Chapter 4

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The next morning I stood in the doorway of the house where my Aunt and the twins were about to leave with their driver loading their luggage in the boot.

"Ohh! Aunty we are going to miss you so much" I said dolefully.

"My darling, I will miss you too, whenever you gained a school break, don't forget to visit me okay?"

"Yes I will".

"Remember to call me when you reach Kaduna", Ammi said.

"Okay Aunty Ikram, will put that in mind, Hanan, Manal hug Ammi goodbye". They did as she said and they hugged me too.

"Aunty when are you visiting us?" They asked me.

"Very soon, I will miss you so much habibtees", I said patting their cheeks.

"We will 'mish' you too".

They entered the car and waved us goodbyes.

"Ammi I'm cooking today". I want to make use of my free time to make myself busy.

"Okay Ikhi, what are you cooking?"

"Maybe I will make some spaghetti bolognese for gada'a. lunch and for dinner maybe some Egyptian Rozz me'ammar and Broccoli salad with watermelon basket as the dessert".

She stared at me for a while. "Are you sure you are cooking twice and 'rozz me'ammar', Yalla habibti let's go let me help you cook". She said heading towards the kitchen.

"No Ammi you don't have to help me, I can do it alone and in fact Raliya can help me with it".

"Okay, but I have to be checking on it, I don't want you to go and mess everything up".


"Oh my god! Ikhi you did a mess here!" Ammi said uncovering the pot of chicken.

"Ammi ana asif.Ammi I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm thinking, I literally forgot to off the gas and now I mess it up", I said looking doleful.

"Ohh! habibti you don't have to be sad, everyone was an amateur before becoming an expert okay? So you will learn it someday". She said whilst I beamed.

End of flashback:

"Ammi you don't have to be checking on me cooking, as you said before, I'm now an expert".

"Don't worry you can go and cook your food, I'm going to my room ma'assalam", She said heading to the stairs.

I prepared the food and switched on the oven, and when it was time to pray zuhr prayer (2nd obligatory prayer) I got back to my room to pray, I performed ablution, pray and prayed my azkar, I pulled my phone from my locker just to received an anonymous message.

"Sadiq is cheating on you".

Oh my god! who is this? and why is it this message? with so many questions in my head, I called the number twice but it was switched off and I didn't have any idea on what to do order than to call Layla.

"Layla can you come to my house now?"

"Ohhkay! what is wrong pretty? She said sounding confused.

"Well I received an anonymous message which says that 'sadiq is cheating' and I called the number twice but its switched off " I stated.

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