with his hand like he was praying and walked to his car.
She snorted. "Whatever!"
"And you! I'm definitely the one teaching you how to drive very soon", She said to Yusuf.
"Ohh no!! I don't want to die early". He said putting his hand on his chest like he got a heart attack.
She rolled her eyes. "And don't you have school today?".
"I'm not going because I'm still on my break".
"Break for a year huh? Or are you just enjoying yourself with your so-called friends".
"Whatever! Still not going!".
She rolled her eyes. "Pretty let's go". We walked out towards the car.
He shouted. "Ikhbal don't kill yourself by teaching this lovely sister of mine how to drive okay?" He laughed and walked back in whilst I smiled.
"God! this boy is more than you can imagine!" She exclaimed heading to the car.
"Layla where is your mom? I didn't see her today" I asked.
"She was sleeping when I left her room, she said she was tired because of her work yesterday and she is having a night shift today".
Aunty Ruqayya who was a nurse in the general hospital Abuja, always complained about her work and the stress which seems right because she rarely had a complete week for her family. And maybe that was why when Layla chose to be an accountant, she never obliged to it, thinking she would have a point of defying her opinion of being a Nurse, albeit she always wanted her to be a Nurse.

Behind My Walls✔️
Fiction générale[COMPLETED] This is the story of a young lady who found herself being the only child of her parents which seems normal at first, but it comprised of hardship, struggle, grief, love and partial joy. ~ My name is Ikhbal, I am 19 years old from Abuja N...