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Norway gulps hard as he stands in front of the nations' office. The three of them are all waiting for him to enter. Norway hoped to God that no secretary will suddenly open the door because she's not ready yet. Norway sighs deeply. Lan keeps reminding him that he should just remain calm, they won't be angry at him.

Norway feels that Phil is like the only daughter of the three Nations. What does he mean by that? He means that litteraly. It's as if they are three strict fathers and that one wrong word that you say about their daughter, they will have you dead within a minute. Norway finally gathers his composure. Norway wipes the sweat off of his forehead before he smiles then let's the people open the doors. And there they are... The three Nations... They all look like final boses in a game. UN is in the middle. They all glare at him with serious poker faces. "Welcome Norway, we heard that you wanted to talk to us" EU smiles to ease Norway's mind a bit.

"Y-Yes sirs.." Norway replied, he's very nervous. EU drops his smile, he goes in front of Norway, glaring daggers into his soul. "Look Norway, we're not sure to dilly dally, tell us your intentions before it's too late" EU tells him. It's the first time that Norway saw EU this serious, the person who is his role model, his father figure, looks at him as if he's a father that is very protective of his daughter which is Philip. Philip is a boy, but they act as if he's a daughter because they are too protective of him. Sadly they can't do anything about the bullying...

"I..." Norway gulps hard. Norway then looks at him with great confidence, "I want to learn more about him, I have no I'll intensions, I only want to be his friend" Norway tells them. Asean whispers to UN. UN then starts to clap. "Very well Mr. Norway" UN says as they move to the couch for Norway to have a seat.

"We will provide you these information but you are to shut your mouth, you so know the reason why we hide a country's information right?" Norway gulps. This is somewhat a bug gamble. "Yes...." Norway replies. "Good, now listen, for we shall only tell you once" Norway readies himself mentally. Norway nods to show them that he's ready. The nations start to tell them Phil's story. After everything that they told him, Norway had shed a tear during their telling. The nations are all trusting him more but they also think that he's an emotionally weak idiot. "That's terrible.." Norway says with a sad expression. Norway feels so bad for Philip. Him and his brothers also had a rough time but Philip is still having a bad time after all these centuries... After all these decades..... And to top it all off, Philip got his wings cut off....

Norway had seen kazkhstan before, kazkhstan has large, majestic wings. He had golden wings. Norway thinks about what Phil could look like if he were to still have his wings? "He had golden wings? Have you ever.... Have you ever seen them Mr. UN? Mr. EU? Mr. Asean?" Norway asks them. "Well yes, when Philip was a child, he used to love flying around, I'm sure that you've seen kazkhstan, he has majestic golden wings, Philip and him had the same wings, they both had golden wings" Asean replies to Norway's question. "Really? I wish i could've seen them..... Maybe Phil would be still smiling..." Norway speaks without even noticing. Norway is too focused on thinking about how depressing Phil's past has been.

"Don't you dare get any funny ideas Norway" EU says with a smile. "Y-Yes..." Norway feels like he needs to leave. "But why?" Norway speaks again. "But why what?!" "Why do you all just let the humans, why let the other countries treat him like garbage?!? Why let them bully him, abuse him as if he's nothing but an object, a punching bag! A toy! Phil does not deserve any of this! Phil shouldn't be experiencing all of this bullying!" Norway shouts at them angrily. Why is he angry?

"We wish that we could stop them.... We had tried everything.... We already told the humans, the countries... Eveyrone... Over a million times but they never listen.... Don't get us wrong, we did everything to get Spain, America and the  others, away form Philip, but they keep coming back, we also expelled hundreds of humans out of this school but they all became corrupt because of America and the others.... we expelled hundreds of students all at the same time, over 50 times but everything fails.... We also tried to just make Philip be tutored but no teacher... No one would agree....." The nations explain their side. Norway now understands. The nations care about Philip very much, they did everything, doing everything they could to make Philip normal and happy, costed over billions of dollars. The nations don't care about the amount of money they had spent. For them, this isn't stupid, everything that they are doing to help Philip is working and also not working at eh same time. The nations wanted to take Philip in as their son from a young age but they couldn't because of their rule. All they could do is have Philip be adopted multiple times. They couldn't take Philip in even if they actually really wanted to.

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