Chapter 42

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"Ikhbal Adam". I heard my name echoed in the Graduation hall.

I stood quietly, with a glimpse of nervousness as majority's eyes were on me and gently walked to the rostrum. I hand shook the professors and as I was handed my certificate, the hall erupted with applause and whistles from Layla and Salim which reflected a smile on my face. And after taking pictures and rhapsodized by praises, I strode down with a throbbing heart to my seat.

Afterwards Layla collected hers, with the rest of the Graduates and we threw off our graduation hats, with laughter, pictures and utmost jubilation with family and friends. Awhile after the graduation party, we drove home with Abba, Aunty Asiya and Raliya likewise Layla and her family.

"Ikhbal habibti I'm so proud of you". Aunty Asiya hugged me.

I beamed. "Thank you".

"My little angel is now a pharmacist!". Abba bragged excitedly entering the living room. "Congratulations habibti".

I hugged him. "Thank you". I released him.

"That's my favorite daughter". He patted my cheeks.

I laughed. "I'm your only daughter Abba!".

He beamed. "I know and your Ammi will be so proud of you". He said which rendered the room eerily quiet. "I...".

I cuts in. "I know". Whilst he smiled at me pleadingly.

"..and that will remain Raliya to graduate InshaAllah". Aunty Asiya chimed.

"InshaAllah Aunty". Raliya grinned.

I swiftly excused myself to change my clothes and sauntered upstairs to my room. The achy tears at the brim of my eyes cascaded down my cheeks while I brushed it off and entered the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, cluttered with happiness and heart sore. Happy that I was able to accomplished my dream of becoming a pharmacist and saddened that the one person that always wants to see my dream come true wasn't present to witness it.

Saddened that Ammi wasn't present to celebrate my happy moment with, hence Ammi has been in all of my Graduation pictures since from nursery school and her absence now in my graduation pictures smiling right through the photos as she usually does was heart wrenching.

I washed off my face, performed ablution, changed into a more comfy dress and prayed my salat. Prayed for my Ammi, and grateful for my new stage in life which eased my chaos heart as I felt relieved and wrapped up my praying mat.

I was walking to my room door to exit when my phone started ringing in my purse. I smuggled it out and the least name I expected shown on my screen 'Khalil', hence he was busy with work because he wasn't present for the graduation as he promised.

"Hello Khalil".

"Hey Graduate!". He teased whilst I smiled. "How was the graduation?". He asked.

"It was fine, Alhamdulillah". I said sitting back on my bed.

"So.. Can I ask you something?". He sounded nervous.

"Yeah, what's up?".

He cleared his throat. "Uhh can I take you out tonight?". He asked. "A graduation dinner?". He added more like a question.

I thought for awhile. "Sure, not bad for a friend hang out". I laughed.

"Yeah, thank you, will come pick you up by eight". He said whilst I responded and ended the call.

I strolled down to the living room, meeting Abba, Aunty Asiya, and Raliya engaged in their conversation. I walked to a seat beside Raliya, with a smile from Raliya rubbing blue eyes in her arms as he was more fond of her, usually because he snuggled more to her and I sat beside her and patted his back.

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