Chapter 41

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"Aunty what should I cook for dinner?". Raliya asked entering my room.

"Wait, let me come and help you". I said walking to the closet to change into a more comfortable dress.

"Okay I will be in the kitchen". She said and left.

"I will help too, besides, she's my in_law to be, so I have to". Layla said and kept blue eyes on his cushion.

I shook my head. "You and your fantasies, well I hope it will come true one day".

"Same, by the way, did Raliya even feel the same for my brother? because Salim can't get to control his feelings for her. Can you imagine I taunted him with a picture I took of them awhile ago at the restaurant and he had to beg me to send it to him". She laughed.

"It's obvious that he likes Raliya so much, but we can't decide that for her, we just got to be patient for her to feel the same for him in dreams to come and by the way, Allah had planned our destiny, so we just have to pray their relationship come to be the best InshaAllah". I stated.

Raliya has been avoiding anything related to seeing Salim which included her running off to her room if he dares to come into the house but I think that has to do with her being cautious about her decision with him, perhaps Kawu Faruq never attempted anything anomalous to her ever since he left but that wasn't about his spiteful case, hence Raliya's mother had been an aiding shoulder to her daughter's studies which was all she needed at the moment.

"We hope their story turned out to be happily ever after, because I really need my jovial Salim back". She pouted whilst I shook my head and went into the closet.

I dressed into a jeans and oversized shirt, tied my hair with a scarf and walked to the door. "Let's go shall we".  I said to Layla. We sauntered into the kitchen, meeting Raliya already busy dicing vegetables on the board.

"So... What are we cooking?". Layla asked folding the brim of her sleeves.

"I'm making Salad here". Raliya said.

"Okay lets just make Nigerian jollof rice". I suggested.

"Right". Layla maneuvered through the kitchen.

"Hello ladies!". Aunty Safiyya makes herself visible in the kitchen whilst I swiftly hugged her.

"Aunty I didn't hear you knock, welcome". I said excitedly.

"Your Abba opened the door for me". And I make an O shape with my mouth.

"Aunty I was just about to help them cook, can you wait when I'm done?". Layla asked. "Puhlease!". She added pouting whilst I batted my eyes.

She laughed. "Ohkay, you guys shouldn't take long". She said exiting to the living room.

We finished cooking awhile ago, plated the foods on the dinning table, with persuasion Aunty Safiyya joined us to eat dinner. Aunty Safiyya complimented on the food, which I and Layla banter on who put more efforts on the food to take the glory.

"When is the Graduation day?". Aunty Safiyya asked.

"Uhhm! In five days to come InshaAllah". Abba answered instead.

She turned to him beaming. "MashaAllah, that was close, may Allah make it your best careers". She said.

"Ameen". We chorused.


The seat beside me dipped as Abba sat beside me watching the show playing on the TV after Layla and Aunty Safiyya left whilst Raliya excused herself to read her books in her room. I placed my head on his shoulder as he stroked my hair.


"Abba...". I laughed. "You first". I said.

"Habibti". He said and I hummed listening to him. "You know Allah has bestowed upon me the responsibility of you on my shoulders, ever since you were little, right before you know anything in this world to this stage". He paused. "You are educated academically and religiously, as that was my top priority, and I'm very much grateful to fulfilled that". He paused again. "But the topmost priority of a Father to his beautiful daughter is to marry her off". Which I choked on my spit and I coughed whilst he soothed my back.

"I'm okay". I smiled as the cough stopped.

He waited for me to get back to my position on his shoulder. "Ikhbal habibti, I never and would never think of forcing you to marry someone you don't like. All I want you to do is to take a step towards that because that is what will make me fully restful that I have fulfill my responsibilities to you". He said and I fidgeted with my hands as I was lost of words.

"Abba all I need is your prayers". I said.

"Always habibti, always!". He continued to stroke my hair. "The biggest dream of your Ammi is to see you married one day and I want your help in making that come true".

"InshaAllah, by god grace". I whispered.

We stayed quiet for awhile."What do you want to say before I chimed in?". He asked.

I sat to watch him. "Abba do you like Aunty Safiyya?". I blurted out, unable to hold it in.

His eyes widened a bit and swiftly turned normal. "Why do you say that Ikhbal?". He asked.

I shrugged. "I just think she's a good person and a good wife if Allah wills".

He looked away thinking for awhile. "Ikhbal nothing can be decided in our lives, unless if Allah has written for us". He turned to me. "And if Allah has destined for her to be my wife nothing can be against it".

His last statement tend to leave a smile on my lips. All I wanted for him was to move on with his life which will likely happen in the future but at the same time, I want him to marry the best spouse which I see in Aunty Safiyya.

"Uhmm! I just want to assure you that Aunty Safiyya is someone that can cure a huge part of your shattered heart, which is always in my prayers because Abba, it would hurt me to see you broken all over everyday and I hope what I suggested will fetter that". I explained whilst he stared at me blankly which ailed me a bit.

"I will make thought of it". He said at last.

"I hope I didn't peeked at my boundaries". I said. He shook his head whilst I beamed and laid my head back on his shoulder.

"You know your Ammi once suggested that I marry again when she was aware of her terminal disease, because she doesn't want you to loose a mother figure in your life". He paused whilst I cringed stopping the tears in my eyes. "But I didn't only neglect from hurting her but you, because I wasn't sure if taking that step would be pleasing to you".

The thought of Ammi suffering from Brain tumor was freshened to my memory, perhaps it was the least I could restraint myself from thinking, but all I could powered up myself to do for Ammi was to pray for her.

I cleared my teary face. "May Allah make Jannatul firdaus (paradise) her final abode". I prayed.

"Ameen". He answered and we quietly watched the show playing all in thought.


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